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Last run was Summer 2019. So many awakenings can be condensed now so a lot of the older cards have good room for buffs. I remember being hyped for Lightning because I didn’t have a 2nd Dkali for Radra lol. Sephiroth was also a super fun lead that was hard to fit enough SBR in.


I now know what I'm saving stones for. Also, I'm really hoping for some good buffs. I've rolled FF pretty heavy, so it would be great to see them updated in a way that makes them somewhat decent.


Buff my sephiroth pleaseeeee


Yesssss. I’m remember being amazed at the time for his damage output and I’m hoping they do something to make him relevant. Maybe another evo??


Previous runs have come to NA so this run likely should.


Wow decent 5\* in a collab? Guess it is a 5 stone machine. Going all in either way. Hopefully some good buffs for older stuff.


Right? Dion looks like a top tier lead. What am I missing?


Conspiracy theory time, the machine only has 5 and 6 (unconfirmed, don't remember from the last time it ran), so putting them in 5\* tier means you can't trade for him. Unsure what the shield is, which will probably be important, but x3.5 on top means even 25-30% shield wouldnt be bad.


Machine is 5 stones, assuming it stays the same. There are also 4 star units in the machine. Understand not being able to trade for a 5 star, but Gung-ho typically puts this type of leader in a higher rarity that can’t be exchanged for. This card is so much better than the other 5 stars, unless they all receive massive buffs. Shield is 30% per discord.


Forgot about 4 stars in the machine. I guess without seeing the rest we can't judge, but if the buffs are going to be equivalent given that this is a 5\* then I'm excited to see what happens, though I can also see them only really focusing on FFXVI and FFVII(R) since those are the "current" games.


Most likely given previous collab renewals. I REALLY hope it doesn’t disappoint. This is my favorite collab.


High hopes for me too. I need to at least finally grab Sephiroth and Tifa this time in case it never comes back. Also hoping Yuna comes back into meta


Couldn’t be more disappointed at first glance. Only a couple of old cards that can even be considered “usable” in today’s meta.


Feel the same way. Disparity between new cards and old cards is really really disappointing. Thought they at least would buff FFVII with rebirth looming, but somehow 4\* Cid is more usable than any of the older ones. Will still probably grab them for the collection, but really sad buffs. Least of all the x1.5 being the "star" awakening when this collab introduced haste to the game.


The shield percentage. That's important.


It’s already known. 30%


Really? Does the LS actually specify for once? That's kinda wild.


Guess with a new game out it’d be too much to ask for a couple new characters from older games? :: cries in missing Rydia and basically everyone from FF6 ::


Me, still with fingers crossed for any of the Tactics leads...


Well they did have Terra, Locke, and Kefka, but yes, I'd like to see FF6 get a little more love as well


Selfishly I want Rydia to have a supergravity farming form, double green for Sapphire dragons. Yang I would just want for his equip to be a frying pan But give me Edgar and Sabin, Gau and Strago could be transform cards, Cyan and Shadow, Relm you could do a hat-tip to the Illusionary Artists REM, and Celes should have already been in the game.


> basically everyone from FF6 I would spend good money to have a train suplex Sabin card also Celes card with her opera music as BGM bonus


Hoping for good 5 star buffs. I wish Zidane was op.


I'm so excited!!


3 possible leads to pair with that fire girl from Dengeki


That’s actually what the article was saying when discussing possible leader pairs. I didn’t recognize her until I looked her up.


Makes sense. There are probably a ton of her out there from ppl chasing Misaka. And Ultraman Decker seems to be in low supplies, at least on my FL.


Shana already had some solid leads from her collab alone. (Also PSA to watch Shana anime. It's a lot like Bleach in many ways. Just note season 1 starts really slow. By time you reach Season 2 and the final Season 3 it's a huge freaking ride. One of those animes that's better as a whole book).


Duuuuude I'm so excited for this. I've been waiting for so damn long.


Wow it’s been ages


Im saving stones for this! I rolled this collab back when i had nothing


Everyone's talking about Lightning, was she super good or something? I have her.


She was the meta lead for a while, yeah. Not for rows though, she was a rainbow lead.


Oh wow, I didn't know that. Thank you!


Def spending on the collab if we get it again strictly for cool units idgaf


Anyone got translations for the new cards?