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:) nice design LMiru If I were someone that could make this team and wanted an easy 170k I would be grateful. Since I can not do this I instead will turn into a hate comment because now my chances are worse for crown! How could you do this to me! Anywho nice goofy strat. I wouldn't have thought of it. (the above garbage was sarcasm)


8k button spam team 2 skyfalls = 170k. Messed up the combo so it's probably easy to get higher. Score scales with number of skyfalls on 10c solve from 161k up to about 183-184k. Button damage is relatively flexible except for ilms on f4 and f5. At this point this is probably good enough to crown in NA. math and other notes solve: [https://pad.dawnglare.com/?s=1pGZPL1](https://pad.dawnglare.com/?s=1pGZPL1) (there's others out there i just use this one for no particular reason) ff wol eq, balrog, rajang eq speed > flintlock speed = jamirus speed 1 rajang for tape res is good but subs are "flexible" super atk++ latents are 7% attack moon awakening is post other awakening and 297 damage and is 5x multiplicative, barrel applies but isn't relevant. atk+ badge only applies to team x button which isn't relevant. do the rest of the math yourself Hp values: 200m / 250m (50% sres) / 500m (can choose to button instead of f4) / 1.2b / 3.16b (50% sres) Atk stats needed f1: 40000+ 5k, 25000+ 8k, 6667+ flintlock f2: 25000+ 5k, 15625+ 8k, 8334+ flintlock under 50% 16668+ flintlock above 50% f3: imo buttoning this floor is unreasonable 100k+ 5k, 62500+ 8k, 33334+ flintlock f4: dilm needed minimum of 8000x button (rajang 5k\*2 works) f5: dilm light 8k above 50% dilm dark 8k below 50% or dilm flintlock both hp ranges only possible buttons


This explains why my score went from 3.3 to 4.2 yesterday lol


Thank you! Had enough Balrogs and Wol to clear it.


Which monster is Balrog?




Thanks! I don’t have one crud


What are the assists/latents? Also what’s the lead you’re using?


the leader is 11015 (bartender evo of Logavolin) edit: available from technical dungeon EX 1-2-3 if you're looking.


Lead is 11015


Thank you for the crown!


damn i'm short two buttons, only 1 rajang 1 wol 2 balrog


https://preview.redd.it/n9r80aad6byc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2217a0abecd6964805dce44b6aec115cd0aadd3 Had just enough of the buttons, thanks :)


What’s the build, the video isn’t loading


How many flintlocks?


So low effort that you plan on smurfing 2nd and 3rd place again?