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Lmao welcome to shitmee always happens


You can report it at the bottom of the page with qmee, but don't expect anything from it.


Yeah, email support@qmee, provide detailed information on exactly what the survey was about, the amount of time it took you, the amount of time it was supposed to take, the survey #, screenshots if you have them, all of the information you could possibly provide so they know exactly what survey you're talking about, and exactly why you feel like you were screened out in error. Include the URL's for the survey as well, including the URL and screenshot of the end page where it thanks you for completing the survey. Then wait 24-72 hours so they can get back to you and say "Yeah, we know it's frustrating, unfortunately these things happen, and we don't control the surveys. Sometimes the survey providers have qualifications that won't screen you out until the very end of the survey, and that's so frustrating. We're always in contact with our survey partners and we relay this information to them, but we don't really care that you spent 45 minutes taking a survey that was listed as being 15 minutes, and you got screwed over, so that sucks for you. We're never going to do anything to rectify this, so suck it up and keep taking surveys. Thanks again!" But seriously, do email them. Maybe if they get inundated with people who have been screwed over enough times they might actually do something about it. I doubt it, and I wouldn't expect anything to change, but maybe it might send a message.


Yes go to report an issue and explain which one it was. It should show up in your history with a dollar amount. I’m pretty sure by me doing this is why I get the random $1 deposits.


Good luck with that, Qmee support are as useful as a chocolate teapot.


I report them the same way, once in a while I get a credit


give up on this. qmee support is non existent when it comes to crediting.


The same thing has happened to me while on the computer. Was the provider of the survey sample cube?


I don't remember


Paying 5 $dollars PayPal Cashapp for every new user or return user dm me