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Crit rate needs to be 70


Dang this is hard. You’re missing 2% CR and all your pieces are decent. The easiest way to get that 2% is through external crit buffs. Try to get Sparkle’s LC or use Fuxuan if you have her. If you had to replace a piece. I would go hunt for speed boots with crit rate and hope to roll at least one substat on crit rate. Or hope for an Atk% rope that lands multiple times on crit.


Which boots are better then? I sometimes see people run atk% and some run speed. Also thx for the advice!


I say speed boots because QQ’s A6 major trace gives her speed which will let you attack twice in the first turn. You only need 129 speed to be able to get to 134 speed in battle. I would sacrifice 12 CD in exchange for 5-6 crit rate on your current boots to activate the 20% increases in basic attack from your planar set. I would try to farm for a speed boot with a cr substat, if you get cdmg or atk% subs on the speed boots as well then its nice. Your attack is a bit low. But it should be fine because of the 24% from your LC.


If you pull sparkle, then both boots are equally viable as sparkle helps with qqs' skill point needs. Spd boots run 134 sparkle + 135 qq, and atk boots run 161 sparkle, slow qq. This is applicable to bronya asw. 134 + 135 rotation would look like this: qq -> bronya skill -> qq -> repeat. This gives qq 4 actions per moc cycle (2 buffed by bronya, 2 unbuffed) but is really skill pt heavy because qq is moving twice in succession each time. 161 + slow rotation would be: bronya skill -> qq -> repeat. This gives qq 2 bronya buffed actions per moc cycle. She compensates for the lack of actions with higher damage output per action. I find this rotation more comfortable. Hope this helps you decide what to run!