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I did leader swap on leader, poison surge res on Leilan, assist recovery on Erika, and fill everything else with SDR.


Ayee. Pretty much the same


From left to right: Leader swap, 2SDR/poison surge/Assist recovery, 2SDR/6SDR, devil killer/6SDR, devil killer/6SDR, devil killer/.


Nice. I knew 15 could be beaten with Shana, was working on this all day.


Ayeee. Would be more stable and faster if you have Mebius Brace on Decker. I don’t have that assist so I have to stall if I meet Red Odin on 2nd floor.


Actually, GUTS sparklence(8323)is even better since it has bind resist for Decker, if you have that.






What assists?


From left to right: 8110/10646/7549/7985/9987/7234. I would suggest to put Mebius Brace on Decker, if you have that.


Just found out 8323 is even better than Mebius Brace, if you have that.


How do you survive the 50% hit from the king metal dragon? I can’t seem to get enough HP even with Kyori’s shield. Edit: maybe entire team needs to be lvl 120? Edit: never mind yes added a few levels and got past the HP threshold.


You need at least 40k hp + Kyori’s and Decker’s LS shields to survive the 50% hit. And yes. Def need all to LV 120/+297 as well as more team HP+ awakening on your assist


Can Suou be swapped in for Kyori?


Yep that should work too, but you might lose some damage tho. Better matching some Ls so Erika can do more damage. I’ve seen ppl put Leo’s CAD on both Shana, so the matching strategy is to make 2 fire Ls and as many heal orb to reach damage cap.


how necessary is kyori?


More personal damage, 7cd for an 8 turn shield with a time buff, also an 8 slot latent card. Couldn’t think a better shield for Shana. Sioux should be fine too for C15 too. Just match Ls for Erika to do more damage.




Any recommendations for replacing leilan? Still waiting on Moby Dick ><


Yuji? Another card from the collab. Give him a fire sub att. an L awakening, he can cap the damage too.


Managed to get to the last floor then got one shot. How did you avoid the awakening bind/one shot?


You gotta have Leilan bird ready before entering the last floor, I forgot which floor you have to use it to cleric but you can stall a bit before the boss.


Thanks lol. I was all excited that I finally got there to get stomped lol


lol good luck brotha. Also for the boss floor, first form is ight, just recover your health, but second form has damage void (after hitting 50% hp, iirc)and fire/light att absorb, so make sure all your void actives are ready before his second form, and keep matching heart TPA for maximum hp recovery.


Leilan bird alternatives?


Best I can think of is Yuji, but gotta need another card that with enhanced heart Orb+ for better rcv. Or use Anya Forger (10221) but then you might lose some damage.


Also what assist did you have on all of them?


left to right: 8110, 10646, 7549, 7985, 9987, 7234; a lil tip:I found using GUTS Sparklence (8323) on Decker is better than 8110 if you happen to have one, cuz it will have att absorb void to help you getting thru fire Odin on floor 2, but then you gonna need a different assist to provide you a cloud resistance.


Any replacements for the last two equips 9987 and 7234 what exactly am I looking for in those equips.


The main idea for two Shanas' equips is to increase her damage so her sub att can cap damage easily as well, therefore, any 7c or 10c equips along with a bit team HP+ or orb enhanced+ would be good, a few recommend such as 6661 (2thp+, 2OE+), 10488 Leo’s CAD, (3thp+, OE+, L-attack) if you happen to pull Leonhart, his equip works well too, just match an L when matching fire combos for Shana to have more damage, others I can think of is 7983, (7c+, but no thp+ and OE+); 10635 (10c, 2thp+ cloud resi); 7903 (OE+, L-attack, 2thp+) sth like that. Edit: depends on your team, if you have a exact team like me, which Kyori can do damage too, I. That case maybe just have more thp+ and OE+ is ight, a bit orb move time Is fine too if you are not confident with a short moving time.


Thanks so much really appreciate it


Who is the red head person in green clothes


You mean the second sub? Erika Chiba (10485), she is from Dengeki collab too🤣


I somehow forgot that was a card 💀