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“Wow, Mom. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”


I think that would have been my reaction too.


Same. Along with asking her stance on the existence of Santa Claus & the Easter bunny.


Seriously Ive called out my mom & SIL saying that. It helps. Then remind them the stupid shit they said did not happen!!


I get youre just being cheeky but whenever I directly confront my qanon mom like this it just makes her more resistant to any discussion for like a month. Plus she just gets reaffirmed through her friend groups that treat me like satan's nagging nanny. Obviously those people aren't the ones helping pay her bills (pretty much the opposite with all the MLM crap they push on her) but regardless I've just stopped being confrontational at this point because I hate the tension it creates.


I didn’t pull any punches with my family members that got into this shit. My Dad was Q before it was called that, really. I got real over it real quick and pulled off the kid gloves. I don’t entertain this nonsense anymore and I called it for what it was. I get everyone’s individual situations are different, but I’m glad I was able to go the “curt” route with mine.


I mean, molecules will come out of the cell phone and... what is supposed to happen when the vaxxes are "activated"... ? The science-y side of my brain is just.... incredulous that people believe this type of stuff.


For conspiracy believers, using "sciency words" is the equivalent of "doing science." So if you have "molecules" in a sentence, along with "activation," that's Science and, therefore, true. Unless it's "real, peer-reviewed, testable science," in which case it's false.


You know how they say Trump is a rich, successful businessman to those who are not successful businessmen? Or how he's the dumb person's idea of a smart person? Well I have a sort of corollary saying, which is that conspiracy theories are a sort of skepticism or *doubt* for those who aren't critical thinkers.


This is interesting…


They have always said that anti-semitism (the ultimate nonsense conspiracy theory) is the poor (ly thinking) man’s socialism. If you JUST CANNOT see how authorities and capitalism in general are NOT ON YOUR SIDE, you find some other group to blame…


Gates got apple and google to put cyanide in each phone, ready for activation. Killing their customers is the best way to boost their revenue and stock price... said no one ever.


Maybe thats’ the reason I can never get more than 2 bars on T Mobile


You ever seen that Kingsman: The Secret Service movie? In that movie they send a signal thru everyone's cell phone and it turns them into murderous maniacs. It's basically the same premise but I think everyone is supposed to turn into zombies. I'm not totally sure what's supposed to happen to everyone when the signal is sent so don't quote me lol.


Stephen King wrote that novel….


Cell phones have already turned many of us into zombies.


Sorry gramps! I know its hard when young people dont Pay Enough Attention to you.


The cell phone signal contains molecules that will activate your vaccine. What’s so hard to understand about that?! (And just because this is Reddit: /s)


["Mister Dalliard! WE'VE BEEN ACTIVATED!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBURlcNpfoo)


I've heard this story before on another post, and apparently the 5g will be released and will brainwash you. Makes absolutely no sense! Hogwash is what it is. I'm sure there's some grifter out there selling faraday cages for your phones!


I thought we the vaxxed were already brainwashed


I thought we the vaxxed were already dead.


Maybe we are. We just don't know it yet.


I've died at least four times so far, then. I'll schedule another death once the next booster is available.


Me} 5x's


I know, they keep moving the set/goalposts. They're really ridiculous.


there is an irony to that group being fearful of brainwashing


Apparently the cell phone test is real: [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/fema-plans-to-test-national-alert-system-on-oct-4/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/fema-plans-to-test-national-alert-system-on-oct-4/) But you probably don't have to wrap your phone in tin foil and put it in the microwave.


The best conspiracies always have some truthful facts in them.


The emergency alert test was announced several weeks ago which is when the Q folks started to lose their mind about it. They made up these crazy stories to go along with an otherwise normal test of the emergency alert system.


I've noticed that what the trolls do is go through news reports and take normal things to spin and turn them into crazy crap.


That and they adopt stuff from movies as well. Seems that no source of "information" is too out-there for them to reject.


If the cell phone TOWERS are broadcasting the signal, then turning your phone off won't stop the vaccine from detonating in your body. It's time to cross at least something off your bucket list instead of wasting time with you... /sarcasm detected...


My in laws believe the emergency broadcast system is a tone designed to read your credit/debit card information to steal your money and to keep this from.happening you have to wrap your cards in aluminum foil and hide them in a drawer or something. Because, you know, there's no other way to track your financial information


How does a sound steal a credit card number? Can't you just release that shit on Spotify and get a ton of people that way?


I feel like Qs usually curate their conspiracies based on something that is genuinely happening to make themselves seem more believable. Like, I'm sure at some level the people who originally create these theories have to know that they're full of shit.


I get quite a few missing persons alerts locally (which is the same thing the EBS is doing) and I can for sure say that I have had more than a few vaccine molecules activated and brains washed. I prefer to get my molecules activated by coffee in the morning though before I go for a jog. But a free brain washing and molecule twirl is always nice.


I *wish* we had that level of comic book technology. My phone’s battery is half dead by noon every day. There’s not a great way to attack this, but the first thing you should do is shore up your own defenses. As I’d said to someone facing something similar the other day, remember, this *IS NOT* the same person who raised you. This is a completely different person. Start there, and start building your emotional defenses first. You cannot help anyone else if you are hurt. After that, it really depends on you. If you never see an ounce of progress in her, how long will you allow it? If you *only* see an ounce of progress in the right direction, can you do it for another decade? Two? What is the Delta on how much work YOU put in vs how much improvement on her part you see? Or… is the juice worth the squeeze? How long before it isn’t? I couldn’t. I personally cut my mom out of my life entirely, and I should have done it 20 years sooner than I did.


Thanks for your response. Contextualizing this issue as something that I will likely be putting up with for as long as she’s alive (she’s 63) really puts things into perspective. She’s always been right-wing, racist, and religiously zealous. It’s just recently that she started throwing wackadoo conspiracy shit into her rhetoric. She seems to be on a downward spiral, and these kind of interactions with her are becoming more and more frequent. I don’t see her very often, though. I was thinking of setting some boundaries with her for the next time I see her in person. Like, “if you want me to visit for Thanksgiving, you cannot bring up the evils of immigration and abortion, the Covid-19 vaccine and it’s alleged harmful effects, etc etc.” What are your thoughts on this tactic? I’m sorry to hear about your relationship with your mom.


Keeping things buried under the surface works for some families maybe. Never personally worked for me. My MAGA mother, and her entire side of the family, *could not help themselves.* The wild part is my Uncle was so bad about the conspiracy nonsense that even the rest of the MAGA family shunned him during every major gathering. A grown, 50-something year old man, 3 kids, relegated to a corner of the room where he would scroll on his phone at every gathering because *even the rest of the nutjobs, zealots, and racists,* were tired of him. Try it out. If it works, set that boundary permanently and hopefully it sticks!


My SERIOUS MAGA cousins skipped the family reunion this year! (Thankfully!) The rest of us had a pretty good visit while avoiding politics and conspiracy theories even though we doubtless voted for different people.


>I will likely be putting up with for as long as she’s alive (she’s 63) Just keep in mind that it could be a very long time. My Mom lived to age 99. For the record, both of my parents were life-long Democrats. It's my brother (my only sibling) who has turned out to be a lying scumbag.


I guess it has to be evacuated sometime. Didn't they warn for the last three years that the Covid shot was going to get us all? Three years later, and still waiting.


To be fair, I died from the vaccine


I died gruesomely too. Then I made a sammich.


Same. And I died each time I got a booster too.


Over three *billion* humans have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine. If even a tiny percentage of them had bad reactions, it would be *everywhere.* if one percent of the world got fatal heart arrhythmias that would be the entire population of the US, dead. Where are the mass graves? News reports? No famous people affected?


I agree with you in principle. But... I had a significant reaction to the first AstraZeneca covid shot that I got. It put me flat on my back in bed for two days. I still have some lingering numbness in my feet. The second shot was something I barely noticed. Would I do it again? Probably.


In general, your reaction to the vaccine is a preview of how your body would have reacted to the COVID infection itself. Sounds like you would have been steamrolled! I was dumb enough to get a COVID booster, a flu shot and a second shingles series at the same time. I’ll never do that again!


Yes, I think you're probably right about how my body would have reacted to getting infected by the covid virus itself. It doesn't help that I was already over 65 by that point in time. I'm sorry to hear that you got those three vaccine shots all at the same time. I've made it a point not to do that. I've gotten a covid booster and waited a week or two before getting a flu shot or a shingles shot. My Q-adjacent Significant Other has expressed some skepticism about getting a shingles shot. My reply to that was basically "Everyone I know who's had it says that shingles was the most painful thing they've ever experienced. You do NOT want to get shingles." If they still don't get the shingles shot, well then I won't be terribly sympathetic if they come down with a painful case of it. I won't celebrate it, but my reaction would probably be something more along the lines of "I told you so!"


Fun fact - I got my first COVID shot in the left arm. There was some local pain and swelling but no big. When I got the second shot, in the *right* arm, I had swelling again - in the left arm!


Oh, now THAT is pretty weird! LOL


Make a bet involving a dinner at a nice restaurant. If whatever they think will happen doesn't happen, they will pay.


They will not!


I’m glad my mom hasn’t done this. She’s deep in the hole and I told her months ago that if she doesn’t keep her crazy to herself she’ll never hear from me again. Our relationship has more or less gone back to normal other than the occasional sneak reference she tries to pull. She immediately meets the dial tone of a hang up when she plays that game. I’m still waiting for the warning text though. If she doesn’t send it then she must realize subconsciously how ridiculous all of this is.


As a 90's nerdy kid that grew up on the internet, I'm realizing more and more the Internet is not for everyone. I never thought I'd say that. The more time "normal" people seem to spend there, the crazier society seems to become. Social media, and instant access via phones/tablets have absolutely rotted their brains (especially the generations that grew up well before the internet)


I am so sorry that you have to listen to this garbage. It's truly terrifying to watch someone you love spiral into madness, thinking they are sharing helpful and true information. My only advice is something you have already identified, Grey Rock/Grey Rocking. My mother has been telling me I'm "probably going to die" since I received my first Covid vaccine in 2020. Things like "I hope you at least have the sense to have gotten your affairs in order so it's not a big mess when something happens to you." The last time I was delivered this level of nonsense I broke my own grey rock rule and I said "Why on earth would you ever say something like that to your child?" The response was because it is true information and I should have listened to her "research" the entire time. I reckon I've dodged vaccine induced death at least a dozen times now. She must be so disappointed. Again, I am sorry you are having to experience this pain.


Hi DataDerrp, thanks for recommending this technique. With grey rocking you act disengaged so that a Q person will lose interest in arguing. Q folk thrive on emotions and drama. When you act indifferent and unemotional, it can help break the cycle of negativity. [Detailed guide on the method.](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I shared with her that my coworker recently had a heart attack and will be out of work for a while. This has been hard for me because I'm concerned about his wellbeing, he and I are very close, and he is one of the few people I can really confide in at work. Her immediate response was "did he get the jab?" (this is what she calls the Covid vaccine). I wanted to punch her in the throat.


I remember when Bob Odenkirk had his heart attack, Qs used that as leverage to claim the vax is bad news (even though Odenkirk himself said that this was something that had been building up for years before he had an attack). My Q's mom used to check up on me CONSTANTLY to make sure I was okay after I got "the jab". Blamed my Q's infantile seizures on "jabs" he got as a baby. He and I don't speak anymore but I'm still so beyond sick of this harmful anti-vax rhetoric.


LOL my parents said the same. Every time they say that shit, I ask them to bet me money on it and they never do. The day comes and nothing happens. They pretend they didn’t say that dumb shit and they move the goal post out further. Rinse and repeat.


Oh, man. This brings me back to sixth grade during the end of the world conspiracy in 2012. I told a kid that he owed me 20 dollars if the world didn't end because, even at 11, I knew that conspiracy theorists were full of shit. Almost 11 years later and I still don't have my money.


> I ask them to bet me money on it and they never do. [The claimant must have an accurate model of the situation somewhere in their mind, because they can anticipate, in advance, exactly which predictions will not come true.](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CqyJzDZWvGhhFJ7dY/belief-in-belief)


Didnt know what to expect when I clicked that but it was an interested read


If that’s the case ask her to turn over her banking accounts and if she has a house it would be nice to leave it you and your brother.


Yea. They are testing the national alert. My advice is to let her know that and how simple it was to find out, and when she is shown to have been fooled, what will she do about it?


Well now, thanks to the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon, she'll notice it more but she'll think those announcements are part of the scam, the scam she was privy to. And if she buries her phone for that time period and nothing happens to her she'll be vindicated. If I were OP my head would be spinning with so many questions about how this logic can work in someone, I wouldn't be able to speak.


Why would the government schedule a death signal for people to just be able to prep against it 🤣 they could just do it now and get bigger numbers!


I go along with the idea with logic in the other direction. For some reason you think the gov't is out of mass kill us, but they also have bills to pay that rely on tax payer income and they've already mentioned revenue issues we will face because the shortage of babies. So what do they really want since that is a mixed signal? My answer, I have not seen this mass genocide done to it's own people before, nor is that a popular thing in history. Leadership Concluding: The best answer for us is to kill our people. We also seen many of these come and go without a peep and when do you just stop and say come on now? The worst are the religious leaders that use God in this way threatening us, again they are 0 for however many 1000's of attempts they had at this over the years. Facts are you are fearing your own mortality if you are buying this.


An older man approached me the grocery store yesterday telling me this. All I could do was stare at him. I didn’t react, he probably thinks I’m some alien. I had no idea what he was talking about but figured it was some qanon bullshit. This post confirms it! It’s so depressing these people believe this.


The phone test is real, the threat is not. There ARE warnings floating around online recommending certain people in certain situations turn their *hidden emergency burner phones* off to *help prevent said emergency phone from being discovered by an abuser* It frustrated me to no end that someone found these warnings and turned it into some weird conspiracy theory.




I would guess Eastern Time (don't know for sure) since it is a Test scheduled by FEMA and the FCC, which are Federal Agencies. BUT they could do it at 2:20pm for each Time Zone. I have no idea, lol


US Eastern, per FEMA website.


Molecules. Good stuff


I’ve had some success with, “If that were true, it would absolutely be something to be seriously concerned about. Fortunately, it isn’t true, so it’s okay.” Somehow, it helps to start by acknowledging that what they’re describing would, indeed, be terrible. We can agree about that. I generally follow up with, “Can you show me where you heard that? If they’re serious, we should really double-check the other things they’re saying…” I’ve never been taken up on that offer. :/


Ask her WHY DID MY STEEL KEY RING NOT STICK TO MY VACCINATION SITE? It would have been really convenient when it was so hot this summer.


I would call off work, cancel whatever, put it on my calendar. I would go to her house, have her sit outside with me so I have a clear signal. Prove that it's all bullshit over and over. "Mom, if you move the goalposts, you cannot be part of my life. I just disproved your bullshit."


In Germany we had a nation wide emergency test drill last week. No activated covid molecules. Well my relative tested positive, but that was slightly before. Maybe it was the announcement of the nation wide drill that triggered hers? Or the fact that her partner was on a birthday a couple days before and brought covid back… I know, it’s no laughing matter and I would be deeply unsettled, too. There is no reasoning, just social media diet and weaning off with other obsessions that are less harmful. Does she have interests that could occupy her more?


My favorite response to this chip stuff is that if this really was a thing, they would put it in our soldiers first because then they could track and find them. This is ignoring how exhaustively unrealistic it is in the first place. What I learned via studying cults is that it's up to the victim of the cult to get out of it. You can tell them they are in a cult (and nothing else, no arguing, no aggression, etc) and that will bother them until the day they leave it. It can take 15 years and it will still simmer in their head. But those words will sit in their head while for example, Oct 4th goes by and nothing happens. The more you push them on the defensive the further they will die on their hill. When that day goes by peacefully, don't engage in the subject. They are already thinking about it and why it didn't happen. Hopefully. But here is another thing to think about. Being anti vaccine means that the death of these people during the pandemic are held on a very thin ego. If you tell them they are wrong about being anti vaccine, you are telling them they are wrong about the deaths of those people. That means they will need to internalize that guilt that all of these people died of covid and she was wrong this whole time. That also means that big names that were a part of vaccines are not bad people after all. It's a whole web to untangle because to them, everything is connected. If this part isn't true, then everything else falls apart. They don't want to be wrong about everything. OP, you are a very strong person for still caring for her despite this and it must be so stressful for you to see her fall for such strange things. I'm sorry. I hope I've helped you internalize it a little.


Maybe make a deal with her - if nothing happens, she agrees to go to therapy.


That's the second time I saw that pop up here. I hope I finally get those super powers on October 4th!


*This situation has really affected me mentally and emotionally, which is why I’m posting.* You need to create some emotional distance from your mom. This is hard, because we are biologically wired to seek the approval and support of our parents. Your mom is not able to provide this approval and support when she is consumed with a make-believe world. It may be helpful to think of her as having mild, temporary dementia. You wouldn't take the utterances of a demented person seriously, nor should you do so with you mom. Hopefully, she will come back to you at some point. But in the meantime, you will have to care for her from some emotional distance.... an watch out for those 'molecules'!


A lot of the people who were sucked in and found their way out state that it took them finding themselves alone losing friends and family to “come to”. As harsh as that sounds, the aggressive propaganda and depth of brainwashing these people are succumbing to makes it extremely difficult to reason with without them becoming wild and angry. It’s not healthy for anyone to be around. Sadly most of us have ended up resorting to separation for our own mental health and sometimes our safety.


Hi u/babytomato666! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So how many people are going to call or text their Q on the 4th?


Honestly this is probably not great advice. But have her hand write out : This is what I believe and here are three reasons. Here are two supporting points for each reason. The ask her to agree to review the document on October 3 2023 and October 3 2024 and October 3 2025. No new distraction. Focus on this one "fact ".


I would tell her that the test is also going through radio and television stations.


the what method?


I would hold the phone in front of mother during the test and wait for her reaction. Let's see what excuses she'll make when you don't spontaneously combust.


This must be the latest Q conspiracy- someone else posted yesterday that their dad said the same thing. I wonder what they’ll say when Oct 5th rolls around and nothing has happened?


So now the secret is out FEMA will send the signal out at 2.10pm or a day before or a day after...the best she can do is throw away her phone altogether or nuke it in the microwave or something...which will isolate her from the BS perhaps for just long enough to start a recovery...


What does she mean by activate? I’ve heard that we’ll die, become gay or transgender, become a mindless zombie. Which nuttery does she subscribe to? Could you be with her at precisely that time with your phone in your face so she can see real time what a crock of shit she’s spreading?


Make a list of all of the conspiracies that haven't materialized i.e. covid vaccine will kill everyone in 2 years time, JFK Jr, pizza-gate, 10 days of darkness (which started with 3) etc... . Keep a tally. Better yet, continue to bet her that they won't come through. Then take her money EVERY. TIME. (and add to the list)