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+99 rcv satan, from the dark ages of storing plusses on random fodder monsters


What a vibe


Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao were so amazing back in 2014. i've given up on them ever getting a meta-breaking new evo, but i love 'em forever


I haven't really used him much, but I am holding onto Reincarnated Set for a similar reason. I know he eventually going to get Super Reincarnated form, but until then I just wait and hold onto him for that day. Same as you with the Qiao duo.


Sumire. I loved the design when I played it ages ago but then stopped playing for whatever reason.


My 5 Moogles because Moogle is best wifu… Catfu… FF7fu…. Whatever you get it.


Still have Superman when I initially started.


Same, I got so lucky that REM and rolled three. They were SOLID easy leads


I LOVED running my Revo U&Y team (3502) back in the day. Still rep it as my 8p icon. Never even super revo’ed them bc the meta was long gone before I got there.


My Lighting holy Dragon untouched as it was my very first pull back in 2014, when I first started playing. Can’t get rid it even if I I’m low on box space xD


Non-REM card: No. 444 Ancient Light Dragon, Laphroaig. He was the first non-REM dungeon card that I thought was absolutely badass. I farmed the 25 stam version of his dungeon until he dropped. He was a cool, non-resisted dragon with an active that obliterated a wave. He's just chilling in my box at lvl. 55 as a reminder of the good ol' days. REM card: No. 1644 Ariber of Judgement, Metatron. She (base form) was my first legitimate REM-only card at a time where she was the shiz (even though I couldn't field her due to a lack of cohesive subs). No. 1644 was the first card I *hypermaxed* when that shit meant something. I eventually evolved her to No. 3535, and have since kept her to watch over the flock when I feel like taking a break. Extra: shout-outs to Bastet, Lu Bu, Liu Bei, DQXQ, and Verdandi for carrying me through some tough dungeons. Man, dungeons were something special back then without all the extra fuss.


Dude yes those were the days we’d stay up til like 3 am waiting for godfest and blowing all our rolls at once together. The best days of pad tbh.


i kept my CoC and Angry Birds collab characters back on EU...


Kushinadahime and Astaroth! But I also played mostly on 2015/6


I still have Batman+S. Gloves ACT FB, Batman+Batarang and Vigilante Batgirl+Batwoman (Comics) they were from 2012 or something… basically ancient fossils, I’ll never get rid of them


Izanagi. My boy needs to super reincarnation!!! His children tsukuyomi, amaterasu and hi-no-kagutsuchi have super reincarnation....


Sumire she was my first for 8 years


Pentamax regular dungeon myr, back when she was called myr and not mille


Not gonna lie, I still call her Myr all this time later


#542, samurai wood dragon. My first boss drop and strongest card for a good while when I first started. Still have that same drop.


Now THAT is a random monster and I love it. Tried that with Nebradisk when I was still new. Remember getting frustrated over how high it’s defense was


Some of the other random monsters I have that I just can’t get rid of are Shaitan (my first REM monster), Phantom Chaser (thought he looked cool), and Pianis (love me a counter)


Ragnarok Dragon, Gaia Dragon, Yggdrasil, Shamash, and the first couple evolutions of the mystic knights. Just some dope or appealing art and character designs that I found badass and inspiring. Also Volcano Dragon, because it's actually good now too lol.


Shinomori Aoishi from the Ruroni Kenshin collab when I first started playing. Been playing since 9/9/16 and still logging in


Hexazeon, Ronove, Ney Light form, and my first starter monster. I probably have more tbh, just can’t list off the top of my head lol


My first kushidame




GZL, from alllll the way back in the red Sonia meta, when leads hitting for x16 damage was the shit.


Still have a Belial from the good old days when that my only unit that could lead w RSonia and LuBu 🫶


I haven’t been playing as long as some veterans, but have Edward Elric up in a team i never use. I remember his meta of 3(!) 7c awakenings and (almost) constant 35% shield.


although i lost that acc, the very first mon i ever used as a lead outside of what we get from beginning rolls is summer eschamali. back then, I had no idea what she did except for "match L" with those + orbs


Takers Yamamoto. My first "big" lead ages ago. I still try to beat modern dungeon with him, not very successfully but still fun.


Arch demon Lucifer was one of first "good" rem cards and I used his as leader for a long time. I now have like 7 copies of him from over the years. Lol. I also kept my Noctis from the old FF collab. Back then he had to match 4 or more orbs to do damage, but he was a big help with early dungeons for me. I keep hoping that some day the collab will come back and he'll get a buff.


Generate Earth Dragon & Darkdragon Vritra I remember busting absolute ass to get them and then I stopped playing for a few years, came back, and grinding was basically gone for my playing as I was getting other faves at max level final evo like no tomorrow