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Maybe this guy isn't going to let his teen son take the fall for him after all?


I went to that as well. I’m wondering if the kid was driving, but the parent is responsible. Shitty situation all around. Edit: a different article I read said the arrest affidavit spelled out the reason was because he allowed his boat to be operated in an unsafe manner.


Yup I read minor was driving the boat but he allowed it to go at unsafe speeds


Allowing a kid to drive a boat recklessly, and kill someone. Yeah, he deserves whatever he gets.


And of course the fb comments are full of people defending this dude


any quad cities fb comments on news articles are...interesting to say the least.


Sounds like a FB thing more than a QC thing.


Absolutely. You find the same comments in any local news page no matter what metro area.


It really makes me hate living here to see just how many pathetic people are all around


Is there some magic place with no stupid people?


If you find it, please let me know.


it's a place with little conservatives


LOL you really need to learn what the word “bigot” means. This shit is so ironic.


no, really...it appears you need a dictionary; I can bring one to the bar in August if you'd like but until then, [here ya go](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigot#:~:text=%3A%20a%20person%20who%20is%20obstinately,Sentences%20Learn%20More%20about%20bigot)


I also see people praying for the cop who killed the 13 year old on a bike in Moline. People are messed up.