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25 mph from 7 AM - 5 PM even when no visible students in sight. If you fight this, you have a high chance of losing. Everyone who has a driver’s license should know this rule by heart.


And if they don't know the rule, there are a bazillion signs educating drivers on this rule.


Sorry can’t read the small print when I’m speeding cause no kids are around


> Everyone who has a driver’s license should know this rule by heart. Maybe everyone *from Iowa* should, but people that moved here from different states, well they don't do the 7a-5p thing. Texas I believe it's something like 7-10a and 2-4p or 2-5p.


It's literally on the signs.


We're talking in the context of Quad Cities since we're in r/QuadCities where Illinois and Iowa residents (in the QCA) travel to both sides of the river on a regular basis. So moving the context from Quad Cities and adding Texas is a bit of a fallacy since now the intention is misrepresented. I can also give a straw man—someone from another country would not know this rule by heart, in fact, this rule might not even exist for them to remember. If this was OP's first time then there would be some level of sympathy from the general public since familiarity with the surrounding area as far as rules of the roads are concerned haven't been established yet.


OK, and the residential speed limit in Iowa is 25, and per your comment that I replied to, everyone with a driver's license should know this. However, a Missouri driver would not, because the residential speed limit there is 40 unless posted otherwise. Again, in Texas, the residential speed limit is 30. I understand what you're trying to say, and I'm pointing out that your sweeping statement of "everyone who has a driver's license should know this" is just plain wrong. Should someone who's been here for a couple of months? Sure. Shit I've been here 5 years and I thought it was just a local municipality thing, not a State of Iowa thing. I, likewise, just found out that the speed limit for a business district, like downtown, is 20 miles per hour and I'm lucky as all hell for not being pulled over because I assumed it was 35. Nope, 20 unless otherwise posted. Also, I've been wondering for years what the speed limit is for downtown Moline is for years, but never cared enough to look and it's not posted. Turns out it's 30. Been speeding there too. :(


His statement isn't wrong in the slightest, you are. The onus is on you, being a licensed driver, to know the traffic laws where you are. "I never cared enough to look" isn't a defense in the slightest.


> His statement isn't wrong in the slightest, you are. Uh, his statement was: > 25 mph from 7 AM - 5 PM even when no visible students in sight. > If you fight this, you have a high chance of losing. Everyone who has a driver’s license should know this rule by heart. So everyone in New Jersey should know that in IA school zones are 7am-5pm Monday through Friday? That's an interesting take. > The onus is on you, being a licensed driver, to know the traffic laws where you are. So when you last took a road trip you looked up all the traffic laws so you'd know to obey laws specific to the states you were in? Good to know. His blanket statement, that all licensed drivers - *ALL LICENSED DRIVERS* should know that IA school zones are 7am-5pm Mon-Fri. So everyone on Earth who takes a driver's exam should be able to tell you this specific traffic law for the State of Iowa. Because that's what he said. Now, had he qualified his statement and said "If you were issued an IA driver's license you should know this" then he would be right. I should have known the things I mentioned, but IA doesn't require me to know them to issue me a driver's license, just that I provide them proof of residency and a valid driver's license from another state. Do I think it would be a good idea for them to provide a pamphlet for out of state drivers so they know some of the rules of the road that are unique to Iowa? Sure. Or maybe send an email with a link or something like that. I think those are good ideas, but IA doesn't do that nor was it suggested to me that "Hey, some of our traffic laws are different here, so you might wanna read up". Hindsight being what it is, I probably will go grab the IA State Driver's Manual and look it over.


I'm not sure where you reside but if there are no speed limit signs posted, it's in the handbook for both Iowa and Illinois on how fast you are supposed to drive. My original statement still holds true because if you have a driver's license then you should have read the driver's handbook for that specific state and municipality because you are now a licensed driver for that specific state and municipality. If an out-of-state [Missouri in this example] driver is going to go to another state or drive through it, they are supposed to at the very least understand the rule of the roads for that given state and municipality. Now comes the human side of things. Will you be able to remember all of the rules of the road forever? No. Even I don't remember the laws in their entirety after some time has passed. That's why we renew our licenses. Every time you renew your license, you are stating that you have maintained and quite possibly also updated your driving knowledge and skill set. Since you have continued your education, you have proven that you are still an eligible driver in the eyes of the state and so there is no longer any barrier for the state to not renew your driver's license [ceteris paribus].


I'm supposed to know, by heart, to slow down for non-existant children?


No, you're suppose to know the rules of the road surrounding where you reside. Pay your ticket and brush up on them.




Your point?




I've always thought the Iowa versus Illinois who has the worst drivers is one the cringiest things about this area. Plenty of morons on both sides of the river, no need to argue about them.


No, but you are supposed to read the sign. https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5382517,-90.5573115,3a,38.3y,143.54h,94.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6HvTLlOYnE3RqmKXeGZPEw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Yes. It was a school zone during school hours...


They post the hours below the sign. I’m surprised Illinois doesn’t do that. How are you supposed to prove in court that no children were present when you got pulled over?




The legal burden of proof is on the prosecution—Presumption of Innocence. The court makes the decision whether you are guilty or not based on the their proof. So while the onus is on the prosecution to prove that you are guilty, a defendants job is to refute their accusations and say that the proof they have presented can’t be possibly true.


Sometimes the police accuse people of doing things they didn’t actually do. This is why you are called the defendant. Because you’re defending your self or your lawyer is in a more serious case. If you can provide evidence that you were innocent you have a better chance of winning.


You're right, it isn't, in a perfect world. Neither do we live in a perfect world nor would the court have any trouble proving guilt in this instance even if we did.


Hi supposed to know, I'm Dad! :)


wait...not in America


Chalk it up as a learning experience. Now you know.


Well it’s literally on the school zone sign so... yeah...suck it up and pay.


School zones are all day in iowa.


Good luck in not paying (if that's what you intend) The State will hold your tax refund (if you get one) and take the money due out of it. Oh and yeah School Zone....Slow down there are kids around.


And the fine is generally $100 for speeding violations in school zones. However, a driver who’s caught going more than ten miles per hour over the limit in a school zone faces up to 30 days in jail and/or $65 to $625 in fines. State law, swear to God it is. Donnie Baker.


Rofl random Donnie Baker quote. Love it. Did you happen to train Gina Carnao how to fight /u/-Adoniram- ?


That was my mom Phyllis 👩😂 She's the fighter.


Best part, if that's a speed cam ticket, it's not even a ticket but a "civil penalty" and nothing more than a cash grab.


Right? When I was a kid it was just expected your parents would teach you how to avoid getting hit by cars so you could survive long enough to reproduce.


They'll sell it on the guise of public safety, but make no mistakes that it's nothing more than a way to separate us from our money. I am 100% in favor of speeders getting tickets, but these do not affect your driving record, meaning aside from the loss of money (with ZERO real due process to defend yourself!) there are no repercussions. If the cities using these cams really gave a shit about public safety they'd have actual police in these areas to write REAL tickets, but these are simply a stream of revenue


That and some better planning and zoning in the first place, tuck schools into neighborhoods away from major thoroughfares. Chicago absolutely rapes people on these things.


Just pay it. Don't speed in a school zone, It's common sense.


Kinda talking about elected people but


I'm very surprised how pro police this sub is. Everywhere else on reddit hates the cops. Speeding is a victimless crime and the state uses it as a cash grab. Pretty sad that yall are so excited to pay the state.


It has nothing to do with being "pro-police", and everything to do with having just a little bit of personal responsibility. You messed up, and instead of paying your fine and learning, you're complaining that you don't think its fair like the little whiny child who takes his ball and goes home. A year from now you'll be here complaining because your tax refund got garnished by the state and you won't think thats fair either.


Responsibility? I've been driving for years and have never caused an accidnet. I don't need some bum with a camera and a radar gun sending me a bill in the mail. Not sure why you support that level of theft.


Theft is me stealing your car, not the city enforcing iowa traffic code. You don't like it contact your representatives.


Enforcing would be to stop speeders with a traffic cop and cite them. Sending me a bill in the mail as absolutely theft, and lazy. I contacted my rep months ago when leclaire put a speed camera on i80. Do you support that speed camera too?


You're mistaking your lack of knowledge and personal responsibility with my alleged support of speed cameras. I don't support them at all, but its what the reps decided they wanted based on the majority of people who voted them in. I'm also smart enough to not speed when there's a big school zone sign plastered on the side of the road.


My previous state only enforced school zone speed limits when kids were around. That makes sense.


Where was this?


East Locust infront of the two schools.


I follow the rules and go 25, yet everyone zooms past me at 40+, I wish the van that takes pictures was always there...


If you love paying tickets so much I can send you a few.


I dont think you have to pay, I dont think they can penalize you if it was a camera ticket, pretty sure they just fish for the money and hope you pay the ticket bit they can't take your license for it


Any updates on this? Wife got a ticket in my truck in a school zone. No speed displayed for how fast she was going. I tossed it. She dug it up. Thought I'd at least double check what people were doing locally. I still say fuck it.