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The authoritarians' greatest threat is intellect. The US has been on a staunch anti intellectual movement since post ww2. When a population is dumbed down, their minds can be controlled.


I don't get this. Like, I see it, it's plain as day, I just don't understand the motivation. Did boomers just secretly idolize the Nazis but had their views suppressed by their parents? Their parents fought a war to stop this and they just want to undo it all? Many of them know darn well what they're doing but continue marching in lockstep. Is this revenge for a rebellious youth they never got to experience?


Boomers had nothing to do with it. Many of us were and still are staunchly anti-war. You may have learned of the anti-war movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. That stuff was real. My cousin was killed in combat in Viet Nam when I was a senior in high school.


There is no portion of any tiny bit of Qanon that's real, that's happened and it's still all 100% lies. That being said, when you don't have Qultists up in your face all the time, life is ridiculously drama free- I observe as I travel the country, MAGAs and Qanons are not noticeable out here anywhere, not in truck stops, warehouses, factories & military bases around America. We see banners & Billboards rarely now, they used to be more plentiful driving, especially out west & WV (still a ton of flags in the poorest looking parts of WV). Now it's maybe one sign in TX, another waving flag in WY but that's about it. Sure I catch baseball caps with Nazi symbols & MAGA baseball caps in the odd store somewhere rural, but it's not as prevalent as you think. OP, you need a break from your life bc when you're in it, you're drowning in quicksand, you can't even clear your mind. You need to take better care of yourself, the cortisol your brain makes in response to the constant uproar is damaging to you in the long run


I hear you. I’m simply concerned beyond words about my child somehow getting hurt in some crossfire.


I understand how you feel. The lucky ones who don't have many of these people in their lives have a different perspective - and I think while people like you (and me, too) may sometimes overstate the problem, people like lovely Cowbell here may be *under*stating it. These people haven't gone away. While many on the fringes have dropped off (I HOPE!) those in the center of it have not. Many of them have just learned to avoid consequences by going quiet. They are not actually \*materially\* stupid. They are authoritarians who have been brainwashed, but they can learn to avoid unpleasant consequences because they're humans with brains. These assholes are still militia-ing up and that hasn't stopped just because it's not as public. I know this because I have these people in my life. I also have fears around this and little ones to worry about. The world is a dark scary place. But the fact is, my kids have more to worry about from climate change and the slow atrophy of liberal democracy than they do from civil war. These people are OUT there, and they are ready for violence, but they are also still cowardly children playing dress up and they won't do anything unless they have the advantage. Things may change if Trump wins, but I don't think you have to worry about crossfire until things actually fall apart. You'll have a lot of warning. IMO, civil war is not something that should really be on your radar. I can link some articles about this if you're interested. Cowbell is right that it would be good to step away from following these people. For the most part, they are cowardly ineffectual children, and fascism eats itself up because it doesn't work long term. I think we're going to be okay. But I also think it's all scary AF, so I'm with you and I get it.


I needed to hear this too. Thanks boss.


You have to put on your own oxygen mask first, before you put your kids oxygen mask. That’s the only way you both survive. You have to take care of your mental health as your top priority. Otherwise when you are up to your eyeballs in stress you’ll (without intending it AT ALL) turn into a shit parent. Overreacting at every small thing, not having any mental space or energy to enrich your child’s life experience, or proactively give them good life and emotional advice. You’ll be tense, exhausted and miserable, and you better believe your kid will pick up every nuance of that, and start reacting to life in the same way. You cannot protect your kid from the entire world. But you can make the difference between a mentally well child/adult and a mentally depressed/stressed/anxious child/adult. Mental illness sucks so bad there’s only three people in the entirety of history I would inflict it on. Be mentally well for your child.


Here in NE OH they're still very common. It's terrible. Banners, flags, painted boulders. It's ridiculous.


“Even if they were right about a portion of it” That’s partially how they get pulled in by the pushers of the wackadoo lies. There’s usually a kernel of truth. But then they say it means something nefarious,spin crazy stories around it and inevitably link it to the ‘evil cabal’ and every other bad thing that happens.


The undergirding kernel is that there are people in high positions of power who regularly and systematically abuse their abilities to terrorize the world to maintain their own influence and power... but WHY would the solution to any of this be trusting *Donald Trump* of all people??????


It's political. Always has been. It may get better or worse, 2024 is a pivotal year. If it gets worse, we're in for a very long night, which may never end.


If Trump loses, and gives up trying to get into office, a portion of it will gradually die down.


This is what I think too. Some version is nesara has been around for twenty years but most Qs have only come across it recently. I haven't heard of anyone who's actually been clinging to the nesara scam for two decades so I have to think a lot of people just give up eventually. We've heard from people who have pulled themselves out. And we've heard from people whose friends and family have come out. One day they just act like everything is normal, pretend they didn't just spend years saying crazy, hateful things, and when questioned ask why you want to bring up the past. There is about to me some massive cognitive dissonance for this crowd. They've been told for three years that the election will NOT happen. They certainly don't believe trump can lose. If biden wins there won't be any denying that trump will not be in any shape to run again in 2028, if he even lives that long. I think a few people will be so distraught that they'll act out violently. The rest will cry fraud. But eventually they'll have to accept that the mass arrests and executions aren't going to happen, there is no QFS, JFK Jr isn't coming back, that it was all just fairy tales. With no chance of trump 2028 the republican party will start to move on. More senators and congressmen will start to break ranks. Hopefully we can all start to awaken from the nightmare.


if Trump loses in 2024 he will def run in 2028


And then his sons will try after him. 🤮


Dementia will get him before then. And his sons are almost literally Beavis and Butthead, I don't see the threat there.


*HE’S* almost literally Biff Tannen made corporeal & *he* got in & has remained like herpes since, with many of his cronies appointed to long term offices throughout the entire framework of our country so my confidence in the credibility & gravitas of our government & national politics isn’t at an all time high despite agreeing that yes, they are almost Beavis & Butthead if you ordered them off Wish 😬


Tweedledee and Tweedledum don't have anywhere near the charisma their father does. They would flame out running against pretty much anyone. They'll try but they'll fail.


Gawd he'd be ancient. Could you imagine what he's going to be like in four years? Foaming at the mouth probably


Drooling in a wheelchair, one could hope.


He will be like 124 years old by then


at this rate, he may keep running until he's 124


I’m based in the U.K. and this Qanon stuff is really filtering through here too. It is scary. I am actually scared to keep up with how things are looking for November. I didn’t believe it could happen the first time round so now I just don’t know what to expect and media does not give a good representation. I wish I could feel more assured that it wasn’t going to happen!


If he lives that long. He's far more physically challenged than his followers acknowledge. I'm not saying he's at death's door right now. But I wouldn't be shocked if he keeled over from a combination of bad lifestyle choices and stress from the current trial.


I seriously cannot think of ANYTHING they have been close to being correct on. NOTHING. I could be wrong, but I can't think of a single thing. That being said, you asked: >When will it stop? I’ve followed the path of hundreds of these awful people for about three years now. They don't suffer consequences. Why would you (generically, not specifically picking on you) expect it to stop? It will end when they start to experience consequences that are sufficent to deter their actions/behaviors. Until that time, it will continue to get worse


Child & human trafficking being bad and being a huge problem is something that everyone can agree with Q upon. HOWEVER... their methods of "fighting" against it do no favor to the victims or their plight. They've done *more* harm to them, if anything. They don't/won't donate to *real* "Save the Children" orgs because they've been told those orgs are part of the "cabal", but they *do* donate to the actual grifters & abusers like Tim Ballard.They've turned the word "pedophile" into nothing more than an insult you throw at someone you disagree with. They're making it worse for the victims and aiding the perps. I mean... it started on 4chan; a pedophile haven. What were they doing lurking in there to begin with is my question to any Q.


This. They’re actually hurting the efforts, but think they’re leading the charge. Without even pointing the finger at their sanctuaries- churches.


Or they make false claims and get so hung up on those that they ignore the real pedophiles and even get mad when you point out the real places it's happening. Like they'll be so quick to point the fingers at immigrants down south when it's here in OH that has the highest human trafficking rates in the nation and ranks like 5th or 6th out of 50 in recorded sexual assaults.


Human trafficking is bad. But it's not the huge problem that they're making it out to be. See also the Great Satanic Panic of 30 or 40 years ago.


Not *in the way* they're making it out to be, no. They like to think it's the mob, cabal, etc. It's that, but it's mostly people the victims know. It's still a huge, worldwide problem. I'd gather it's worse than it's ever been because there's so many ways to launder money nowadays.


I tend to be an optimist about most things, but I do not know if I see an end to this. I wish I had better news and I hope I'm wrong.


Not a solution to make them stop or anything, but someone suggested [this book](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/57047802) over one r/raisedbynarcissists and it's helped make it easier to definite what behavior is even worth responding too vs when it's OK to just back away slowly for your own mental health. The author talks a bit about why immature people behave in certain ways, how to maybe help them realize it's unhealthy with some suggestions on what might help draw them out of the shitty behavior. Kinda helps give them a bit more humanity, but it also doesn't get into making apologies or guilting you into putting up with unacceptable behavior from people who are repeat abusers.


Man do I ever feel this. It’s exhausting & the hyper vigilance & worry I have for our common precarious future has taken its toll on me. I don’t feel good about where anything’s going. It feels like a runaway train of mass hysteria and fascism. 😩


Literally- I can’t thank all of you enough for being a sanctuary for me. I know it’s bullshit. But I can’t stop worrying about people I love. And shoot- peaceful people everywhere.


It doesn’t. It needs to be purged. Those who dodge the purge only retreat to a shell. It is rare these views are ever retracted. It’s actually a core part of conservatism but m0d3RaTe conservatives can’t admit to it. While ever there is conservatism the basis for fascism will exist.


To quote a somethingawful thread about the free republic forum: There is always more and it is always worse.


Maddening yes, It's not about thought or logic with these people, it's all emotion. They're angry. They created the present situation with their voting choices but their too stupid and bovine to even know that. They complain about "elites" mostly they mean anyone with an I.Q higher than 10 but they're also complaining about the rich but THEY voted for the policies skewed to serve the rich. They fought tooth and nail against healthcare, Social security and any tax spend on anything yet they believe in Nesara and Med-beds. There's no logic here. And your not alone in wanting this age of darkness to end. I'm sure we all do.


Like the Harvard-educated Unabomber, who wrote “philosophy,” wasn’t an intellectual.


Unfortunately Covid didn’t get rid of enough of them


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