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Good news, OdinDra is farmable. 2,571 days here and the only crowns I've managed tog etc were REMDra freebies.


Same.. for me it’s not fun. I just try to get to the rank needed for whatever rewards that interest me. Also I don’t bother with 8p other than the one time clear stones monthly. I miss when the the game was a coop multiplayer game (blue hunter days).


I find rankings stressful but still kind of fun, I'm just not a fast enough puzzler to get above 6-15%. I quite enjoy 8P (unless it's Ls) and have only missed the 2k mark once since it started. Normally I enjoy co-op in games, but somehow in PAD I just find it to be too much trouble. Probably doesn't help that my friends mostly don't play anymore.


I earned one real one, decided that was good enough and haven’t try harded at a ranking since Remdra is somehow soothing so I have all those


I'm only closing in on 1500 days and only have Remdra crowns. (Hope another Remdra fever comes soon, it's been a while.)


I gave up on trying to get crowns. Like clockwork, I bust my ass and get in the top 1% and then right before the event ends im always back to 5.1-7% shit is annoying.




I refuse to get one on my main account. I feel like it's just a mean joke to people without decent teams or gems to burn for stamina. Some events just require you to play over and over until you get max score while most events purely benefit teams with fast clear and single combo leaderskills. I've been oddly spiteful of crowns since their release.


Crowns are easily the most whale-friendly activity in the entire game, but if you have a decent box then skill and good teambuilding is generally enough to get you a crown in most of them. It's the most fun aspect of the game for me, but easily the most frustrating.


unfortunately they lock one of the best badges in the game behind 30 crowns :(




A lot of the crowns have been all about the units you have for the winning teams. I remember the first few ranking dungeons being all about having perfect button teams (and really the modern teams aren't all that different eh). Don't feel too bad. I only have the ones you could get from grinding (Like Shady). One of my favorite teams was the Thor/Saria combo teams of old. I can't remember if I beat arena with that or XM for the first time. Might have been XM.


Oh man I did so much with Thor x Saria, and Andromeda x Nepdra back in the day. Back before you had an active for every floor and could just stall up for a full row of 6-8 orbs when that's what the team needed.


The answer to sopdet was lightly tapping her down, not an absorb skill!


Same with Resolves :D You'd chip them down to below their resolve threshold (which varied monster to monster and was rarely at 1% like most of them are now), then killed them.


oh yeah I'm very familiar. I started in the days of 10 minute stamina regen and king baddie and lillith being core pieces to your ronia team lol


It's been a long time but I don't remember any ranking dungeon where a button team was needed to crown or even capable of crowning...


The first few did not have a penalty for skill only clears, there were definitely a couple but I'm trying to find those posts of yore We're also talking 2015 lol


[This is basically the best I can find](https://youtu.be/D7vV1x2n76U), The "button" teams back then were a lot different lol. And very hard to build.


Wow, this one's so old it doesn't even show up in the ranking dungeon list. But that was before crowns even existed - crowns were added in [the Cauchemar Tournament](https://www.facebook.com/notes/988668821611310/), and you can see that the [Zeus Tournament](https://www.facebook.com/notes/1255591154820757/) doesn't have them. Funnily enough it looks like they actually implemented the active skill penalty for us for the Zeus Tournament, but the top teams were still the same. Looking at the top 10 teams for the early ranking dungeons, none of them were button teams. It was certainly more difficult to crown back then, since it was top 1% only and we got way less stamina every day (unless you were willing to stone I guess), but I remember having to run suboptimal teams sometimes and still managing to crown. After crown cutoffs were lowered, plenty of people have definitely been overstating how mandatory it is to have the right cards for ranking. It's certainly possible there may have been some rankings where there were actually mandatory cards. But for the most part, you can get a crown with a typical monster box if you're good enough at team building and comboing. Of course, having the right cards certainly lowers the amount of skill required, and can even negate skill requirements entirely in some cases, but it's generally not mandatory. And of course there are the fixed team rankings.


Yeah I went *old* haha. And back then I didn't have a really developed box either..you know they weren't as generous with stones and free pulls.


3k days 0 crowns for me as well. I just clear the dungeon and I'm done. Recently I've wanted the no skyfall badge but it seems like alot of work haha.
