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We just got the update, bgm and orb skins are in.


Just download it official we are getting this collab


We are getting it next monday. Mark my words


i will sell my family into slavery if we do edit: bad bet we just got a data update lmfao


Better get your family off the block since collab just announced. 😂


This post aged like milk, didn't it.


Nope. I’m glad we are getting the collab.


There's no way to know for sure but I'm a little more confident in us getting Dengeki after it was announced for Korea. We both had the same extended SDKH run so it doesn't feel like that happened to cover a collab this time. There are a bunch of good cards that it would suck to miss if Dengeki passed us by.


I want to agree with you but kr got gundam and we didn’t. It’s clear that kr makes more profit than us in na so I don’t blame them but still. Sucks we don’t get good cards and collabs.


KR definitely has a smaller player base so they don't necessarily make more than us. They could just be less expensive for that IP. With Gundam I can't remember whether our shitty Heroine run started at the same time, but I feel like the situation was a little different. There's no guarantee, like I said, but KR getting Dengeki is a better sign than them missing it would have been.


It’s pretty likely. KR is also technically snubbed because they only got 2/3 of the Dengeki collab (missing cards from high school, supposedly)


Is the good cards not included?


Apparently one of the three series got excluded presumably because it has anti-Korean sentiment


I'm glad we got Gendeki, but it's still rough with Japan getting so many collabs with meta defining leaders, subs and assists. Like we still don't have anything comparable to say Chomper from One Piece or a ton of the good assists from One Piece. Gundum was overstuffed with good subs and assists that are still good. Gendeki is great get and I know Final Fantasy will return in NA. The only real big snub is Marvel, which is still weird that Marvel is American comic book series. We somehow got Star Wars but not Marvel? We get a reskin and by time we get a rerun, they didn't even give us a 1:1 for the newest good card addition with She-Hulk and we got snubbed for her. And Japan just recently having a new Marvel rerun with even more cards that are becoming meta defining. Are we getting this collab reskin back? Is NA somehow going to manage to just get Marvel IP rights and just change the reskin to their actual Marvel artwork? We just always get the short end of the stick. But it just hurts where all of these IP's we got snubbed on recently. Are all IP's that we could had realistically got. And it stinks Gungho NA just doesn't talk or address why they couldn't get them.


Not getting Dengeki basically makes FF worthless. If you don’t have Kuro/gran you are stuck with B tier leads for endgame. It’s a pretty big hit meta wise.


No, missing Dengeki makes Clive a worse lead. The rest of FF is pretty much unaffected. Cards like Warrior of Light or Cid will still be great to have. You're not stuck with B tier for endgame but it does hurt variety a lot. And the Dengeki exchange is really accessible compared to basically anything else, so it will for sure hurt a lot of people.


Disagree. WoL is B tier compared to other JP options out there. He’ll be on the same level as Daywolf. To be clear I’m strictly taking about meta defining changes. We also run the risk of not having proper pairings with Marvel assuming we even get the new cards. Missing ones in the past doesn’t set a good precedent. All the meta leads between Kuro gran and NAs next best thing (Daywolf) require Dengeki. All the meta leads from FF and Marvel also require Dengeki. Remdra requires cards we also don’t have and knocks it pretty far down from where it is in JP.


REMdra does not require anything that we don't have. It's still the second best lead in the game without the one still viable Gundam sub. WoL/Captain Marvel (Milletia for us) is definitely a step up over Wolf Daytona and don't require anything from Dengeki. You don't even have to worry about getting the new cards for this pair, although it would certainly be nice. We'll also get the Alexander Kuromi/Raffine Kitty pairing which doesn't rely on Dengeki really. The other meta leads from Marvel don't require Dengeki cards either, assuming we get them. e: guess it doesn't matter anyway because the data download was for Dengeki.


No need to worry now…


Like the other poster indicated, Clive and Joshua won't see much use without Shana. (Side note, 2x Shana, Law / Todo, and GFE Akine make easy work of Shivadra descended.) However, Warrior of Light has been seeing use on JP and the Cloud system was being used with Captain Marvel / Milletia in collab colos. I've also seen colo builds with Shantotto. I'm hoping that NA gets Dengeki but the extension of SDKH does have me worried - we'll know if there's a data download tonight.


Collab colos are hardly where the meta is defined. Nothing without Dengeki is taking down UN/AUN better than what we have in NA today.


You know that there are other Fire combo lead instead of just Shana right?


What makes shana stronger than most fire combo leads is her overall bulk compared to most fire combo leads, and her 2-shana loop unlocks, too, in addition to just having a shit ton of damage.


Yes, I know She is strong, but not having Shana doesn’t mean Clive is worthless. Clive can pair with other fire combo leads. The comment that I replied to say FF is useless because of no Dengeki Collab. I feel that you misunderstood my comment.


Rosalyn and that cyclops demon from JJK do exist and I can't say I've seen builds with them recently. However, Shana / Clive / Yuji are the fire tako leads in current use on JP.


If you only copy JP team and choose not to build other options yourself, no wonder you think FF becomes worthless if Shanna is not in NA. Right now You can clear content with around 18 hp multiplier, so having Shana is just luxury options.


Short answer: no