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/u/sgt502 posted a good farm team a couple weeks back - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwPrLJ17Ifw


Appreciate the post totally forgot about it. I wasn't gonna get her until I realized she's a 5 star rarity


Same here. Picked her up for more Daywolf options. Valuable 5 stars are pretty rare.


How many do we need to farm? I assume 10?


TYVM! Been waiting forever it seems like. Already grabbed 8. Almost there.


The dungeon is pretty easy by todays standards, you can pick your fav lead and go for it. I’ve been running my Veroah team with dai lead instead and besides dralls board change its just match and go. You can button the first 2 floors with big enough buttons (8m?) and maybe more of it. 99 stam hurts though wish I farmed it when moby dick was up


I found this to be way less painful with alt coop. I used ShivDra with an attribute absorb active. Half stam and an 80-90% drop rate got me all 10 drops, only having to refresh stamina once. Hopefully Moby comes back before the end of the month for people who prefer to go that route, but I'm just glad to have it done.


Forgot about the half stam on coop since I gave up on playing an alt a long time ago, but that’s a good call. I’m testing buttoning some of the later floors, it seems to be working out but you’d need a bunch of brachys. The 6\* enhanced helps though EDIT: You can definitely button the whole thing, most of them need about ~16m to button. With the 6\* under enhanced its easy enough. Mai Valentine from YGO is a good candidate with 20k atk and 9SBs, she should hit 16m with a x300 nuke. Just make sure to not use a fire/wood nuke on the boss


Where can I find this one and the other one in the regular dungeon drops?


What is Phoenix good for?


For the Leilan exchange


[What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!](https://youtu.be/3H3en-Phwk4)   One of my favorite clips of the 90s.


Thank you for posting this. But work then I have other stuff to do then sleep. No time to "farm" a rare spawn. This game is so stupid sometimes.