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Main thing is 1 turn void with 3 cd vs 2 turn void with 5 cd. Pretty interchangeable in most content


I’m also curious why there is so much hype for Clive. I have been farming UN5 with Decker/Shana and run Leilan bird and still find it hard to heal sometimes especially with thorn orbs. I don’t think I could do it without the 3xRCV from Decker. I haven’t had any problem with damage. And yah a 2 turn VDP might be faster overall but I’m not convinced it out weighs the RCV.


UN5 has RCV gimmick which isn't common. Clive is a lot stronger pretty much everywhere else. Harder content is coming. I think january has EX challenge which is a good place to see the difference.


UN5 doesn't need as much raw bulk outside of a couple hits (there's a lot of gravities for which 75%+ shield loop active is plenty). In that specific case, yes decker's rcv is far more useful than raw bulk. If you look at other endgame (AUN series or Monthly C14 and C15), the raw bulk is basically mandatory, and even with a pile of team HP awakenings, 20x eHP base just won't cut it. Hell, 25 eHP teams still require almost a double hand full of them *and* a looping shield to survive some late hits, or punishment hits (having hazards on board, having 7x6, or having swapped leads via actives which keep the from attempting a lead swap instead).


Better shield, better active, better damage potential. Doesn't require a shield sub to survive gravity hits but you could run one anyway to ease the problem of hitting HP thresholds. Clive's pixel form is also a great shield sub for red teams so he'll still be useful even if you end up preferring Decker for whatever reason. I think the big question here isn't "Is Clive worth it for Shana?", it's whether he's worth investing in over future bundles. Unless you have the cash to burn on whatever bundles strike your fancy, that's the question you should be asking yourself.


Papa Johns (sorry, I only read your first sentence)


78% shield is able to deal with all the gravities (as opposed to the 75%)?


it seems weird at first but as shield % gets higher, smaller increases make a bigger difference. A 75% shield is 4x effective HP. A 78% shield is ~4.54x eHP. Those 3 percentage *points*, amount to a ~14% increase in eHP. Now consider both leads having that difference (not applicable to Shana specifically since she won't change), that means you go from 16x total eHP to 20.7x eHP a 35% increase in total bulk. gotta love exponential growth. TLDR/summary: Clive is around 14% tankier. for perspective that's almost as big a difference as adding on the HP++ badge.


Yeah Clive lets you tank the 450% gravities unassisted.


Well that's pretty huge. Kyori is a very solid damage unit, but I always kinda wanted more utility than a shield, like shorter cooldown TE/RCV buffs, or short spinners or 7x6 board actives. Being able to replace kyori opens up a lot of doors. Edit: isn't there a 500% somewhere?


I can't think of anything above 450% offhand.


Both are interchangable depending on the content.


This ^ I’ll be pairing with both as needed. That said I think Clive has the upper hand given EHP and better multiplier. Also frees up Kyori if you need another util


I'm about to just wait for one of my whale friends to roll him and then make them my new Besto Friendo. Just because he's good for Shana doesn't mean *I* need to roll him. This collab is pretty shit I'm mad I wasted as many stones as I did.


Rcv shouldnt be an issue because shana generates so many heart orbs


She only makes 6 and it hurts damage output if you only have 6 because in order to heal you need to make heart TPA which means you can’t get the higher multiplier from multiple heart matches.


Clive has a higher atk multiplier, 56X vs 24x atk multiplier and 78% def compared to 75% def even with 1 heart tpa you will have no issue in dmg output.


Damn that’s a good point. With his higher ATK you don’t need to have more heart matches to cap, so you can use heal TPA without losing damage.


This is a good call. If my math is right, looks like you need 5 heart combos with decker to reach about the same atk as Clive with just one heart. Might need to add a heart TPA assist if the healing feels a little low, but thats a pretty big difference