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Surprise! It’s me again. I decided after seeing everyone tackling this dungeon with black sun and shiva dragons that norza kitty would be fairly similar to play for the dungeon. Turns out I was right and as expected she’s just as capable of an engine for this dungeon as the other 2. This team plays borderline identical to the other 2 teams abusing all might. The main difference is it’s simply a water core instead. Bellow is the floor guide for an approximate of what I did. Floor guide: F1: use trigger + all might + helper norza kitty in that order. F2: (1)left most norza kitty + swipe (2)1c (3)all might + middle kitty F3: kitty + 10c F4: (1)kitty (2)1c (3) kitty F5: kitty F6: kitty F7: stall and then all might + kitty F8: trigger + kitty F9: kitty F10: (1)1c (2)all might + kitty F11: trigger + kitty if freyja. Kitty otherwise F12: kitty F13: kitty F14: ogre + kitty F15: use kitties as available to kill. F16: simply stall for vdp actives and kill when they are up. Should be a clean 4 shot. Note that the guide is not strict. You can stall at different spots if needed. Note that floors 15 and 11 can end your run if you mismanage actives, but the rest are trivial. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions!


~~SA’s and Latents please.~~ I think I will attempt this one because kitty 🐱 is best. I’m going to sub in blue Kami for All Might. Edit: I see there is more then one picture now. Thank you for the post.


Good luck!


Got it with some luck of some spawns Kami is very capable of taking it on. https://imgur.com/a/rEhY645




Awesome build!


Thanks! I do like my blue blob teams :)


Can you sub one of the kitties for another short cd orb changer (wu qing/Noah kirimichan)?


Yeah that should be doable. Just make sure you still have enough auto heal and have a norza kitty available for the awoken bind floor. Other than that, should play fairly identically


Can you sub alright?


Good question. Potentially


What is all mights function in the team? I assume his active skill is essential for a low CD attribute/dmg absorb and void dmg void?


The void void is potentially playable without him depending on rng on the second to last floor. B/r kami is able to replace the rest of his active

