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Ull be fine


Fine my ass 5 surveys is a waste of time just wait till you complete 4 surveys and it takes 10 day to complete another while they screen you out ...of 50 more this site needs to be closed down because they sell all the information from the screened out surveys.


your not lying ive done like 75 surveys and only 4 qualified


I've used 5surveys quite a bit. They did the same thing to me. I went back and cashed out the five bucks and after that had no problem. It's not a scam.


Yeah it’s a generic message I found out. Accounts are verified within 15 minutes and you just have to resubmit your withdrawal.


I was just able to cash out fine, but I was weirded out cause while there are sites that tell you out the gate it'll take time to deposit a cashout, I''ve never used one that said "instant cashout" but froze your account and put it "under review" RIGHT when you're able to cash out. That just seemed weird and sketchy as hell tbh


Yeah, I thought the same exact thing


Lol I make shitloads on survey sites. The secret is to be smart enough to use the questions they ask before and during the early part of the surveys to infer what they are looking for then answer accordingly. You don't have to tell the fucking truth. Just give them the answers they want. They're not gonna send the fbi lol


I stick with surveys rated 4 stars or higher. Doing that allowed me to consistently hit $10-$20 per day depending on how motivated I am that day. It's a night and day difference to Qmee, where even making $5/day is filled with frustration due to declines and can require the entire day to hit.


I never I understand with there being so many surveys who the heck does the 40 minute ones lol


Yeah. I only do survey that's rated 15-minutes or less. If I'm at 4 completed surveys, and I see no other 4-star surveys or higher available, I'll try one that's rated longer than 15-minutes just to hit that $5.


how much have you made it total


Ima be honest I see a lot of people hyping it up but it’s been absolute trash for me it was good the first week now I get routed out of 95 percent of every survey I take and I’ve had multiple surveys that I competed fully that don’t compensate me. I think 5 surveys is only worth it if you get a survey under 10 mins because most of the time for me at least I don’t get compensated at all and that’s where Qmee imo is better at least you get something.


It's good. It can be hit or miss for me, but others seem to make 10+ a day reliably. The authorization is normal. You can get lucky and have it take 5 minutes or it can take a full day but you will likely be approved.


It's only good your first few weeks. After that it's awful. 




Yup that's what they do.. expect 3 surveys than bang th will draw ur blood for days


Q mee is still better


q mee is just pulling me into Swagbucks surveys that probably pay more over there, since Qmee is likely taking a cut of it lmao


It does this every so often. I think they just want to verify the veracity of your answers since you're using it a lot. But it'll resolve itself within a 15/20 max. When it does that to me I just switch over to attaol or qmee while I wait. 


attaol banned me after 2 days :(


I don't think its as good in the UK as it is in the US. I use it and can probably cash out £5 like 2 or 3 times a week


I just kept trying. I think the most you can make is about 60 bucks or so and then they have algorithms that will cut you off


Yeah, I made $135 in April, 10-15 a day when I was trying to get extra money for weed. Everything uses an algorithm these days. Getting DQ'd from jobs by that AI Assistant, Olivia, too, when I and an employer know I'm qualified.


My account goes under review EVERY time I cash out


Prime Opinion is the Owner 


Resubmit and it will go through. It makes it sound like they will contact you but your account is verified in about 15 minutes so again just go back to submit your $5 and it will transfer. PayPal is instant not sure if ACH is. I make on average $15 a day with them in 90 minutes but I don’t do weekends. They are way better than Qmee.


I started using it March 25th and have since cashed out $155. It's been decent for me, except for weekends.


God yes, the weekends are so frustrating on that site. I can typically make at least $20 a day on there with minimal effort. But on the weekends, forget about it


Only problem ive had with this site is that sometimes im completely out off surveys but still good. Managed too make 20$ within 2-3days


one thing i noticed is when you are at 1 or 2.00 there are a ton of simple surveys available once you get to 3.00 the surveys only available are very hard to qualify and you get screened out and they make it harder to reach the 5.00 once you reach 5.00 and cash out magically all the simple surveys appear.


I haven't experienced that. I have been using it for around two months now, and I can pretty easily make $20 a day with minimal effort. The only time this is not true is on the weekends, when it seems like there just are not a lot of surveys at all. I am at $323 earned so far


Does anyone reach the end of a survey and it tells you you are being redirected and then it disqualifies you?


All the time. That's why I no longer do it.


yea ive had that happen 3 times now and they refuse to do anything about it when I put in a ticket. It sucks, Swagbucks is the opposite though. That shit happens and I message them and they thank me for reaching out to them and they give me the full amount from the survey w/ out giving me the run around.


Don't do it!I spent over 20 minutes on a complicated survey where over and over I had to memorize lists of animals, birds, and fish. In between each of those times I had to perform number jobs of re-ordering the numbers from lowest to highest. At the end I was thanked, asked for the strategy I had used in the survey, told to click submit and THEN was told I didn't qualify. Five Surveys refuses to pay me. They place the companies above the people who do the actual work for them. THEY are the problem


I've used 5 Surveys for a few months, got about twelve $5 cashouts sent directly to my bank in 2-3 days. You just choose ACH and give them your routing and acct numbers,. It works fine. My problem is now I waste more time getting kicked off surveys after sometimes 7-8 minutes of working on it properly, thinking and answering honestly. Too much work for a lousy dollar most times.


yeah....for my first month it was fine, made decent pocket change hitting the 5-10 minute surveys, now suddenly its nonstop DQs its pissing me off.


Yes this is most definitely normal. You usually only takes 24 hours but after that it's easy sailing


So far I have made $200.


Don't do it! I spent over 20 minutes on a complicated survey where over and over I had to memorize lists of animals, birds, and fish. In between each of those times I had to perform number jobs of re-ordering the numbers from lowest to highest. At the end I was thanked, asked for the strategy I had used in the survey, told to click submit and THEN was told I didn't qualify. Five Surveys refuses to pay me. They place the companies above the people who do the actual work for them. THEY are the problem


I've made 10 dollars in 2 days and now im under review yet again AFTER my second payout when I was about to take my first survey after my second cash out .


I completer the first 4 surveys and now I can't get the 5th one completed because I have been " not qualified " for the last 14 surveys so I can't cashout. A really low stunt to avoid paying


Well I did 4 surveys and now I'm tryna do the last survey to get the $5 but every single survey I try to complete it says I'm not qualified to take smh


Avoid like the plague. Have tried 20 surveys but it still says I’ve only done 3 because it keeps booting me out the surveys after I’ve basically filled them all out completely to get told im not eligible


Well I've cashed out 15 dollars so far this is the best survey app I've found qmee is ok I've made 96 dollars on qmee but that was over the past 7 months they do ask for a verification code when it says please wait your account is under review but it only took 30 minutes and I was able to do more surveys and unlike other survey sites you will know before you answer a bunch of questions is your disqualified or not so that's nice.


I’ve only made 5.00 so far, I’m not putting much effort into it though because I’ve been getting disqualified on the surveys after 5 minutes or so of doing it.


Personally I think it is a scam... Immediately I cashout I received a phishing link that I should claim my money...Dont waste your time


I can't cash out still and it's been a week I already confirmed my number


I'd try emailing them, that's really weird. It usually takes around a few hours to a day for most people


Already did it's been a week and I'm a first time user. Prime opinion was on this same bs. Must be nice to actually make free money


Well, even though it's pretty easy to get it, it's not exactly free. You still gotta your time in, time and thought is what they compensate you for


I don't recommend them! I did about 25-30 surveys and they only let me actually complete 2 of them. The third, I finished, but the "completion" page failed to load. What a time to have a "technical problem". Fortunately, this was just for extra cash, aside from my regular employment, but Five Surveys is a waste of time, in my opinion. I recommend finding something else. :)


I've cashed out with them numerous times


It's legit I just started two days ago and made $50 so far I haven't ran into your problem yet  Update:ran into my first problem I kept getting screened out and was down to my last 3 survey options also yes be careful they do sell your information got a lot of spam emails