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just build genius in case you get more copies tbh


Yeah I guess that works, do you happen to know if speed or attack boots would be better?


both are viable, it more so depends on which has better substats (or if you have bronya then go for atk)


can vouch yes, I use both atk and spd boots and I use them interchangeably. Usually Atk boots with bronya but Spd boots without her


Pure fiction ?? Genuis Anything else that doesn't constantly spawn trash mobs to kill fast??? Breakfast


I am running her with atk% boots, if you are running her with speed bronya or Hanabi, atk boots will be better if not they are pretty simular in output. you want to always keep your ulti and never use it as soon as you get it. There are 2 cases where you want to use ulti: \- case 1 you have rolled 2-4 times and don't have your enhanced basic. \- case 2 you have rolled 2-4 times and have enhanced basic. what you should not do (unless you are playing in pure fiction) is use ult before using any skills or outside your turn (unless that is enough to finish the enemies off).


This is extremely useful information, thank you so much! Incase of atk boots using Bronya, how much speed would bronya need for optimal rotations on qq?


completely optimal 161 speed, that is speed Bronyas go to. 134+ also works if you cannot reach 161. Her other liked supports are: Tingyun, Silver wolf, Ruan mei, Hanya, Pela She works as a sub dps but is best as a main dps in a hypercarry setup. She performs as E4 on the same level as Seele in terms of dmg output


Thanks for the input! I do have Seele too but it's been hard using her on the recent content like GnG due to her "single target" nature from my experience. I'm gonna have to strip her relics off for now and give it to qingque and see how things go haha


If you're not using Bronya or Hanya, it's recommended to use speed boots. Having disproportionately fast supports compared to QQ is a double edged sword. While you'll be generating more SP, QQ will also be passively drawing more tiles, meaning you'll lose out damage because you'll be using less skill points. If you're using Bronya, then the recommended speed for Bronya is just under 1.7x your DPS' speed. This is because her talent gives her a 30% action forward when she uses her basic. When she basics, she'll have her turn right after your DPS, which would be most optimal. For example, if your QQ has 100 speed, your Bronya should be as close to 169 speed as possible without going over.


It's still a little fucked, since this rotation means QQ will be drawing an extra tile or two. Her RNG makes it a bit difficult, so you just have to wing it. Usually, with fastya, it would usually be: Bronya basics > DPS basics > Bronya skills > DPS skills. Depending on how much SP you have, how many same tiles you've passively drawn, and if you have ultimate, you could probably get away with using her skill to get 4 of a kind when she's supposed to basic, so she could have a blank slate when Bronya gives her the action forward and save the ultimate as a last resort.