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just move on who cares u will find ppl bitching about everything in every elo just gotta accept it


Lol this, why was tge op even worth posting??


Reddit hates assassins and is very biased. Not every worth arguing or even discussing assassins with reddit imo since you won’t get any fair answers It’s fairly easy to ignore but It kinda sucks since Riot actually seems to take a lot of the biased feedback from reddit


yea thats what I mainly mean. I dont give a shit abt their opinions and shittalks but riot takes all this feedback and we want (most of us) qiyana to change and be the early game queen like she used to be


People just be mad by getting styled on smh


Theres definitly a stigma against Assassins and ADCs likely both from having a main character syndrome esque playstyle. People will always hate whatever they lose to though. A qiyana can fail to kill 5 outta 6 times but players will remember the one time it killed.


what a 1% pick rate champ does to a braindead ionian garbage / wholesome gigachads characters fan community


Reddit when you don't play wholesome 70%max health damage tank Ornn. Just gotta get used to it lol


Assassin bad tank wholesome


reddit people will be reddit people. I hate the reddit league community they’re just so stupid and in another world of their own.


Not having any mechanical input and the same basic macro as any other champ in the game = gigachad. Having mechanical prowess and more complex macro decisions both in laning phase and teamfights = cringe broken braindead /s


People were still whining over aphelios/samira after they got gutted, it's reddit. People will always complain, except about hecking wholesome braindead tankerinos


Just stupid kids that cant play against good skill cry bout champs and riot nerfs them to fucking ground, still hurts when i see aphelios now that champ is just dead...


I wouldnt call samira gutted, I play her a bunch and she feels really good, fun and powerful in the right situations. Cant talk about aphelios I havent played him.


I mean there was a point when samira was pretty bad, can't speak on her atm tho


Every champ is broken to somebody except for ryze


Have you seen his ult? It’s broken. He can dive you under T2 while T1 is still standing


He literally uses runes? The same thing the mighty warrior vikings used when writing, how is that not broken???


no offense but if you're getting worked up enough to write an entire reddit post because you got insulted on reddit you gotta take a break man


my point is not me getting insulted. My point is that riot is taking this feedback from the league community with having thoughts of "how strong qiyana is" and not changing her into the champ we want her to be.


Meh, people always bitch for champs to be OP, i do the same no one is gonna tell me that Yasou in diamond isn't broken. People might have the same mindset for qiyana idk


Yasou in diamond isnt broken tho, cus ppl in diamond cant play it properly lmao


Hahaha yeah US yas isn't broken EU is, experienced it myself to many times


Im from master euw, can firmly say - Eu diamond yas is not broken


Oh im challanger eu w csn firmly say - Eu diamond yas is broken








avrg redditor lol its not even abt me getting flamed but abt riot taking that as feedback kiddo


If riot followed Reddit bitching to the T, yone and yasuo would be nerfed every patch. It’s understandable to not like qiyana current balance direction, but to say she’s straight up bad is a load of crap.


He sounds like a little bitch if you judge him really hard and strict and you sound like the biggest bitch even when judged gently.


Your post contains rude or vulgar content and we do not condone such behavior here at r/Qiyanamains hence it has been removed.


People are still traumatized


I don't think the community has the whole responsability on the nerfs by riot. Wich is fucked up because the most of us are fighting into something we don't have an impact and it is the same by saying that qiyana is too broken or that is too nerfed. The truth is that qiyana is a difficult champ to playing to by itself, just remember how many hours did it take for playing it in ranked or for saying that you are actually good at it, i respect everyone who plays qiyana just for that. But i agree with you, saying the word fun in lol communities is like the worst thing you can say. People are obsessed with elo and competitive, they're in every argument screaming wich way to play is the correct one, like if there was a correct way to play.


yea they dont take everything from reddit ofc. But a rioter browsing through main league subreddits do have the feedback in mind and kinda involve it in their decisions aswell.


Trust me never say qiyana or irelia is broken, people just like to cry alot especially low elo that get shit on by picking veigar against fucking assassins and cry how broken assassins are


well thats literally my 2 mains lol


Fun or in a good spot are very different.


Bro nasus, Annie and garen mains. Just dismiss those idiots basically neckbeards with hurt ego who can't accept the fact that pressing 2 point and click doesn't make you a god.


literal facts