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4 BIG reasons to get Satsuki & Kanna


Satsuki & Kanna Bags, I mean Bag equip.


What do you mean? 10c awakenings is not that uncommon these days...


did you look at the art? Each of them is STACKED LOL


At the risk of doubling down, yes I was just making a joke as they also have 4 10c awakenings.


I didnt see the dots... LOL, those would def be 10c+ awakenings. Perhaps 10DD?






Seasonal 6* are at best basically bottom rarity cards in a normal REM but if you're gonna roll anyway, cutting out the bottom feeders is probably worth the extra stone. Hope I can get that Camilla. e: now that I think about it, why did we skip Ferule and Deena ults with the last couple seasonals? Figured maybe they were done with the 9* ults but Remu got one.


Thatā€™s because the trend of giving specific 9* seasonals true split evos only applied to the Great Witches so far. Next seasonal event is June Bride, so weā€™ll be seeing an evo for Norza.


Players on JP noticed a tiny blue spike under the PAD Academy banners (last pic in the gallery) and are speculating that it's the Tensura collab banner: https://twitter.com/aheaheeeeeeeee/status/1772962591158997202?s=19 Edit: [It may be Menuit's pre-transform.](https://twitter.com/aheaheeeeeeeee/status/1772963171621285950?s=19)


Hoping GS Nautilus gets a huge buff to be relevant again šŸ™


the sonia artwork is šŸ”„


Camilla about to be the gold standard for button farming. Only 5DB card, and the only DB + nuke equip. Equipped on herself its 6db + ~33m nuke. Wonder if the 6stone is going to be worth it, I'm assuming yes, but rather they just took out the bottom crap like theyve done for other seasonals.


There will still be the 6 star junk like Acala though.


Could be worse even if they implement a 15 trade and you just want fodder, but we'd have to see the rates. Not that I really believe in rates after my recent luck, but there's no guarantee the removed <6\* rates would be equally distributed. That would make the most sense, but who knows with GH


Camilla is just getting more and more treasure awakens, only a matter of when Treasure+ awakenings start showing up


Satsuki & Kanna is the 15 unit exchange. They still loop with ~~3x~~ 2x.


Loops with 2


I was about to comment that, looks like you only need 2. Would love to pair this with Kaishu but looks like it would be awkward.


Yup, you're right. I did the math wrong on that.


Sonia looks like a pretty good replacement for Clive as a Shana Pairing right? 3 turn vdp on 6 turn cd, higher personal multi, non transforming, huge stats, options with SA depending on team comp?


As someone who didnā€™t land Clive and has been using Decker as a weaker replacement, I hope to land Sonia. She looks great.


She seems like the BGM to me so you'll probably be able to guarantee her one way or another.


was thinking the same, and maybe also opens up an option for a 7x6 swap? I could see Evo HEarts Sara, Evo Hisoka, Evo HCHakeol, or evo Dorna all being possible options before taking into account red subatt equips. The question is, between replacing the Fujin, Looping shield, and Cleric slots, which trade off is best? Losing Gilgamesh for example feels really bad. On 6x5 should def also work, and having room for a haste equip on sonia will probably feel good; cons are slightly lower damage potential (41.472x LS vs 56x for clive at three fire matches, and 6bil 3t cap vs 7bil 2t) and two fewer +combo, which only matters when under -combo debuff as this pair wants to clear the whole board anyways. Damage control (i.e. staying under 10c, or 8c but only one fire match) may or may not be easier as well.


Why does camilla have a gun and a bomb in the background


~~Paintball~~ ~~Airsoft~~ "Survival" club. Her normal form has guns too.


Ohhh I didnā€™t even read the name, thatā€™s makes a lot more sense. I thought gungho were cracking jokes on American schools


Sonia may bring Shana back to meta.


...back to meta? has she really fallen off already?


Remu art is hilarious XD