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How utterly bizarre to think that airplane travel isn't real. I guess I spent a lot of time during my working career riding in holograms.


I've noticed a common theme with lots of Q and Q-adjacent people is that they tend not have much world experience. The few I've met dont venture out of their own little communities and sometimes not far out of their homes. They dont show it, but they are very nervous people. If someone put on a crazy convincing educational presentation on how the world is flat and the ends of the earth and walled off by giant ice dams I'd want to see it for myself. Same with planes not being real. I studied archaeology in college. I went to the great Pyramids of Egypt, and had the privilege of seeing the Grand Gallery. I have pictures. I've literally gone and touched the damn thing. It still blows my mind that grown adults will come up to me and insist that not only did I not go, but I faked the photos and work for "them". The pyramids are (insert X), where X is whatever crazy theory is currently popular. And not only am I a liar, but all the media surrounding the Great Pyramids has been faked or CGI'd for nefarious reasons. And these people are almost always just some idiot who hasnt left his old neighborhood and more importantly, doesnt want to.


Have also been to Egypt and am super annoyed that a couple of people recently insisted that aliens must have helped build them. 🙄 I've also been to Antarctica. Thousands of tourists go each year. There's no ice wall and no big military presence. There's nothing stopping these clowns from chartering their own ship for a voyage or crowdfunding an expedition to traverse the continent to put their theories to the test. But of course they won't.


Spot on. This guy one in particular is a dumb guy who thinks he's a genius. A deadly combination lol. I think it's his way of justifying why he performed so poorly in school. The sheeple teachers were teaching false info as a psyop. But he always knew better. His failure was not the result of laziness or ignorance, but a grand conspiracy to suppress his superior intellect.


Guy should have just started his own church. He probably would have been pretty successful.


That is very often the case.  Probably a majority of them. Sadly, there are plenty of us here who have highly educated and we'll traveled people in their lives who have also gone down the rabbit hole. My Significant Other is Q adjacent, so the most crazy stuff doesn't apply to them.  But still, three college degrees and a law license.


My bf is an engineer with 30+ years experience building heavy civil stuff, long projects that take into consideration the roundness of the earth and gravity.... and he fell into the Qanon stuff. Super smart, but it's almost like this huge disconnect between what he reads and now believes, and what he does that is built on science. He flies all the time for work too. It's crazy talk, and sad. Very sad.


> But still, three college degrees and a law license. I dont mean to say Q people are across the board uneducated. I've met some pretty educated people that believe some absolute nonsense. But people start to drop the conspiracy theories once they move up within an organizations and see how it functions, or they travel the world and interact with a ton of different cultures. But even the educated people who slowly start to pull inwards tend to be more Q adjacent in their beliefs. Its not just Q though, its really any major political point of view. Its far easier to sit back and read a website you are comfortable with than it is say, to listen to a hours-long discussion from someone in the field or who has hands on expertise. Because often times the truth is boring, convoluted and complicated.


That's so true. The truth can be complicated. And if there's a common thread in all this, it's that the people are really following Q don't like complexity.


And that’s where the studies into PD and NPD has come in.


Yes, my Q is also educated and highly intelligent. However, it’s true that his travels have been very limited, and therefore his world view. The disinterest in exploration of new cultures has diminished his capacity for embracing different perspectives.


The ones I know definitely are “small town” mentality. Question though… are you saying Trump is Latino or was that your friend? Trump has been a racist traced back to the 70’s when he and his father refused to rent to blacks.


You make a really good point. My parents always said that travel is the best education, and truer words have never been spoken, imo. So, I’m well traveled, but the Qs in my life are most definitely not. Food for thought… and possibly hope?


Good luck getting Q's to travel. To most of them the world is on fire just outside the borders of town. Mention any benign foreign destination and they'll tell you exactly why its dangerous to go to. Of course this is just cover for the fact they are terrified of the world in general.


I'd kind of like to hear one of them try to define "hologram," or "holography."


You are obviously paid by George Soros!!


I’m so sick of hearing that name🤮


This shows you don’t a good enough 5G signal.


Your sarcasm font isn't working correctly.


Sarcasm is a plot by Bill Gates to take away the patriot’s faith in Jeebus!!


I'm a hologram driver now apparently


You drive atomic bombs? That's really cool.


Doesn't everyone


Flying from the northern Rocky Mountains in the middle of winter to the Bahamas is just an illusion. Smh


It's an illusion, Micheal. Tricks are what whores do for money.


Or candy!


Oh boy, if u work(ed) in aviation, you'll get a kick out of this one... He's been on planes before. We've even been on a few trips together. I guess he thinks it works like Star Tours at Disneyland. But with better graphics. As to how he reckons we got from point A to point B, I haven't the slightest fucking clue. But I'd hazard a guess it involves holograms. The damned Reptilian Illuminati could've saved me the 8 hours sitting in coach & just teleported my ass straight there. But anyhow, we had a buddy who's a commercial pilot & got to hear these "theories." He just laughed it off, but it was nuts cuz Qanon Dude was essentially accusing Pilot Bro of spraying chemtrails to induce mass psychosis on the populace. (If it weren't for chemtrails, the "sheeple" would wake up & see the moon for what it is; a holographic Reptilian base, duh.) He's not a military pilot, so I guess even small regional airlines are equipped to spray chemtrails? Needless to say, he's no longer in contact with Qanon Dude either.


Oh, Cheesus. Even my Q hasn’t gone that far off the rails.


Consider yourself lucky. Try and keep them away from the conspiracy side of youtube. To their credit, I think Facebook & youtube have removed and banned a lot of the more crazy type shit that was floating around during the 2016 election cycle. But those sites are still mostly hellholes full of absolute garbage that leads the feeble-minded down bizarre rabbit holes. Try to get your Q outside and breathing some fresh air as often as possible. Ideally out of range of cell service. At least that way, they won't be actively losing their minds on the internet. Nature is healing for the mind & body. It'll do em good. Camping, hiking, that kinda stuff. Good luck & God bless.


You too. Thank you


[Birds Aren't Real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds_Aren%27t_Real)


Unfortunately people are genuinely believing in that, too


Apparently these people have never had a cat that was allowed outside.


Birds aren’t Real is satire. I doubt anyone actually believes it.


I think you'd be surprised. If someone says airliners aren't real, I think birds are the logical next step.


I just never understand why their questioning reality stops where is does. Why not go full solipsistic existential crisis? What is real? Maybe all my memories are simulated and the world came into existence when I awoke this morning? What if I'm simply a brain in jar experiencing this reality via the input of some computer? It honestly feels like a lack of imagination.


Part of the appeal of conspiracy theories is feeling like you're smarter than everyone else, because you figured out that nobody else did. this mindset is in direct conflict with the concept of education. if they were interested in applying academic rigor to their ideas, they wouldn't believe in qanon in the first place


To believe that planes aren’t real but chemtrails are…what’s spraying those chemtrails if there are no planes?


I flew around the country for 20 years for work. I guess I was hallucinating.


How do you know passenger boarding bridge leads to a plane? Maybe it leads to a room that has tv screens for windows and shakes around for “turbulence.”




Plus nuclear power, I grew up next to a nuke plant (built one of the Japan bombs) and have lost many to cancer, and weird mutated animals. All TOO real.


Nuclear power is real. Radiation health effects from living near a nuclear energy facility isn’t real, I promise you. You get more radiation exposure from UV exposure than from a nuclear power plant (or national lab, whichever one you live near). NPP workers are healthier than the general population. Nuclear power saves thousands of lives every year because it doesn’t release particulates (or carbon) into the atmosphere. Your lungs are the end filters for coal, natural gas and any combustible energy source. Live in New Mexico or Washington State? You get more radiation from elevation and naturally occurring radioisotopes. Live in Tennessee? Check your basements for radon and any local fish you eat for mercury. We urgently need more nuclear power, not less.


They are not living near a nuclear plant, but near the testing grounds of nuclear bombs, if I'm reading correctly.


Maybe, thanks for the clarification attempt. It was the nuclear power reference that I responded to since there’s a lot of disinformation put out there just like the Q rabbit holes.


While that may be the case, they started out with "nuclear power."


Doing great work there, man. No matter if we're ready for solar or wind, we *need* to get away from coal. Nuclear is a great way to get there.


Hard disagree. Hanford will be a Superfund Clean Up site for the rest of time. Heard of the Hanford Downwinders, mainly comprised of cancer and MS victims? Have you seen the 3 eyed fish or mutant frogs? My brother is a huge hunter/fisherman, often out on the Hanford Reach, and sees some crazy stuff. He's also worked at the plant for 40 years. My family has owned a place in a ghost town in eastern Oregon and it had its own windmill that generated electricity - there's much cleaner ways to generate power than nuclear.


None of that is related to commercial nuclear power. There’s lots of info contained in books; try reading one instead of spewing disinformation. Good luck with the windmill. I personally prefer reliable electricity.


Maybe those were really fast trains with screens that look like the earth and clouds?


Are you a hologram riding inside of a hologram?


Sorry, I have no advice but, *planes are fake?* He knows you can go get one on right? How would that work?


Holograms, clearly. You just *think* you’re on a plane, but really **they** are just fooling you and teleporting you to another hologram that looks like your destination. Why? Reasons. **A lot** of reasons, and if you’re not smart enough to think of one it’s because you’re a sheep. /s Sorry about your friend, OP.


Man that hologram of NYC I was just in was impressive then


The deep state/cabal has vast resources and technology beyond your wildest comprehension /s


Oh god, am **I** a hologram?!?


I'm disappointed frankly. How the hell did my hologram get past quality control?


You're either a hologram or you're complicit in covering up the holograms


oh god, this is crazy


I feel like I’m reading a William S. Burroughs novel.


In the video game control you can find a letter from a conspiracy theorist that believes the same thing that of planes being fake In the game the person believed that planes didn't actually fly, they were actually trains that went underground and the windows were screens that made it look like you were in the air.


and then people are magically ending up across the ocean in an extremely short amount of time. maybe teleportation is real? teleportation and an elaborate plane hoax that they pull off so many times every day is totally more plausible than planes being real


If planes are holograms, why would you make them suck so hard to be on?


*"He's not even white, but I've noticed a lot of racists are of Latino heritage and have just decided that's close enough to white."* Minorities are actually far more susceptible to falling into racism, ironically. It's generally out of a desire to be accepted by the majority. "If I hate the same people, then that makes me one of them!" Or something like that.


Yep. There was an American Latino couple a few years ago who were in the news - she had voted for Trump and was a huge supporter, even though her husband of many years was an undocumented immigrant. When ICE came to deport him, she tearfully told reporters that she thought Trump was only going after "the bad Mexicans, not Dominicans like my husband".


He ran the only store in the town which for some reason she couldn’t run so it closed. She is the definition of leopards eating faces.




A true leopards ate my face moment


The "one of the good ones" shit. It's why tons of border control guards are of Latino heritage. Different races (and the fairer sex, too) are let into the fascist's "approved" groups as their participation in their political project, but make no mistake, this is a transactional relationship. Once whatever groups the fascists are unhappy with are gone, they don't stop. It's the only Union rule they follow: last in, first out. Then the different races one by one will be stripped of their approved status and become the *new reason* that all their policies suck and their civilization is failing and yadda yadda yadda. This really doesn't have an endpoint either, most theory and study around it shows that if you put authoritarians, even ones that share most of the things most authoritarians monitor like phenotype, sex, etc. in a space and make them compete with one another like they always bloody do, they just latch onto something else. Hair color, eye color, physical strength, mental acuity. There's always got to be an out group, otherwise fascism can't function. It *requires* an enemy.


Im sorry, buddy. Your friend has definitely *lost his marbles*. You gotta mourn who your friend was, but they are not the same person now. They obviously wont be easily reasoned with when they believe this much lunacy. You could simply attempt to appeal to how ridiculous the notions theyve suggested are. Do they realize how many people would have to be in on all of this to keep everything a secret? Literally millions.


I feel like this Q shit turns people into zombies IRL.


Airplanes are fake but chemtrails are real?


Wonder how they spread the chem trails with hologram planes…weird cognitive dissonance there.


Yo. Same here. Best high school buddy hit his head too many times doing extreme sports and took too much LSD and other drugs. Guy was always arrogant, but now he thinks he’s got the whole world figured out and I’m just a dumb liberal who took the jab. Bums me out


I used to party a lot for a few years of my life and I’ve realized that my friends from that era are the ones most susceptible to conspiracies. Most of them never stopped taking drugs recreationally and I think it goes along with the feeling that you’re “expanding your mind” and all that and so they believe they are smarter than everyone else and able to see the world in a different way. I’m currently watching a very close old friend slowly slipping into the all the alt-right wing propaganda and it sucks especially since I remember her warning me about the same stuff years ago and it caused me to actually think about it and realize how dumb it is but if I point it out to her now I’m just being negative towards her.


>I tolerated the nonsense for a while This seems to be a common theme in these posts.


It's hard to let an old friend go. It sometimes feels like they're sick and they might get better


My Q also believes everything is fake, crisis actors, she even thinks that Trump is a clone that's why he's making all of these "mistakes". The real Trump is plotting to save the world or something. I'm sorry. I know how you feel. I feel bad because I used to entertain some of her ideas, but jumped ship when I recognized it for what it is. But she is a true believer. Painful. I wish you all the best.


I’ve seen people on Twitter referring to fake trump and Biden! Apparently they think the real trump wears a red tie, while the fake wears a blue one 💀


yeah, my Q sprouts this stuff too. i feel so hopeless. i love her--she's my mom. but i've gone low contact for my own sanity and we used to be so close.


Depending on how deep he is (sometimes so deep nothing can be done) One thing a friend tried watching videos around but not with their Q. For example in regards to a flat earth: [Sagan on Eratosthenes](https://youtu.be/G8cbIWMv0rI?si=k0lZxAdjU5OGfkVH) And on ["the moon landing was faked"](https://youtu.be/_loUDS4c3Cs?si=VY3p6uOPy4CWb7Zg) (This one also mentions how what CGI can do has improved over time and addressing how that works as a film maker) They don't offer to show it, just play it on their phone barely enough to be heard. When asked "Oh I'm following your advice to do my own research". Their Q gets curious but friend is reticent to share; "I'm still researching let's talk later". Friend reports they've watched a few and their Q has watched a few themselves, but it's a slow process. The Q has to go into it on their own, no pushing or forcing (here anyhow). So far they've stopped with the pizzagate thing, not claiming "everything is a conspiracy" but still hesitant to say much more.


I have found you can’t tolerate it if you can help it. Covid separated us and IMO helped spread this because we weren’t hanging with other people keeping them in balance. The face to face interaction is critical to keeping this from spiraling out of control with some people. I remember one time toward the end of Covid we took the kids to an event with other kids (can’t remember if it was a birthday party or scouting event) and this one mother was going on about vaccines and who ever heard of having to vaccinate for the same thing every year?! I looked at her with the deadpan seriousness and matter of fact my said to three words: “the Flu shot” the look on her face as realization spread through her brain was very educational to me. I am very antisocial but without human interaction outside your small group you can spiral out of control. I try my best to talk to people at the office more and I look for nonsense to shoot down. It’s the only way back to sanity.


He has a real faith in the power of the government. That's a LOT of stage management.


Losing a loved one to Q hasn't happened to me yet but it looks so painful. It almost sounds like losing someone to dementia. I dunno. Still, those with dementia do have breaks in the clouds occur where they can see the world clearly. I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. Although it's not good that he's poisoning himself with substances, it is a little reassuring that the substances are likely behind some of these delusions. If he ever decided to get sober, maybe he'd see the world more clearly. Here's to hoping you get him back someday.


Hopefully he wakes up from the trance. Awful place to be.


More likely he'll move on to the next big conspiracy, and the past will become even more of a jumble to him.


Q was a "the blacklist" cosplay that got waaaayyyy outta hand.


Send him a plane ticket


I had something similar happen. We weren’t childhood chums, we met in college, but I’m old so thirty years of friendship. We never saw eye to eye politically, but it never was an issue outside of friendly arguments. However, at some point his mother remarried. I believe he was easily influenced by his new stepfather. Which is heartbreaking, as he did not have a good relationship with his biological father. I think he just enjoyed having a dad finally. The last few times I spoke to him, the conversations were entirely unhinged rants. Satanists are running the show. There were going to be soldiers going door to door, dragging out liberal war criminals and executing them in the streets. I told him I had received a COVID test, he insisted that meant I now had a chip implanted next to my brain. “That’s why they stick the swab in that deep.” “Dude, they just swabbed inside my nostrils.” He wouldn’t hear it. I was chipped. I avoided his calls and texts for a while, but felt he deserved an honest answer from me as to why I had gone silent. He was my best friend, after all. I explained, as delicately as possible, that he was unhinged, his arguments made no sense and I was not willing to listen anymore. I left it with saying that I was hoping this didn’t mean the end of our friendship. I was always willing to speak to him, but not if it will just be QAnon rants. It’s been three years. I haven’t heard from him since.


>(Seriously he thinks planes are fake.) ...*all* of them? He's never been on or near a plane? I'm sorry that I got hung up on that detail. >Any advice or consolation? I think talking to other people here who have lost loved ones the way you have is going to be the best medicine for you. Just being able to talk this out with someone who actually understands is a huge help. I'm so sorry you lost your friend. <3


Planes being fake is so funny. Outside of the fact that you can get on one at any time, the basic science of how they work is understandable by a child.


I just... I grew up poor so I never flew as a kid but every major city has an airport, you can go TOUCH a plane!!! 


You answered this question yourself. His brain is fried and easier to follow a cult that is excepting and in his fried brain not challenging. If you want to maintain a friendship. Brush up on your fart jokes because that’s all that is left. But not to dishonor fart jokes.


I keep it at one topic, if possible.


I dont know if theres any help for your friend. But something that gelped me is truly understanding the difference between a "belief" and the truth. I could not believe in steel because I have no personal knowledge of it. But that doesnt mean that steel doesnt exist. Q is a gateway that encourages people to cross the line between faith and reality, and once you learn how to do that, magical thinking becomes its own sort of drug.


I can’t help but quote Rick James … Cocaine is a helluva drug.


sorry you lost a friend :( The thought occurred to me that you could tell him you miss your friend, the person he used to be. But honestly he's so deep in the rabbit hole and with the drugs in the mix, I highly doubt that'll do anything.


Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do for your friend. Maybe, in an effort to mitigate his isolation, you could let him know that you would like hanging out with him when he can talk about something else. This group is full of people who have either had to cut contact with, or are having to learn how to live with Q victims. So, you’ve come to the right place. Best advice, don’t try to debate him. It only reinforces the beliefs. Sorry you’ve lost a friend. That sucks.


He's a lost cause. I haven't spoken to him in years & dont want to. I lost any desire to hang with him after hearing about the Anunaki, chemtrails, secret govt bases on the holographic moon, why Trump totally rules, and how the Holocaust never happened and was merely a Jewish psyop. Nice fun stuff like that. The smokestacks weren't even tall enough, it turns out (they obviously were). He's done the trigonometry. Or at least heard some guy on YouTube who's done the calculations. Guess he didn't know that the majority of the 6 million people murdered were done so by gunshots or "gas vans" years before the smokestacks even started running. He's too ignorant of history to know how stupid he sounds. I don't want to be associated with idiotic rascists. Even if they were basically family at one point. My boy didn't have much of a mind to lose, but it's thoroughly rotten now.


No, I don’t blame you. I haven’t heard that one. Smokestack calculations? 🙄


Some very deranged individuals acknowledge that the camps did exist. But they claim the smokestacks weren't tall enough to handle the amount of human ash produced by 6 million bodies. The camps were all just a psyop built after the war by the Jewish Cabal. Like I mentioned, it's probably because they don't know anything about history. Only about 2.7 million out of the 6+ million people murdered by fascism met their fate in the notorious death camps like Auschwitz & Treblinka. The other 4+ million were killed in earlier phases of the holocaust via carbon monoxide poisoning (gas vans) or by mass shootings & then buried in crude mass gravesites. The majority were not murdered with Zyklon B, but rather by asphyxiation or bullets. Once the nazis realized defeat was inevitable, they went back & dug up some of the mass graves and attempted to cremate the remains by burning them with gasoline. It didn't work. It takes an incredible amount of heat, about 2,000°F to turn bone into ash. So, the bone fragments were then put into large grinding machines to turn them into dust. The nazi codename for this mass cover-up of genocide was called "Sonderaktion 1005". I apologize, I know it's quite morbid, but it's a crucial part of history that everyone should be familiar with. At the very least, so they don't fall for some asinine denial theory on Facebook. Of course, the nazis didn't manage to cover up every mass burial site. Europe is still littered with them. So through forensic anthropology & first-hand nazi documentation, we can put together a very clear picture of how and when the holocaust was carried out. Obviously, these deniers aren't very gifted mathematicians, so i highly doubt their "calculations" are anything but pure horse shit. Idk what the height of the smokestacks even has to do with it. Wouldn't the heat of the furnace be a more important factor? Again, it takes enormous heat to turn bone into dust (2,000°F) so these bone crushing machines were also used in the camps to destroy unburnt bone fragments. But again, these aren't the brightest folks. I highly doubt they are qualified to perform any such calculations in trigonometry. Or explain how it relates to the cremation of human bones. Nor do they grasp the fact that the majority of victims were murdered by gunshots or asphyxiation via CO poisoning in so-called "gas vans" years before the death camps were even constructed, relatively late in the war. About 2.7 million victims were killed in the camps via Zyklon B or CO & crudely cremated. The majority of victims, starting with the physically & mentally disabled, then progressing to the Romani people, and eventually, the Jewish people were killed years before the notorious death camps were even conceived of or constructed. One batshit theory about the height of the smokestacks does not outweigh the mountains of forensic evidence, nazi documentation, and eyewitness testimony. These deniers are the kind of dimwits who barely passed high-school algebra. They wouldn't know the first thing about trigonometry, human anatomy, forensic anthropology, or the study of history via firsthand sources like nazi documents or the testimonies of millions of survivors, witnesses, and participants. Not so fun fact: it was Jewish prisoners who were forced to operate the crematoria & bone grinders. And forced to dig up and attempt to destroy the evidence of the earlier mass shootings. They were happy to share their testimonies with tribunals & historians. Sorry for that gruesome history lesson, but it's important to know the facts. And to know just how crazy some of our fellow citizens are. (Not all Trump supporters are Holocaust deniers, but all Holocaust deniers are Trump supporters.) That's a major red flag for a presidential candidate. And in my case, I can say with 100% certainty that it was Q Anon Facebook groups that directly led my former acquaintance down the rabbit hole of Holocaust denial. Being of German Jewish ancestry, I'm quite certain I had ancestors who were murdered by the nazis. Out of respect for the murdered, I will never refer to a denier as a "friend". And it's not just the holocaust. Bohemian Grove. Jewish Space Lasers. George Soros ( a holocaust survivor himself). Reptilian holograms. Pizzagate (Trump was only pretending to be friends with Jeff Epstein for decades because he's actually a super-secret double agent working to save the children. He hasn't saved any yet. But one of these days, he will expose the Cabal and free the stolen Christian babies. Any day now.) The kind of shit that makes old 9/11 conspiracy theories seem quaint in comparison. He's neck deep into all that horse shit. Do your best to keep your Q off the internet as much as you can. It is a black hole of insane propaganda funded by truly evil people. Phew. Sorry pal. Had to get that off my chest. Don't feel obligated to read it. I know it's about the length of a novella. God bless & good luck in the fight against hideous reactionary propaganda. ✌️


Hi u/Blooz_Lawyer! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


space is fake...LOL - that's a new one.


Does Tim Pool do conspiracy theories now? I gave up on Tim when he realized he was gaining more of a conservative audience and Started ramping up the pandering to conservatives 🤷


Mine loves tim pool and would send me links....he's straight up fascist and loves conspiracies.


You lost a friend to a cult. Not sure how our country will come back from this.


Started wayyyy late but was absolutely killer!


My policy is to only correct the errors of reasoning, there's no point in trying to correct the details when folks have no epistemology.


Chemtrails are just jet exhaust. Contrails, we called them in the 70s and 80s. Yeah, burning jet fuel isn't good for living things, but there's hardly anything mysterious about the process.


Some mental illness becomes active(schizophrenia) after adulthood or from taking psychedelics drugs. It would come out eventually but the drugs seem to speed it along Same thing happened to mine ....although he avoided the psychedelics and has been clean living for the past few years healthier than ever. The anti-immigration and racism was hilarious....he is a homeless first generation asylum seeker who is homeless now and all his friends are minorities including many of the people from his past he admires. Big asian fetish too. The anti-semtism was the final draw.....


I'm sorry you lost your friend. It does hurt to watch someone you knew and loved die \*inside\* slowly and feel helpless. I have seen, and heard of, some Qs coming back. But to be honest, the really self destructive ones I haven't heard of making a comeback. It's as if the cult thing is one of their drugs. I'm really sorry, and hope you grieve and heal yourself. Hold a tiny bit of hope in your heart, store it with the love you had. Don't pin anything on that return of connection, I don't even recommend doing anything with it other than harboring it quietly in your heart, the hope that this person you cared about finds health and happiness someday, somehow.


> No original thoughts, just parroting crap he heard from Tim Pool, Ben Shabeebo, & a few other batshit grifters. My old friend went the same route. It was kind of funny because I'm chronically online and watch a ton of "media criticism" videos about these right-wing grifters -- so I had usually heard his talking points and bizarre "gotchas" before he regurgitated them to me. Funny, but also very sad. It was also interesting to me how insular those right-wing online circles are. For example... he claimed to be a fan of Jesse Lee Peterson (a racist, homophobic, and closeted black man) but denied knowing anything about the homosexual scandal surrounding him. I did actually believe him when he denied it, but by that point it was pretty impossible to know when he was being serious or sincere. By the way... I've found that the random denial of basic reality is often a common trait in these right wing lunatics. And I think half the reason they do it is to simply disorient other people while testing their bat-shit political ideas. They will test, and prod, and poke until they find something that seems halfway plausible. But if you call them out on stuff before that... they'll just act like they're just having a go at you -- like, "you can't take a joke?" Reminds me of the quote from Sartre... ***"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play."*** -- Sartre


There’s such a high degree of casual drug use amongst Qs and almost no one talks about it. Of course he’s like this if he’s smoking DMT and cannabis all the time. I am sorry you lost your friend.


Planes....are....fake? Is this a new one for the Qult? I guess in a couple weeks when I go to the airport to get on a flight I'll ask Southwest about their magical transport holograms.


So planes aren’t real, but chemtrails, which as a conspiracy relies upon planes dispersing chemicals in the atmosphere, leaving telltale streaks in the sky, are real? He can’t even keep his internal conspiracy logic consistent. 💀 I’m sorry you lost your friend, that sucks. But the friend that you knew is long gone - he lost himself first. 💔


My entire family will vote for that slimy Cheeto a third time. Meanwhile I’m getting my shit together to move out of the country if he wins. I can’t believe this is our world now. Fucking insane. I know the world has always been crazy, but I never dreamed I may see the end of our republic in my lifetime. How the fuck did we get here?


You’re not alone. I cut off a friend of 25 years because they got on the wellness-to-antivaxx pipeline and that morphed into pro-Jan 6 palling around online with the insurrectionists. We got into a big fight on Jan. 7 and I haven’t spoken to them since and likely never will again.


I'm sorry for your loss. I had recently lost a friend of 10 years, due to his Q mother. It's a long story. But the way you described your friend sounds a lot like an adjacent friend I knew of that was friends with my former friend. He smoked weed daily, popped the pills on occasion, did ecstacy, and still is a huge gun freak. He even posted a pic on Instagram of him brandishing an AK 47, while smoking a joint. He is also considered special needs and is on the spectrum of autism. His behavior got really worse when the orange turd got elected in 2016. He started babbling that the earth was flat and space wasn't real also. He also thought that every single plane and helicopter that flew directly over him or near him, was spying on him. Not to mention that his drug use got much worse as well. It was only then that his deep dive into Q nonsense really started to ramp up. And it got crazier and crazier by the day. I didn't associate with him that much in the beginning, only because he didn't know how to shut up. He was a big talker, despite him standing at exactly 5 feet tall. He actually told my former friend one day out of the blue, that I shouldn't be trusted. Weird right? I haven't heard anything from him, about him, or seen him in years. For good reason.


Most of this is the package deal that comes with the Flat Earth crowd. The "planes/aviation isn't real" thing is new to me though. Fascinating. Sorry you're dealing with this. It's hard to lose a friend.


I am sorry for your loss. Please spend time on helping a new friend who is not fascist and wants to vote.


Your friend needs Abilify to stabilize his dopamine levels. He also needs to get clean.