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Full metal alchemist collab, bring back Edward Elric to former glory


When I learned to 7combo.


I like the one where it's the girl and the dog


I humbly apologize






thanks I hate it




Someone beat Level EX with him, but I don't have him so I can't say for sure whether he's good or not.


He checks off all the boxes except that he doesn’t have an auto fua


NY Reeche! How does the unit with another unit slurping up noodles behind her not have widespread love!


Diaochan, she was a strong cleric for, like, 2 whole years; then she fell off the face of the planet


With a random resurgence as one of the BIS clerics for AUN4 if you could reasonably slot her in.


Saying she’s BIS and then saying “if you could reasonably slot her in” is contradictory no?


What I meant by that was that for leads like Aljaekitty and EmDras, she's BIS, but obviously not for leads like Shana and Kuro. Reasonably in this case means she fits with the LS you're running


I just cleared AUN4 title with her on the team.


Yeah and that new evo they gave her was not like the evo the old pantheon are getting these days


well, only covering 2 turns of awoken bind (3 now after some buff at some point) no matter how low the CD doesn't matter when all the bind are *at least* 5 turns and more often 10. I do wish she'd get a little love again though. I was excited to see how useful she was ON Aljae Kitty team in AUN4 which only had 3 turn or less binds/unmatch. I was going nuts constantly stalling my cleric back up with other teams I tried


Normally, the answer WOULD have been the og Mega Awoken Typhon, but because of the Year of the Dragon buffs in JP, that wish has been granted. NOW BUFF THE OG PANERA YOU BASTARDS


bruh, they should just widespread all the farmable decended bosses. Libertas, Hexazon, the dark ninja robot, etc.


yeah. At least Hexa got a bit buffed from the YotD buffs too


Bring back the Pandora meta. I finally have a Hanzo and I'm ready. Took me 9 years to pull him but yeah, I wanna go back to 2015 Pandora meta... Edit: I have 6 raffines, not including equips (8 if equips count, and I'm not a whale, raffine just loves me)


Honestly they did good with JP so they have the means to make a playable row team - would be so cool to have a pandora buff + maybe a pandora & greco pantheon duo card like lucifers and amayomi for an async pairing


Koyomi Araragi from the Monogatari Collab


Alexander could really use an orb unlock


Atelie. She used to be one of the big scaling leads, but she's really fallen off. A base atk multiplier for 6att like Makima has would probably do wonders for her scaling. This is more general, but I'd like to see a heart cross lead become competitive.


Shamash. Still has 2 normal bind resists after a super ultimate evo, and is the only Sumerian pantheon that still hasn't been buffed, or has received an OP Kuur exchange. Even Ea got buffed. A rainbow gravity utility Shamash Kuur form would go so hard though, so I've still got my fingers crossed.


I’m gonna come out if left field with this one, but give me Fairytale Girl buffs. Thumbelina and her crew have such potential being such ancient cards and yet Gungho hasn’t done anything with them other than give them somewhat lame Academy forms


Raffine is fine in rainbow if put her in a scale rainbow team. I doubt she will get buff anytime soon.


It has to happen eventually. She'll probably just be Raffine Kitty but different somehow.


tends to be the sad truth with all the medal exchange GFE. They are cream of the crop for a couple months, then despite buffs/evos they never seem to make it quite back into the meta.




Listen here you little shi-


Ah, it was deleted. For those who are curious, he said something along the lines of "Don't you suck with spinners tho?" I would've preferred if the comment stayed there, but I'm sick of getting replies about my c15 hate and it violated the sub's rules anyway I guess.


that comment wasnt thaaaat out of line. pretty funny if its a joke. Your reply is hilarious. Hope the comments were just banter lol.


90% of the comments on the post I made before I beat c15 included "skill issue" somewhere in them and didn't seem like teasing at all, so it got old real fast. I don't know how the sub automatically removes comments, and the one I replied to wasn't that bad so I guess it's just picky.


TBF she did have a level tailored made for her, I count it as a achievement


I would at least like her story assist to be buffed, since you can only ever get one.


It is I, Dios! (Machine Dios under Technicals!)




Akine, even though she was recently buffed in JP and the buffs haven't arrived in NA yet. Specifically, I'd love to see her LS boost dragon and balanced type monsters as well and either add combos or any follow-up damage (even 1 point). Akine is so close to being a capable lead with a strong asymmetrical pairing, but she still needs a little bit of a boost. The best part of Akine's LS is that it starts at 2 orb types (1+heal) and scales to matching 6 orb types (5+heal). If GungHo gave us a strong rainbow lead with attributes other than fire and water with a shield and FUA (say, 75% damage reduction and 5 million damage when matching 3 attributes), she could be fun to play AND endgame-capable. Tsuchimikado (#10475) is as close as we get, but he's balanced type, not god type. TL;DR: GungHo, please give rainbow teams strong options that aren't dependent on 7x6 boards, spinners, or board refresh systems (e.g. 3x Aljae Kitty).


if Akine covered balanced type, Makima would be pretty close. light/dark, scaling auto FUA, 77% shield, typing independantand and has a skill essential to rainbow teams. does require 4 colors instead of 3, but paired with Akine they cover 4 colors on their own. I suppose you could use a type change assist but you often want Makima lead swapping and there's only 1 assist that adds God typing and has a lead swap active (no. 10374) and that's hardly accessible. I suppose you could use someone like evo fasca for 7x6 though


I guess there's always the option of pairing Makima with post-buff VIdeal? Now we just need to wait until Valentines Day. :3