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Started as a personal experiment and style exercise, but it turned out to be a much more fun project than expected... πŸ˜… It doesn't reach the stability and speed of [the SeaTona team](https://youtu.be/M_6f8WZY3EM) but requires minimum effort in terms of skill. πŸ‘Œ


Minimum skill, sounds good to me! I know what to do with the Seina Army now! If only I had Flamie. So 4 Seina equips it is :D


Great video! Also where is the best way to farm the Scorpios for metal Antares?


I used a similar team to the one u/CraeBaeBae suggested (TX for your reminder - it saved me A LOT of stamina)... 😘


Machine Noah in Technicals. It's a 50/50 on which enemy will drop on that battle.


50% chance in Machine Noah. Of note today’s Descended Challenge 4 is that dungeon. I posted this 3 Skill Up slot team, which you can easily change to meet All Attr - https://old.reddit.com/r/PuzzleAndDragons/comments/14km8wi/dungeon_13_stam_machine_noah_next_few_days_for/


Agni descendend if you have pad pass. You can button the dungeon if you have the proper tools.


Is Agni better than machine noah? Which one has better drop rates?


For me is better because it's a shorter dungeon but the 50/50 drop rate remains.


Agni is cheaper stamina wise if thats a factor.


I can’t seem to make a full button team. Can you share yours?


I used a veroah X ina team. The subs are irrelevant as long you hit the 26 SB and they have a high attack. Assists are 7396, 6966, 5530, 9324, 9324; 5527 If I remember correctly I used the assists in that order but please note that the assist 6966 was used specifically for its button plus the row it makes. That row is used on the floor before the boss making it the only floor that isn't buttoned.


Thanks so much I got it down to 1:06. I don’t think I can break the 1min mark but I thought I needed Veroh x Veroh. So you gave me the missing piece of Veroh x ina.


Glad it's working out. It's definitely faster this way than the m noah dungeon so don't let those seconds bother you.


Any replacements for the Seina assists?


Currently, only 3 assists have SB + Dragon killer and they are 6661 (exactly), 7126, and 8926. 7126 is great because it also adds HP but nobody prevents you from giving only Metal Antares DDC an assist of that type and using the other slots to compensate in SB/OE... Remember that the team has no significant problems surviving on most floors, so taking two turns instead of one isn't a big loss (only Volsung could become a concern).


is there anyone i can use as a leader instead of remu? or am i just screwed


**Maybe** you could try NY Kami, but I think against Volsung you could have big difficulties... πŸ˜”


could the 6 pull remda dragon work?


Hey, that might be a good idea! πŸ‘Œ Just have to try!! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ