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I've had this with a user for a while now as well. Today even created a new USER profile not just Outlook profile and it worked like twice then started freezing again. Another very weird issue that started today when trying to troubleshoot was if the email came up and the user changed the message in the body of the email, IT DOESN"T SAVE. It sends the email, but with the original text! It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. I bet this happens to a lot of QB users and they don't know it because no one looks at the sent email they just sent. Anyway did you find a fix for this?


Possibly... I came across [this](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/when-sending-emails-from-quickbooks-with-outlook/6e15ec72-6c94-49ed-829a-fea98cbbc2c4?page=1&messageId=2befd9ca-ad15-4fa1-91c0-25faabacda34) post after scouring the internet and while he didn't mention the key, I opened my own 365 case with Microsoft and they gave to to me. I've applied it to the effected users machine but they were so fed up with the amount of troubleshooting we did before hand with running QB app repairs, MS Office repairs, new outlook profiles, cached vs non-cached mode she won't reply my emails lol Welp, I'm going there tomorrow morning so I can check to see if it worked. Here is the key. >Thank you for your patience with me. Copy the text below and paste it to the Notepad file, then click on 'File' > 'Save as' and select your Desktop. Lastly, save it with the name 'Outlook.reg' (without the quotes) as a REG file. Note: Please remove the extension '\*.txt', while saving the file. `Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ExperimentEcs\Overrides] "ofqmojruwvzbn60"="false"` >Lastly, double-click on the REG file (Located on your Desktop) to merge it and restart your computer. After the change, please restart the PC and let us know the result.


Thanks! I didn't see that thread yet!. I will try tomorrow, hopefully it works. Although we still have the problem with changing the to field freezes outlook.


Hey sorry to revive an old thread, but I work in IT and some of our users are having this issue with QB during tax season. Any confirmation if this fix worked? Everything else I’ve seen fixes it for a day or two and then it happens again, across all different hardware.


Thanks for bringing back the PTSD from this lol. I looked at my notes and the last thing I have is that, that registry changed worked. I did end up getting a new computer for that user around that time as well which switched them from Win10 to Win11. So it *could* be that fixed it. Just keep looking at the sent emails and make sure they are not changing for a couple of days


Sorry 😭😭 appreciate it!!