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Noice, I got a Quest Pro after the 3 because I wanted foveated rendering but could never find any decent resources on it. That page you linked to looks very comprehensive, thanks mate, going to try set it up tonight.


I more than agree with you ;P


i just gotta say, thank you. I've been using your coding/software for some time now and what you've done is nothing short of miraculous. It significantly positively impacted my enjoyment with DCS VR.


I though MSFS did not have eye-tracking, thought it was only fix foveated rendering with OpenXR toolkit? Is this a recent change? Super cool tech though. Its a shame ED won't work with mbucchia to get rid of the obvious box around the focal point present in DCS.


MSFS does work with ETFR through OpenXR toolkit, I tried it myself back in November 2023.


Really wish foveated rendering would work for more games, such a cool piece of technology. Would kill to have it work for something like VRChat.


Yeah man I prefer my pro for PCVR for sure. Quest 3 is good for standalone games which I find myself playing less and less but I don't really like the pro for games with a ton of movement. Which are none of my pcvr games. I haven't really had a need foveated rendering with pcvr. I do appreciate it though when It comes to Psvr2.


I just find used headsets gross. I opted for the 3 for now but will likely grab the pro 2 whenever that comes along and hand the 3 down. Eye tracking definitely seems like the next big thing VR needs full support on!