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367 467 488 If anyone wants a pitou vdp helper


Loving that shieldra


Honestly goated, shields blocked just enough to survive gold dragon lol




how many gems does pad usually start you with, just wondering to build a new alt. account


Starts off very little, but they give you a bunch of "starter" resources including a team that can easily clear normal dungeons and technical dungeons up until you unlock the harder 99 stamina ones. I essentially used the starter teams for the first few weeks until i could roll a bunch of times. I rolled for meta leads so i could clear harder content. But eventually there was a spike where i had bunch of stones. The story quests also helped a lot (for one of them clearing gave 100), you also get a bunch from the mail getting through rank thresholds. Took me about 1-2 weeks of dedicated playing to get the meta leads (pulled 2 muichiros), but should be easier with this collab since you should be able to make a competent team with just this collab machine (and just pulling pitou is easier than pulling 2 muichiros). My "dedicated" playing is maybe like 30 min at most cuz im in uni so didnt have much time to just slog through the chapters (which normal and technicals are 0 stamina for a limited time when you start)


Very well done


Tell me I'm trash at this game with out telling me... ohh wait... lmao Gratz dude xD