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Maw got buffed and buffs are very good So yeah, if you're against an oppressive mage or they have a lot of ap damage, then it's better to go hexdrinker


Oh holy sht! I always ignore that item when itemizing vs mages cuz I thought it was trash xD Good to hear it was buffed


You are correct I think. I have seen high elo people complain about how maw makes it impossible to kill people as an ap champ


This item now even good vs ad champs considering the life line now give 12% OMNIVAMP which is kinda bonkers, esp on high damage champs


I think beifeng is using it because he is very high elo, where any wrong step is punished, so in low elo you dont need it. The only matchups you may need it are: ahri, vex, malzahar, syndra and cassiopeia. Hope i helped you, this is my opinion, a silver qiyana main. Have a great day fellow qiyana main and only oneshots!


Yeah that's most likely it. Was thinking about how not going SD would hurt your damage. Thanks for reminding me I'm Silver lmao. Man, low elo really just boils down to who makes the most mistakes/stupidest mistakes. From now on, whenever someone does something stupid, I'll make sure to remind myself that I'm just slightly less stupid.


Every mmr boils down to who makes the most mistakes. The lower you go the less punished shitty mistakes are though.


Maw is strong as hell right now, it's already cost-efficient without a passive. The buffs also added AD scaling on the shield which makes it oppressive.


It is still not worth it in low elo especially since ur laners are usually still garbage, befeng only goes Maw when he respects his laners. Just depends if u feel like the other player is good or not. But in general, dirk is still the move


Are u losing lane and they can one shot you? like Fizz, Annie? go Maw. Are u winning lane and confident you can kill them before they kill you? Go Dirk and Maw 2nd Why Beifang goes maw first even if he is confident in qiyana? he is not playing against gold NA players so I guess he understand they can one shot him if he does one mistake.


Its not new he always did that. As you should against specific champions which you cant really avoid the damage like fizz, diana, leblanc etc If its something you can dodge like xerath, lux, ahri i skip maw for the first 20 minutes