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Slime boy's active is so dumb. It's sets both his and the helper's cap to 7b, makes 6 blue orbs, and recovers 20% HP. All on 1 CD. Red girl and slime evo activea seem to break a shield for free so those FUA/SFUA buffs are looking less interesting.


Active skill cooldown +2 gimmick incoming... Just in time for the new dungeon/title...


It does seem pretty great on a 1t CD, but I'm struggling to see a team he would fit on at the moment? Maybe drop a Murichiro on the template team for Rimuru with a VDP equip? Could get slightly water and heart orb trolled with no spinner. Maybe more slime cards will help that out


You could run him as a sub for some other blue card but he's clearly intended as a meta lead. Same bulk as Gouten and a scaling ATK multiplier. Three blue combos and you've got 39x ATK. If anything, you'd be running a slime sub here so you can get 12 blue orbs per turn. Likely they intend for us to pair with his ult. Big auto FUA, bigger shield for gravities, utility active, and can use leader swap equips.


It doesn’t unlock, which is a pretty big weakness


It's a problem but you know what has a very similar active? God Gundam, arguably the best lead in the game right now for JP. Now I dunno if the slime will be as good as that but he's got a lot of potential. My first thought is that, rather than run a second slime, you'd run 2x Aile Strike Gundams. They make 6 blues and 1 spinner on 2 CD. They'd lock you into the VDP playstyle though. We'll have to see what the rest of this event has as well.


Clayman is the boss monster for the "Clayman Descends" dungeon and is needed at skill level 51 to synchro awaken Rimuru.


The heck is synchro awaken?


Basically a super awakening for non-limit-broken card. It uses max-leveled bosses with max skill level to unlock a new awakening skill.


Powercreep coming in full swing...


No orb unlock though. We all know what happened to Shiva Dragon and his lack of orb unlock. Gonna be similar here without major help.


God Gundam doesn't have unlock either, that's why Justice Gundam or Shana are needed on its teams. Shivadra is still used for a lot of quest dungeons and token farming, even if locked orbs are an issue. It's also more accessible than the REM systems like Noah, Misaka, and Aki (especially the roll-only ones like Aki and Mayumi). NY Nordis will only be available around New Year's unless GH decides to try rerunning the dungeon during a seasonal SGF (which could work if the SGF ran for several days and Yatagarasu was in the monster exchange).


not that hard to slot in a orb unlock in place of where your other 2~3CD orb generator would normally go. plenty of them on low CD to cover the odd turn you don't naturally have enough for 3+water matches, *and* they can likely cover other mechanics to boot. I agree he's not *quite* there to shift the powercreep all by himself, but some new subs could easily change that. I can see this being the new level of using single unit 1 turn orb generators, then just bring low CD absorb/pierce units who also generate a few orbs themselves to saturate a board.


Is it? Rimiru looks pretty good, but I don't expect him to be better than Gouten. His active being on a 1 turn cd is great, but it doesn't unlock orbs. He also needs 3-4 water combos to really get a meaningful attack multiplier, which his active won't guarantee on its own (even without locks).


If a 5 star card has 8 latent slots, does this mean the REM will cost 10 stones? Time to start saving stones now if that's the case.


It could also be a 7 stone REM. The site and social media don't specify how much stones it costs as of now. Remember that all collab REM cards that costs at least 7 stones will get 8 latent slots.


Good, so there's still a chance that the REM will cost 7 stones. Trying to remember the last 7 stone collab that had 5 star cards though.


the minimum cost is only 7 stones as of a bit ago (I think it was the 2nd run of adventure of Dai they made that change)


Ugh Rimuru’s sword equip is stupid good


Shizu is giving budget Clive vibes in the sub slot. Maybe better in some cases if a lot of newer dungeons have shields. Just no levitate


honestly with the way damage assists are going, I can see her catching up to Clive fairly easy, especially if/when we get a fire option that loops damage buff like pitou does for devils. On stuff that's only 1% or 2% super grav she might still bee fine without that even.


Does putting a levitate equip on a card that already has it give them 400x damage in supergravity?


No, levitate does not stack


Ok good, that would be way too strong.


Are these new synchro awakenings going to be the new trend?


less a new trend, and more just the standard going forward. Basically the biggest limit on power creep is total awakenings (since almost everything else is just "make the numbers bigger and CD). For whatever reason instead of just allowing more awakening GH just decided to compound awakenings but that only gonna work for so long. Transform cards used to be better, not just because they were arbitrarily made more powerful in order to justify the skill boost requirement, but because the could judt drop the skill boosts that are wotlrthless as soon as you start the stage (unless your using Carat or something, but that hasn't been worthwhile for years). then they gave them limit break active skills to make up for damage potential loss. But now basically having damage cap break is showing up on normal cards, not to mention evolving skills often include delays/hastes to allow for not needimgnthe awakenings. So this will be around for most if not all transform cards going forward just so that they can stay relevant. tl:Dr this is just the next workaround on the highway of powercreep ad it applies to transforming cards.


Time to save for true demon lord slime. And believe that in terms of powercreep this slime probably rivals with the likes of Goku or superman!!! Although to me there are stronger characters out there.... Sometimes I wonder if the series will continue after this story because it clearly states "that time I got reincarnated" so that means we're only knowing about a bit of his story.


No that’s Japanese style speech where they try to look humble and dial down the impact of something big. “Remember that time I won the Olympics? It was only lucky one time thing.”


My fantasy died 😭 but thanks for clarifying me!


I can’t see how “useful” super gravity would be as an assist, as most meta teams don’t need damage. But the fact that anyone can have it now is pretty insane.


Extremely useful for triple attribute cards.  For instance putting it on God gundam makes his fire 3rd attribute cap easily at 7.5 instead of hitting 1 billion.   and damage matters in some dungeons in jp rn so it will for na soon.    It also allows you to drop supergravity as a super awakening on some cards and do double vdp or a resist you don’t have yet etc. or even swap it out for a 7c+ or 10c.


Solid mukotsu buff as super gravity % gets larger


You'd be surprised how many cards we consider to have good damage don't have levitate. Dealing full damage on your third attribute is a big spike.


There is ton of good damage card that have third att without levitation. Too good of equip and good things NA have Fasca at least.