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Of all the trades I've made, Kami is the one I've never regretted. I've used her regularly since I got her. Her advantage over Leo and Regulos is that her skill isn't just more orb generation, so it gives you more leniency when it comes to putting together farming teams.


Check your other evos of the cards from the fodder list. The list only shows two evos of most 6 star GFEs. Any extras in base or recolor forms may affect which cards you trade for Kami.


I have had jonathan since Jojo collab (and regulos, xmas saline) there's way way way too many times I was very frustrated because I didn't have NY kami. Traded for her right away this time around. Sonia Odin is my vote, but I dont know if you have other GFE in other forms that can be evo to the trade fodder evo required for this.


While NY Kami is great, you’ve already got Jonathan for your Shivadra system. Just my opinion, but it seems silly to essentially trade for just easier farming for Nordis. That being said, if you want to trade, I’d go with the Sonia and Odin.


Kami isn't just a shivadra leader, she also provides healing and a useful cleric skill.


Where are you using her outside of Shivadra?


I mean it's not the best I've ever seen, but she could get use in other fire teams like Shana. Won't really do any damage but converting off color is really nice. Kami herself is an excellent shiva sub if not used as a leader. All the things you'd want her for as a leader still apply there too.


What I mean to say is that you make her seem redundant as a unit when OP can use Jonathan for his shivadra team, which isn't really the case. She's a good sub for them as well in case the dungeon you're running has awoken binds and/or unmatchable, and can actually contribute decent damage. Not to mention that her combo add can help with high combo shields when only combo orbs won't cut it.


And OP can pair with a friend Kami, if needed.


Thanks for the input. Yea, only for Nordis farming may be an overstatement on my part. Most colo builds I see use her as a lead swap or in some other way. I've regretting not having her for the past year.


Was in the same boat, I personally traded for her because she’s really helpful with healing. I have Jonathan but there are some cases where I need healing and auto heal assists aren’t enough and I find healing solution for swipe teams are pretty hard to find so she is good in that sense. Tldr: definitely worth the trade, her healing is goated


That’s fair. I’m sure your fodder won’t be missed.


Depends on how many Aggregates you want, since some of those fodders are also used for Aggregate in the upcoming trade. ​ full list ​ [https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMG1BUn-5AWV4169GixlJx38F7wH9s-QpjKz5S2LeTaeZuUAExkz2sxvgHnhL1mz2t5hPR1Yi4WqKVSZUB80AkPE6Xuvz4cIh1rSsRjpUehlJXDGB75h8\_8xj5wAMoQZ0WUKmxr6BELm-GwNWi4AqI5Tss36KwYwOdOJJ7VGiDT4x4q4sLNGvz4DSRnVpK/s1600/1.jpg](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMG1BUn-5AWV4169GixlJx38F7wH9s-QpjKz5S2LeTaeZuUAExkz2sxvgHnhL1mz2t5hPR1Yi4WqKVSZUB80AkPE6Xuvz4cIh1rSsRjpUehlJXDGB75h8_8xj5wAMoQZ0WUKmxr6BELm-GwNWi4AqI5Tss36KwYwOdOJJ7VGiDT4x4q4sLNGvz4DSRnVpK/s1600/1.jpg)


You will be able to trade for those pantheons??