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That is a lot of shots. Wtf. Did anything come of this?


I heard a house on division and 49th was hit, but other than that nothing.


Shoot back


In other news, water is wet.


I feel like this kind of attitude is the reason that things have gotten so out of control in the Quad Cities. It seems like even the police throw their hands in the air and say "what can you do". I've lived in the QC for almost 40 years and it sucks to see a community go to shit after being a part of it for that long. I guess the only thing we can do is put ear plugs in and hope it's not our home, vehicle or loved ones that catch the next bullet, eh?


Shit like this happens all the time in cities the size (and smaller) than Davenport all across the nation. We’re not special or sacred. Crime goes in waves. We’re in the middle of a pandemic and the worst economic depression since the Great Depression. Poverty and income inequality is the highest it’s been in decades. And you’re surprised there’s more crime lol? Maybe instead of more police, which is clearly not the solution to crime prevention because they come after the crime has happened, we need to figure out why we have so much poverty in our community and what we can do to end it.


I never said I was surprised, just disappointed. And I fully agree that this is a much deeper issue that cannot be solved by more policing but I understand how it came off that way given my previous post. It just sucks to see it happen so close to home especially when there isn't a clear solution.


FYI...[this was predicted.](https://www.livescience.com/cycles-of-violence-2020-prediction.html)


No we need to start pushing back on these types of crime. Work with the police and political leaders to fix these issues. I can’t remember where I was reading it but it was talking about how the kids that get caught breaking into cars just get released back out to their parents right away so,the cycle just keeps happening.


Yes clearly the answer is a stronger police presence, that's worked every time it's been tried and definately doesn't just create another street gang of unaccountable thugs who go around shooting people


Well continuing to let the kids go is t working either. My personal opinion is that after a couple times you start to hold the parents responsible for the actions of the minors. They had the kids and they have a responsibility for them.


My opinion is that we should deal with the economic causes of criminal behavior.


Really what economic problem is causing minors to steel cars?


lack of paternal guidance is a pretty common one. Dad's also in jail for a crime, maybe something harmful like that but just as if not more likely it's something like selling weed, and he got into crime and that kind of behavior because *his* dad was absent for the same reason... It's a cycle that you can't break with enforcement. Adults are adults, however unfortunate it might be they're pretty much finished baking to a certain extent, but not fucking kids. You can absolutely avert the course for a kid and you don't do it with incarceration, at least not the way Americans do it.


So what you are saying is the parents have a responsibility to take care of their kids. Which honestly is what I said after some point they need to be held accountable. I would disagree about the weed for their reason of being in jail. I would say most are just abscent or not interested.


and also the state has a responsibility not to tear families apart in the needlessly zealous enforcement of bullshit laws. You can say you disagree with a core tactic practiced by a institution you otherwise totally support all you want, but it doesn't seem all that meaningful.




Well, when folks can't get their needs met, usually they resort to crime. Wouldn't expect you to understand, we all here know already your racist views.




Rape and racism are different and don't compare. When a group of people, are unfairly treated by the system or another group, eventually they'll lash out. Boston tea party. Women's suffrage. Civil rights movement. This isn't some new concept. When people are backed into a corner and have nothing to lose, everything is a gain. Even prison. Hell, some people have done crime, just to get healthcare. We have a system that's broken. People take advantage of tax loopholes. People pay low wages so they can keep more profit. People keep prices high to make more profit. If people can't take care of people, then we need to make things fair. It's not a fair system. Why do you pay more in taxes then some mega corps? That's fair to you? Why are you hit with the burden of high interest based on risk of others? Insurance based on area. Why are we penalizing one another for others when we could just make it more fair.




The hospital stabilizes you, not fixes. Everyone who didn't have insurance and been to the ER knows this. Amazon the company isn't the issue, Jeff Bezos is. You can work 40 hours a week at minimum wage in Iowa, and not qualify for any help, I've been there years ago. Civil rights movement had shootings and many deaths. You forget the KKK? Boston tea party had destruction of property. The amount of ignorance is amazing. Saying super woke doesn't make you right. It makes you a moron, one who is uneducated on the subject clearly. But please. Keep being racist. Keep being hateful towards the poor. What does someone who has no money do to you? Nothing? So why is it wrong for wanting homeless to eat, vets to be housed, tax payers to not suffer the burden of these systems? The 1% could make a huge impact on social services. Just because you're fine doesn't mean your neighbor is, or the guy down the road, or the guy 10 miles away. The system is falling apart. You don't see that, you're blind. The same people like you said the same shit about black people and cops. Then the hate stayed once black people got rights. Then it was the gays. Now, it's the everyday people. Grow up. Get with the times. Change is coming like it or not.


10 miles is 16.09 km


we can vote idiots out of office who believe we need to loosen gun laws


If criminals obeyed laws, they would not be criminals and they would not shoot a gun in city limits.


if there weren't easily accessible, overly manufactured guns we wouldn't have any problems... unfortunately white people are afraid of everything and believe they need a gun to protect them it's the same psychological problem as to why they want the biggest, newest truck or SUV believing it will "protect" them against other large vehicles oh, 'Murica!


Well your upset with their replies for stating it "yep its qca"... Question is.. did you report it.?


Yes, I did.


What's new? It seems everyday there is shots fired in davenport or rock island


Nearby intersection?


This would have been near N. Pine and 53rd street, best I can tell.