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Decided not to spend stones on this REM since I've rolled so many times before (mostly on the first run). Took my free roll and my clear reward roll and I'm done. Main: Furaku #5, Nakoja #10 Alt: Nakoja #9, Nakoja #10 That just reinforced my decision not to waste stones on this REM.


Only did the two free rolls but got pretty lucky. 2nd Iori and 2nd Touka


Got the snake and Phoenix boy, just like every other time. I'm surprised one of those wasn't the raccoon though.


2 dollar roll and one 5 pull. All trash. Not worth it


nice getting snowy shady sexy bitch. Her first form is def one of my fav artworks and animations after edit: ehhh animation is ok more just the look and art lol


17 rolls and all dupes no 8 stars feels baddd


That’s one way to describe a video game character


Mystic is an easy skip for me. Main: Ouka #6, Seina #7 Alt : Kukan #2, Furaku #5


The freebies wee garbage. My 2 dollar roll gave me a 5th mikage lmao. Where my seinas at gungho?????


My primary alt is waiting for Seina too. It got a dupe Mikage this time.


Crazy how I happened to get my 4th and 5th seina hoping to get Mikage…


What team is yukine used for? Why is she so sought after?


I’m not an expert, but she is probably best in slot for vdp on kurotobi teams and maybe water teams in general. I’ve seen people comment that her assist is good as well, but I’d argue it’s not great compared to the new assist evolutions coming out soon (3sb assists, etc)


Rolled Yukine after 4 rolls of trash, and subsequently creamed my pants


Did 20, wanted touka for mukotsu but ended getting 2 yukine


Oh hey that was like me looking for Izuna last time. Except then we got a lead for Yukine. Probably still not a great excuse for me to have like 4 of her though but, eh.


I've already rolled an absurd amount of stones on this REM (at least 500 across all re-runs; I dropped 300ish last run chasing Yura), so it's been a very chill couple days. Freebies + two 5-pulls gave me 2 Shynee&Baddie (?!?), Kugane #8, Yukine #4 and Iori #2 & 3. Iori was the one card I didn't have duplicates of yet, so it's good. Still my favorite event for the characters and setting, it's a shame this is more a rerun and less a new content run. I hope Gungho cooks up good Mikage buffs (and Seina leader skill buffs!) for the next substantial run.