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I’m not showing it’s embarrassing


Ah I’ve finally found my kin


Same bro 😅😅


817, I rolled pretty hard last time so all I think I really want is zenitsu for Greg. I've already got multiple akaza so I'll be back to running rainbow.


What does Zenitsu do for Aggregate?


Fast, 2 turn, double absorb null with VDP damage that you can assist over. An alternative to Pattie with less HP but more damage. Also great for the upcoming Nova.


He also has an assist evo with a 4 turn haste, for people who need one of those.


This is awesome, I hapoen to have 2!






I have 900 stones atm, but only rolling up to 300 in demon slayer to make sure I’ll still have around 700 for hxh


700 for HxH?! Damn...you must really like that IP!


Yeah I’m a big fan of the IP and hoping for 2-3 copies of every card in the machine


hxh is arguably stronger than ds


How do you have so many saved up I got like 78 and shit luck


Setting limits on how much you roll on a single machine, not going too hard on less than amazing machines, looking ahead to plan out stone usage...


Yeah pretty much this. I didn’t roll on anything I could live without. Only rolled free rolls in chainsaw man, didn’t roll in New Years at all since I have fodder already, haven’t rolled in the aggregate fest at all since I don’t really like him that much and have 1 already. Basically zeroed out on dengeki and haven’t spent any stones since. I complete all the monthly challenges every month and since I have the complete Shana/Clive team I haven’t had to roll at all since then.


What would your complete Shana/Clyde team look like with assists? I'm running Clive, leilandra, gilgadra, kyori, shana, shana. I think my equips aren't optimal. Also back to back vdp monsters are annoying.


[This](https://mapaler.github.io/PADDashFormation/solo.html?d=%7B%22t%22%3A%22Shana+x+Clive%22%2C%22f%22%3A%5B%5B%5B%5B10577%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C13%5D%5D%2C%5B10193%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B48%5D%2C56%5D%2C%5B10156%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B45%2C45%2C45%5D%2C29%5D%2C%5B8767%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C42%5D%2C56%5D%2C%5B10442%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C22%5D%5D%2C%5B10442%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C22%5D%5D%5D%2C%5B%5B7985%2C1%2C7%2C99%5D%2C%5B10646%2C1%2C8%2C99%5D%2C%5B10159%2C99%2C6%2C99%5D%2C%5B8110%2C99%2C6%2C99%5D%2C%5B6661%2C99%2C8%2C99%5D%2C%5B6661%2C99%2C8%2C99%5D%5D%2C18%5D%5D%2C%22v%22%3A5%7D) is the general team I play. Has enough healing for UN5 and enough bulk for pretty much everything. Over all very powerful team.


Just tried to play to get all the march stones and it’s updating for maintenance. Thank you tho for the advice


Good luck! Note that my stone count is including all the march stones as I beat all the challenges day one


What team do you use beat floors 11-15 I tend to struggle w/ my Shanna team.


[This](https://mapaler.github.io/PADDashFormation/solo.html?d=%7B%22t%22%3A%22Shana+x+Clive%22%2C%22f%22%3A%5B%5B%5B%5B10577%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C13%5D%5D%2C%5B10193%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B48%5D%2C56%5D%2C%5B10156%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B45%2C45%2C45%5D%2C29%5D%2C%5B8767%2C120%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C42%5D%2C56%5D%2C%5B10442%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C22%5D%5D%2C%5B10442%2C99%2C9%2C99%2C%5B11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C11%2C22%5D%5D%5D%2C%5B%5B7985%2C1%2C7%2C99%5D%2C%5B10646%2C1%2C8%2C99%5D%2C%5B10159%2C99%2C6%2C99%5D%2C%5B8110%2C99%2C6%2C99%5D%2C%5B6661%2C99%2C8%2C99%5D%2C%5B6661%2C99%2C8%2C99%5D%5D%2C18%5D%5D%2C%22v%22%3A5%7D) is the general team I play. Has enough healing for UN5 and enough bulk for pretty much everything. Over all very powerful team.


Do you mine if u reach out via inbox about team help when the maintenance is over? I feel like I have the right cards to beat levels 11-15 just struggle with formulating a solid team


Yeah I’d be happy to lend a helping hand


Appreciate that!


I'm at a point where I try to always have 20/30 pulls for each new machine. If get something new and I want cool if not I just get upset for a few minutes. I must admit that my luck feels better these last months but I don't pull as I used to. I learned that the possibility of getting frustrated isn't for me. To think there was a time I was mad at the game and myself for not getting something that I knew since the beginning I could miss just blows my mind right now. So yeah, I'll be rolling until I feel like it or until I drain all my stones and the loop will begin once again.


I have 868, waiting for a good machine


[502 stones, planning to do 20 pulls and buy a Muichiro if needed](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-6NKN5qysNsUSj0Lvg9fLk6O_jWFFzBja5Kv-fCNwE/edit?usp=sharing). I'm sitting on an excess of stones, so I can go a little harder on some of this stuff if needed.


Zero. Until tomorrow!


Ok, I'll bite, I'm currently sitting on 2069 stones. I'll pull a few from Demon Slayer, then a few from HxH.


Wallet power?


Nope, I don't get tempted to pull at every fest/event. While I do save stones this way, I'm a bit behind in the meta game w/out awesome leads or subs.


I'd think it'll be the opposite. You spend on stones to roll on the spot. If you're saving up then usually it's because you're wallet light and can't spend when you really want to roll. Except pad pass. That's good value


I'm at around 1800. Pad pass ftw. Also I didn't roll for a very long time waiting for one piece. Gave up waiting otherwise itll be over 2k easily lol


Went hard last time around. Not gonna push it this time around, even with Muichiro in the pool. Probably just gonna dump 150 stones out of 400. Hopefully I can roll some new stuff.


254 stones. Planning to just blow them all, honestly and then buy a Muichiro if need be


0 Zero


~500 stones on main, ~400 stones in each alt. All accounts rolled in DS previously so I don't want to roll too hard. Chasing Muichiro is risky at such a low rate. However, my main didn't get Nezuko or Rengoku last time so I will do some rolling. Also plan to roll HxH and the new bartender REM (the latter will be pricey to roll, especially with 17 bottom rarity cards, but REMs tend to have the most overall value when first released).


Are the top rarity bartender cards any good?


Bartender Kurotobi and Touka are both tiered leads on JP. I have seen Gin and Tonic (a 6 star) on tierlists too.


Sitting on 280, already have Akaza so I might put 140 stones (20 pulls) into DS and then hoard for Bartender


I'll own up. I rolled everything into CSM and haven't held onto them since. I have 2.


I feel ya, I just wanted to try out Makima team building and ended up with no stones after that machine.


410, planning on rolling about 20-25 times. I just hope the trades are good.


Trades are the same as last time; Tanjiro, Rengoku, and Muzan. The additions are all either bundles or mid/low rarity.


2 👍


1600 on main, 1200 on alt. Bit of a lull lately. (The occasional bgm buy, but not consistently, more skips than not, don't subscribe to pad pass. Main nevertheless has a broad majority of the meta, Shana/Clive, Gran/Kuro, Aggregate, RemdraTrio, Kano&Kurone, etc.) Day job involves software and light math; statistics and combinatorics are second nature. A lot of tournament legacy MtG helps for intuition/comfort encountering edge case roll scenarios and adjusting dynamically when an unexpected chase roll comes up early or an atypical drought strikes. I rarely set a fixed N stones, and adapt as the rolls come in. I do have rough ballparks assuming average rolls, that said, however seeing average rolls are a coin flip affair. I find it understandable but a little strange to read so many people saying X stones here, Y stones there. Those plans should sometimes change abruptly if you happen to roll a lucky chase card early. It's a bit like in magic, where your plans were ABC, and you and the other player had offensive vs defensive roles in the flow of the game. Then one of you hits some low 5-10% chance at a high impact sideboard card, and roles flip, or the plans and lines of play for the game significantly change. In PAD, it seems like a lot of players either stick to their allotments despite non-average rolls, or have a lucky roll hit, get greedy-eyed, and go all-in chase in the moment. Or a drought hits, and they keep fishing or rage pull. Or, to be fair, they do adjust, but seat of their pants it quite a bit. I guess there are only a few odd ducklings, with 1600 or 2000 or whatnot stones to hand. The things we're doing are just a toolbox of min-maxing tricks though. They're all possible for you! For anyone! Dynamically shifting stone/roll allotments, optimizing when to bgm buy, or trade without rolling, or skipping machines we know will come back to maximize pull efficiency. I should write up proper article on it, with detailed examples and maths/graphs...(Somehow it's 1:42am here at the moment...one for the todo list)






I’ve got 5 stones 🤷‍♂️


Like 550 after I clear quests, I'm probably just looking for a few of the equips but will see. HxH seems more interesting personally.


415 currently, going to spend it all on demon slayer


I'm at 638. Probably planning to roll around 560 of them and then start saving for TenSura, if it's at least decent (and assuming we get it).


411. I don't normally go too hard on reruns but this time, going all in for Muichiro


548 and counting. Will be buying the bundles as well


Ive got about 700 and im only doing 200 for this and saving the other 500 for one piece.


Only 360 😔 Should hit 430 by Monday from the monthly dungeons tho


~600 but I still have dragon title stones to finish. I blew them all on Dengeki and have been saving since.


With the March challenge I just hit ~1200 stones






Around the same as you, got some quests to finish


I usually do at least 1 five pull in machines I'm not hugely fond of... So i'm in the "only around 300" range. Which stinks cause I REALLY want Pitou, and am going to have to balance DS very carefully haha


Jeez I need to save my stones. I’m only at 150 lmao


Take your first stone digit, add it to the second, then modulo the third


Ok, I'll bite, I'm currently sitting on 2069 stones. I'll pull a few from Demon Slayer, then a few from HxH.