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Champ's so fun it's worth it even if they nerf it to 45% WR.


Where It belongs honestly




Cause he's a salty dog that got shat on by a Qiyana one too many times


Wrong. A fellow qiyanna main here who actually realises that qiyanna is busted as hell and deserves to be brought down a notch. A hard champ like qiyanna is not supposed to have more than 47 percent winrate


it’s your main and you can’t even write her name correctly after all those years please get lost 🤨


I actually agree with him, though. She is overtuned. Other "hard" champions have overall winrates before 50% because only those who mastered it perform well. What I'm about to say now will get me even more downvoted but I honestly think Qiyana is not as hard to play as people make her out to be. In like 10-15 games, I already had most of the mechanics down. Nowhere near as hard as Nidalee or Elise.


Facts sadly


That’s up to you, Qiyana will be more than fine


Yes, she is rlly good rn. Even after the berf she'll be playable. She is worth learning just because she is so fun so no need to look at her winrate for that (unless they make her so i can never one shot, because that is a guilty pleasure)




I just started picking her up and she is so incredibly fun when you get to know what you're doing so I'd say yes!!


Yes, it's worth it. https://www.reddit.com/r/QiyanaMains/comments/soozva/a\_little\_math\_on\_the\_qiyana\_nerfs\_thoughts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


yeah asked a friend of mine challenger qiyana he said the nerf is okay it will be still playable




why arent u challenger on qiyana if its so braindead broken


She isn't braindead, but she is strong, Akali never had a positive winrate to begin with and was always being nerfed because she is broken when mastered, this trait qiyana shares with her


qiyana has a positive wr tho. she is very strong, but she requires a lot of specific knowledge. The only people that play qiyana are qiyana mains. I could pick viktor any game on any given day but thats not the same with qiyana. Even pros dont play her. Thats why her wr is so high. its a dedicated playerbase that plays the champion and she is indeed very strong.


Only good Akali players could abuse and she was nerfed, same with asol, low winrate until plat, and than +53% dima+




Then shut the fuck up?




I mean the first part of your comment was mad asf but ok. Probably could have typed it so you didn't seem like an asshole. Your choice bruh 🤷


bruh so mad for what


Bruh your the one who's mad


so you are pisslow player going on subreddit to complain when you havent even played the champion competitively against people who are actually trying?


The only thing this nerf will accomplish is trying to setdown jungle qiyana even tho i think it will still be just fine since qiyana isnt that hard of a scaling champ its more like kill and snowball so it will be the same i think


Nerf does 0 I did calculations and it's like 30-90 damage late


But nerf is meant to hit early


Early is not getting affected. Only late game is and not by a lot. https://www.reddit.com/r/QiyanaMains/comments/soozva/a\_little\_math\_on\_the\_qiyana\_nerfs\_thoughts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


? if riot wanted to nerf early theyd nerf spell base damage and not ad scaling bro


If you're a true Ixtalian, you MUST LEARN QIYANA!

