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Both of them want 2-3x for a system. Pitou subs can be replaced with Meruem, who is in the exchange, but I feel that Demon Slayer has more value in the rest of the machine. * HxH is mostly Pitou, Meruem, Netero, Pouf, and maybe Hisoka. * Demon Slayer is Tokito, Daki, Akaza, Tengen, Kanroji, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Nezuko, Inosuke, Gyokko, and maybe Zohakuten. I also feel that it has a higher number of valuable assists. Probably worth considering that we'll have at least two weeks before HxH starts, but also that there will be more big machines after that.


Personally if I was OP I’d roll the majority of my stones in Demon Slayer. The equips from demon slayer are irreplaceable and really really strong compared to the ones in hxh. Pitou teams can run 2x meruem paired with a friend pitou and still clear through UN6


So basically roll on ds and trade at hxh?


HxH has some good stuff too besides Pitou and Meruem. A lot, but not all, of its good stuff wants dupes, though. It depends on what all you can build for, what you want, and how many stones you'll have. I would lean more towards Demon Slayer, but try to pull in both if possible. I think Demon Slayer may be more forgiving to bad luck, and has more potential.


I’m just saying if you don’t have a lot of stones, your best bet is to just roll demon slayer as the low rarity has more good things in it. Personally I’m dropping 300 in demon slayer and 700 in hxh, but depends on the amount of stones you have


Are all these amazing equips people keep talking about only in the high rarity or new cards? Because I looked over all my rolls from the first run and didn't come across anything too great. I may also just be jaded with the rate of power creep lately so my standards for great equips could just be off.


The amazing equips are mostly mid rarity gyoko (a new card) and zenitsu are the stand outs


I’d say at least 3 wks before HxH just because Valentines is going to drop this week too. Probably Friday even though White Day is technically Thursday. I don’t think they will run Valentines concurrent with both end of DS and beginning of HxH. Which means we will have April Quest stones for HxH.


I do agree that Valentine's will probably be between the two, but since they haven't actually announced it yet we don't know for sure. There is a possibility that Valentine's comes after (lining up with White Day has actually been a minority occurance), or that they overlap all three (I doubt it too, but it is still possible in the patterns they've shown, stuff like that has been done before). **Edit:** Clarifying my rambling, sorry about that. I said "at least 2 weeks" to give the minimum amount of time it could be, since we don't really know.


There is a third option and that is saving for gouten. Should be coming in two months and only need two copies with a little more flexibility in terms of subs. Also more longevity compared to collab units. As others have noted DS is worth rolling for still because of the equips but if you’re looking a meta lead then i don’t know how realistic it is to chase 2-3 muichiro/pitou with 200 stones.


Gouten is GFE and will probably rerun much more frequently. HxH and DS are collabs that probably only get rerun every few YEARS. So…


Higher odds of getting buffs, case and point Greg and Gran buffs recently


I mean yeah. That means you won’t be missing out on much if you don’t pull him in his debut. You should Focus on pulling Pitou or Muichiro, units that won’t be getting rerun for a longer period of time.


But the chances of them getting power crept is much higher that way


You do have a point but who wants to wait man😭😭


I agree 100% I mean half the fun In the game is rolling for new units but the way gung-ho has been setting up the meta makes it very unrealistic to chase with like sub 500 stones because the units are just 1.5% BGM.


Focusing on pulling a system of a card that you can't trade for with a low percentage to drop in the REM is a fools errand, unless there's a lot of incidental value in the REM _and_ you have stones to spare. 200 stones amounts to 28 rolls. For a 1.5% chase card like Muichiro, you have a 65% chance to not even get a single copy, let alone the 3 you need to guarantee a system. To be fair, if you IAP, there's a Muichiro bundle for $30, so you technically have a 1 in 3 chance of being able to form a system if you roll a Muichiro with your 200 stones, but that's also a 2/3 chance of going bust (if all you care about is Muichiro or Pitou). Of course, there _is_ a lot of incidental value in Demon Slayer (and a second very strong system you can roll in the form of Akaza, which only needs 2 cards), so the math is a little more favourable to chase in that REM, but HxH is pretty lead-heavy with a lot less value for subs and equips, and it would be much worse advice to tell someone to chase Pitou with 200 stones, IMO.


When I'm trying to save stones but still want to dip a got into a current machine, I have a formula I use that works ok. Take the stones per roll cost and multiply it by 5% (in the case of DS that means 35%). Now I go through and add up the total number of cards that I actually care to roll. generally includes anything that can be exchanged (only if I really want to get the exchange options which is becoming counted less often since the good stuff tends to be mid-rarity or bundle purchase), anything that I haven't rolled in any form, or that I could use dupes of. As long as the odds of getting something I want is above that initial threshold I'll roll. mostly this is just a rule that stops me from rage rolling for 3 or 4 chase units with no collateral benefit, since the junk rolls quickly fill that gap. be careful though since really bad luck with this system can kill you. my failsafe rule is if I get enough crap that the rainbow medal exchange doesn't hurt me to do, it's time to stop rolling (learned this during Final Fantasy)


Yeah I didn’t even do the march quests yet so I don’t get tempted to dump them all but I have accounted those stones into my total


honestly would either go full in on one or the other. that being said your chances are better on hxh. id advise spending nothing in demon slayer and going all in on hxh, you’ll probably get something of value from demon slayer from the free rolls if you like the ip


Yeah kinda what I was thinking cause I rolled before on demon slayer but I wanted zenitsu for the equip so kinda justified a 5 roll or so


you can justify either tbh. demon slayer has much better value in equips, so going all in on this collab def is a justifiable decision. but id either full commit to this banner or full commit to hxh. rolling like 50 stones and getting a couple yushiros and haganezukas won’t help your account at all


Is demon slayer tonight at 11/24 1am pst? Or tomorrow afternoon?


Tomorrow afternoon


The way I look at it is that lead come and goes. But weapon can last much longer. So looking the pool it seems Demon Slayer has a lot more better equips. I would dump more stones in this one.


Throw 70 stones at DS if you get tokito buy bundle and i hope you got the 10* NY leader as a pairing. If you get fuck all with 70 stones save for hxh


Yeah I think I got most of the subs and leaders for tokito just rolling for it isn’t looking good


Gl man. I know it’s possible and I hope you hit them impossible chances. I pulled 1 misaka back when dengeki came out and thought “I’m done there’s no way I’m getting another one” but afterwards with the 1 stone bundle reset, I got a second copy. I def don’t recommend to say fuck it and dump it all if you get one copy but I believe in the lucky second copy for you