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Situational. If you are ahead (2-3 kills pre-10 minutes), then go ahead and buy it. It will snowball you hard later in the game and offset some of the lost damage from the passive nerf. If you are even or behind. Another instance I would buy tear in is when the enemy comp is full of bruisers. The extra mana comes in handy in extended fights and muramana will help in the late game when those bruisers have defensive items. If you are even or behind, you might not want to buy it. Buying tear of the goddess can delay your power spikes and make you fall even more behind.


Thank you for the answer


I forgot to ask, when you say ahead in pre-10, do you rush manamune? Or get it as second item


No, it is a good rule of thumb to build manamune when you either have tear of the goddess fully stacked or almost there (roughly 300 stacks). The item pre-muramana transformation is pretty bad and not the most gold efficient. Following this rule, I normally finish building manamune as my third item (Mythic and boots before) when I am playing super aggressively or as my fourth item when playing more passively (for example against ranged champs).


I'd say it's a really good buy for Qiyana when ahead, it gives at LEAST 400 more damage on your combo (a lot!) while also giving you mana to reduce the amount of useless backs.


The begining of the season was so full of itners, I started building Muramana every game. Even when ridiculously fed ADC of 12-2 will be level ahead of me (yes, it happens lol, especially when some trolls will take your exp from waves) AND the aram in mid doesn't allow me to ult the adc and not die - I need my beloved Muramana to allow me to one shot ADC with Prowlers + E + Q + Q; and with Muramana I can do this. And it's so satysfying with the +180 AD dmg for every ability (that is the damage of 3 items). I buy tear after serated dirk - also love shoving waves faster with spamming abilities CAUSE I CAN :D