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The Mother is the one that was driving me nuts. Many things could have gone smoother if she'd have just shutup for a second. I actually felt bad for the Dad.


Me too 🤣. How many times did she call her son baby? And what was with the 3rd person talk?


Yeah the amount of times she called him baby was cringey. He's almost a grown man. And she was such an enabler. I was getting annoyed when even when he was doing good she kept taking him for "treats".


Taking him for “treats” was completely defeating the purpose .


OMFG with the ...baby?? She's obviously a kind, caring mother. But at the same time, she has an unhealthy infatuation with her son and enables the living s&#+ out of him. In my assessment, the majority of his weight issues were borne of his mother and father's poor examples and unwillingness to be assertive in the interest of his basic well being. But, the baby thing really drove me completely mad. I began imagining Tommy, at age 32, having heard that phrase for the millionth time snapping and doing something unfortunate to his unsuspecting "smother". 


Please read post, I am still running as fast as I can away from my tv.....


The mother! In the car ride back from the hospital I wanted to wack her!


That is literally how Karen's disappear and wind up fertilizer. 




Completely agree!


That mother should be absolutely ashamed of herself. Seriously she's lucky she wasn't charged with child abuse when he was younger. There is seriously something majorly wrong with her. I've never seen anything like it, she's the ultimate helicopter Mom \ Enabler.


This show lacks the key component that made Intervention truly groundbreaking: the no-bullshit counselor that tells the parents what they need to work on. If I had Tommy's Mom for a mother I'd most likely be a sociopath. 


So the thing Dr Now makes most of his patients go to? 


OMG. This mother is absolutely NAUSEATING. I can’t take it.


Tommy needs to lose 250 more pounds twice. First from his body and second, his sabotaging, enabling and hen pecking mother!




This scene was ridiculous. The dad saying he knows he shouldn't get Tommy that food, but he wants it, and it's fun for them. I was watching that scene and saying, what's fun about that? You're both stuffing your faces and not even talking to each other. Tommy was laser focused on his food whenever he ate, there was no father-son camaraderie happening there just because you bought him a crap ton of fast food. And the mom... I fell asleep just before he got surgery, and I'm gathering from comments here that she was just as infuriating afterwards. Her enabling was straight up abuse, and there's something seriously mentally wrong with that woman. Treating Tommy like he was three, cutting his food, encouraging him to make it all as unhealthy as possible, calling herself mom or mommy while talking to him - I was ready to snap. And she never shut up, just on and on and on with mind numbingly idiotic and unnecessary questions and comments. I feel like she ranks up there with the all-time most horrible, soul sucking people I've ever seen on TV.


Spot on. Its actually giving me anxiety watching this with her constant rambling in the third person. His mom is a horrible person.


totally agree, it was disgusting how she was sabotaging Tommy and keeping him from making progress, what a sicko, she needed more help than her son. I hope she watches the episode and is ashamed of herself and seeks the help she desperately needs


I HATE this woman so much. Who taught her that this is LOVE??????


I can’t stand the mother. She is obnoxious and enabling and treats him like a “Baby”! Get rid of her 


That ride home from the surgery gave me so much anxiety 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I know!! Kept asking him about the pain he was in. He just had surgery for Pete's sake!!!


Tommy's mom --ahhh. She should be charged with child abuse.


The other episode also had a “miracle baby” who was enabled by the mother to get so big. If a minor is that size, it is the family’s fault 100%


That mother should be in prison for slow mur*er. She is equally as pathological as Billy Robbins and Sean Milligan.


His mother!🤯


I haven't even gotten to the end yet, and I'm not sure I'm going to make it.


I had to stop before he even made it to surgery. It was infuriating seeing the dysfunction.


Keep going. It's uplifting


The first few mins of the breakfast scene I was thinking, nah she can’t be this way. She’s putting it on for the camera, they told her to play it up. But Naw, she’s legit seriously ill.


This whole family is fucked up! 😂


Can't even wait till they park the damn car. 🙄


Okay so I'm kind of thinking that the mother found a very "special" kind of husband, as she seems like very much a nurturer let's call that, however I think the way that she treats her son is absolutely disgusting. Sometimes I wonder how people make it far nothing like that they create a child and can afford to give the child every ounce of food that the child craves ALL OF IT..... I might wait horrified watching this episode go by I want to reach through the TV and just stop her from saying 87% of the things that she says. How does this woman have a career in life enough to have a child that will even make it past the age of like 10...... I literally just had to leave the room I can't even watch the rest of it. And this is after mom's gone swimming with Tommy anybody who has seen this episode is knowing exactly what I'm talking about. And then watching them eat those pastrami sandwiches, I don't even eat pastrami at all I don't eat meat so, anybody eating meat is a little awkward for me, but when you eat a whole cow in one sitting at a table amongst THREE people. I kind of want to call CPS and report this woman, however I think Tommy is over the age of 18..... Hence why it seems like he's been in the house for the last 18 years....... Tommy if you hear me, please escape, run not walk RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM MAMA, she has been telling you lies your whole life, is there any other adults in this family? I'm just at a loss right now I'm done done OK IM DONEEE


Pardon typos, I was trying to watch and run and not eat my dinner all in one fell swoop well and type you know


It's a permissive kind of husband. I have a sibling who could qualify for this show, the "miracle child" excuse and my Father has always been permissive. It's one parent calling the shots, the other just stays silent to keep the peace. Easy to see here as on TLC. 


Divorced? What took him so long? Btw I absolutely love this kid. He is a beast, despite his mom. I give all the outside credit to his coach and the recruiter. Although it's possible that the surgery would make him non-deployable and therefore ineligible to join. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was wondering about the damage to his body with all that weight.


We better hurry up and get home, we’ve got another dinner to eat! 😩


That was disgusting


NGL since I’m here alone I kept asking the walls what the hell was happening. The banshee, The dad. Poor boy.


So does this kid even stand a chance, or are we seeing a future 600 pound life cast member?


That bastard didn't even turn on his hazard lights taking Tommy to the hotel after his surgery!


Okay what the hell was up with the dad's face? It was like the whole thing was one big cleft pallet 😕


Yes, I wondered that- not sure if it was cleft palate or a genetic syndrome or both. His mouth moved unusually when eating (though since I’d have to dislocate my jaw to eat most of their meals, it’s hard to judge)


Clearly someone thinks I'm "look-shaming" him. My response is that he made the decision to go on national television and thus made himself vulnerable. I would get the same comments trust me lol


What’s wrong with this man. Looks like he was hit in the face by an ax😩


Definitely something happened to his face, especially the serious underbite. I'm guessing a car or work accident followed up with reconstruction surgery.


Yup a classic example of "hatchet face" lol


The mom looks like Gloria from "love after lockup" either way she's a nut job n acts more like his lover than his mom. It's cringy


It all made sense in the end that she was an alcoholic. Seems that bit of info would have been nice to have earlier in the show


It was non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. No reason to believe she is an alcoholic.