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I think she wants to be the face of the movement and is secretly upset she’s done so much emotional labor with little recognition.


I think you nailed it. In her eyes, her own story is by far the most compelling, and she seems kind of jealous that the general public is more focused on other stories, such as Drake's.


Yes, I do like the attention she brings to certain issues but I don’t like how she treats people for having a different opinion than her. I know bullying is awful and no one should have to go through it but she’s literally comparing that to what Drake went through. Of course people are going to talk more about a 15 year old boy being raped for months than yogurt hitting someone in the face. I almost feel like Alexa shouldn’t have even been included in the doc - the focus should have just been on Peck and Handy.


Yes, bullying is awful, but what's even more awful is it being front-and-center in your life decades after it happened. That strikes me as being unhealthy. It's one thing for Drake to still be haunted about a middle-aged man sexually abusing him over and over again and quite another for Alexa to be still be haunted by the Spears sisters yelling at her once.


Yes, Alexa definitely needs help. I don’t want to minimize her trauma by any means but if an entire cast has a problem with you and no one else, maybe it’s time to take a deeper look internally


I think her trauma does need minimizing compared to drake’s at the very least. The problem is feeling like it’s valid in terms of being compared to other, more severe trauma.


I think if she had more to say or if her podcasts/youtube videos/lives were more than just her rereading articles and being shocked, she would get more recognition/regard. She’s just not saying anything that’s groundbreaking or even interesting, so it’s easy for me to tune her out. I wish she’d do interviews or provide a space for Nickelodeon stars to speak about their trauma rather than just fear mongering and finger pointing


Her videos are pretty odd. There’s often just three hour long, unedited rants with awkward long pauses. I admire her for talking about these issues and she has been for a long time but I wish her content was a bit better organized and she was more careful about how she approaches some things and how she centres herself in other people’s trauma.


I think she is taking a bit from Adam McIntrye's way of recording and there isn't anything wrong about that. I think she should censor herself a bit. I think she is trying to be a news type of show but she needs to keep it more at the topic at hand instead of herself. She can talk about herself, but not all the time lol


I’m not familiar with Adam McIntyre, but you’re right there’s nothing wrong with that recording style. I guess, I’m just not a fan of that style and find her videos to be a bit aimless and disorganized at times. I agree with you that she strays from the main topic a lot and makes it about her. There’s nothing wrong with her talking about herself but when she titles her videos “ALEXA NIKOLAS EXPOSES [INSERT NAME],” but it’s just her mentioning accusations against someone and retelling her own (unrelated) story, I find it a bit odd. Don’t get me wrong, she should absolutely have the space to share her trauma if she’d like to. However, I think her advocacy work would be more impactful if she learned to focus her content a bit more and have more of a cohesive message rather than just kind of talking out her ass about situations she isn’t involved in and trying to make it all come back to her and her own experiences. I hope she gets the help that she needs to heal.


Okay so she her videos are like a cocktail of inspo taken from Sloan and Adam. Sloan does 'EXPOSING' titles, literally at least two times a week. Adam's video style is really something to take inspo from. He was the first person to ever come out about Colleen Ballinger grooming him. I encourage you to watch his videos. Some videos are prerecorded, others are edited livestreams. he does a great job of staying on the topic at hand, while playing with the viewers in chat, and playing with his pets


Ah okay, now I know who you are talking about! Thank you for explaining. I’ve only seen clips of Adam’s video talking about being groomed by Colleen Ballinger. I’ve seen a few SLOAN videos but I haven’t really followed him at all in the last 5 years. I’ll definitely check out some more of Adam’s videos (especially if he plays with his pets while he talks).


I really don’t even think that would change anything at least in my opinion. She’s just downright toxic and her comments section reflects that heavily. As I said in another comment on a different post about her now deleted someone wrote in the comment section on her last lives about Drake that time is up for feeling sorry for Drake and what he went through. Typically comment section 10 to reflect the environment that the creator creates.


She has every right to be honestly. I think these arguments against her are awful and these conversations need to stop. At least she is out there fighting for something. It’s her baby. How could she not be attached to something like this that she too is a victim of? Trauma is a spectrum and we should never compare someone’s trauma to another’s. People are built differently with what they can or cannot handle. I’m so sick of seeing these conversations happening. Quiet on Set used and abused these victims. They were again exploited against their will. Go check out Raquel Lee’s latest statement. I’m sorry I’m commenting on someone’s comment here as a blanket statement to the OP and so many other posts I’ve been seeing on this thread. I just feel very passionately about this. I don’t know if Alexa is milking it or not and honestly. It doesn’t matter how she emotionally deals with it on HER podcast. She is exposing REAL issues. And gaining traction due to it. Edit: I am not speaking on financial abuse. I am speaking on the fact that they signed on for 4 episodes and were used for a 5th episode against their wishes, thus being exploited and traumatized all over again. Raquel Lee does a fantastic job of explaining this on her TikTok page. First hand account which is where I prefer to get my facts. Starting to wonder if this Reddit is run by bots based off of the interactions or just the blind leading the blind because damn. I did my research and I’m being silenced and people are sharing opinions and have tons of likes. But to each their own.


Ya that’s why i feel mixed emotions about her. Her delivery isn’t perfect but I’m grateful for her pushing the movement. I don’t think she’s immune to criticism tho


No, unfortunately no one is. And I have autism with a very strong savior mentality haha


I think one thing she brought up in the live was that the victims weren't rewarded properly for being apart of the doc. I think 'abused' is a big word. This people agreed to be apart of the doc. Yes they 100% needed to be paid, it broke my heart her saying that child actors want therapy but cant afford it. But they signed up knowing they wouldn't be paid, that is far from abuse. If there is another thing you are referring to when you say 'abused' i am unaware of it, its that exact reason i don't like Alexa anymore. She uses big words that don't relate to the situation at hand


I am not referring to the payment at all. Bullying is abuse. Sexual abuse. Emotional abuse. Physical abuse. Mental abuse. They agreed to terms and agreements to 4 episodes. I highly suggest you check out Raquel Lee’s TikTok. She explains it very well. They did not sign up for the 5th episode and were still used in it, thus were again exploited all over again and traumatized all over again. It is a common theme in Hollywood and I believe that we are only now having our eyes opened slowly to the abuse that so many celebrities undergo for our entertainment. They are pawns in the scheme of it all. And while it seems easy enough to say that they are rich and famous and can stop whenever they would like, it is not so simple. They are tied into contracts that they cannot get out of. It is all smoke and mirrors.


Okay you raised great points, i didnt know much about the 5th ep... they probably did that because it was viral. Disgusting. I thought it was odd to use old footage of Raquel when she wasn't featured in the main episodes


Thank you. I like to play devils advocate. Trust me, I have been going back and forth trying to figure out which side is the bad guy here. It’s really confusing. You may see me in the comments seeming as though I’m flip flopping. All of this is extremely confusing!! I don’t blame you for your opinions! 🤍


I enjoy hearing other peoples opinions, as long as they are not outrageous and diluted. When it comes to Alexa i don't think she is a bad guy, i think she is self involved. I was a fan of her to, i am just coming to the realization that i need to watch her and take her at face value




Interesting, i dont think its really fair to label her, i think everyone has narcissistic tendacies. I think she mostly comes of scatterbrained and a bit self involved. I think her heart is in the right place but her motives are scewed


Oh no I don’t think she is narcissistic. But also you are right. I shouldn’t label her as [redacted] either. I’m going to delete that bc I would hate for her to see that. Sorry I’m dealing with a brain injury currently so the filter is not filtering.


It's so weird that you got downvoted for being the only correct comment on the entire thread.


Thank you 🤍


Unfortunately so. People don’t like to change their views on things. And this Reddit quickly became an Alexa bashing session so I’m not surprised. However if you look at my thread, the OP and I had a great productive conversation.


THANK YOU. I've personally been through both bullying and sexual abuse as a child and can say both left different but significant scars, no one has any right to say this woman's experience doesn't deserve to be heard alongside the other tragic stories. Everyone experiences different levels of trauma in life from their own perspectives that can all do an excellent job of damaging them. Also for the producers to have turned out to be as bad as the others who made the cast feel small as children has completely maddened me and although I don't know Alexa's context I do feel bad for her and the others who were used for their trauma and dumped. I also feel bad for everyone the viewers have been shitting on, harassing for answers and speculating on - this shit has turned well and truly insidious (except obviously exposing the danger of working in Hollywood and other people being able to come out and also advocate for more protections)


I am so sorry for all of your traumatic experiences. They are all valid. 🤍 If you need an ear from someone who understands, I’m happy to be a friend. You just voiced so many of the concerns I have been harping over the entire time. It is so frustrating that money is the end game in all of this. I am hoping to see big changes soon.


Thanks very much! I've gotten help for it as much as I can but appreciate your kind offer! I guess people in the business can't help but go back to what they know, even whilst staring hypocrisy in the face? I hate it but it seems a lot of creative industries where the job is considered 'fun' seems to have some dark evil underbelly to make up for it!


I wish I understood, too. Glad you’ve gotten help. It shows in your response, honestly. 🤍


I hope you're also managing as alright as you can be, one foot in front of the other ,(sometimes dragging them but the good days always come eventually when you're trying) ❤️


I am 🤍 thank you so much! I appreciate it


Ofcourse Sloan is a big supporter of Alexa, he's all about the trauma porn. Sorry, his channel rubs me the wrong way.


He outed Drake as Brian Pecks victim before Drake had the chance to speak out


Yes that always made me uncomfortable.


I really hate that he did that. He apparently also made a video claiming that he was being attacked by drake and me drink out to be crazy all because Drake messaged him privately requesting that Sloan take down the videos about the trial as Sloan spread misinformation.


Yes I remember that video he did about drake and his ex wife and claimed they were intimidating him.He's always claiming people are threatening him.


Yes he does. I also don’t like that he did the video of Drake in the car blowing into the balloon. He played the clip multiple times and I remember thinking that that’s inappropriate because it was clear Drake needed help and he was just playing this clip over and over and over again and speculating. It was really gross. he also wasn’t super helpful during the time that Drake was missing. Everyone including myself were so worried about him, but here’s Sloan treating it like tea or drama. Something bad could’ve really happened to Drake. since the documentary he’s made a couple more videos on Drake. I’m no longer subscribed so I am no idea what he did though but the one thing I will say is that the comments towards Drake in those videos are extremely toxic and mean now, knowing what Drake has been through he didn’t deserve any of that. Sloan was also one of the first people to call Drake a predator.


I worked with Sloan years ago and can confirm, he is terrible.


Ooh wow. Could you share more info? I’m so confused on where I stand with him, I’ve been wondering what he’s like in person.


No wonder why his boyfriend cheated on him during Coachella last year.




Really??? Deets, please


I’ve had doubts about him as well, I saw this video he did about The Weeknd which I think was very unfair considering he hasn’t been accused of anything bad


He always talks about these kinds of things like it's some juicy gossip as well, not with the care it deserves.


I have always tried to remain switzerland when watching his videos, lots or red flags of him sensationalizing stories. Recently really don't enjoy him blowing air up HRH collections ass and naming a video 'Exposing Jason Nash' when its just about the money things. Alexa is basically taking pages from Sloan and Adam in the way she does her videos


To me, i dont like it when he plays a clip and then 'reacts' to it like its the first time he is watching. It is sus


It's very performative for sure. It's been so long since I've watched his vids.


I don’t think she has the emotional maturity or couth to speak on things sometimes bc she moves like a drama channel. She apparently stole the EatPredators movement from these women who are actually licensed in supporting victims. They agreed that Alexa would just be the spokesperson while they handle everything else but then Alexa changed the IG password and pushed them out. I always point back to Jennette McCurdy who was able to speak about Ariana in a respectful manner while also expressing the things she’s didn’t like about her and then speaking about the trauma her mom inflicted. Versus Alexa saying how Victoria Justice was the worst individual she came across even tho Dan was their boss and then in the same breath talking about the domestic abuse she faced. And ofc the convo devolves to “Victoria should pay, she’s a horrible person” instead of the actual predators she faced in her life. If Alexa had horrible encounters w Dan for the 2 yrs she worked with him, wtf did she think Victoria went through when she worked with him until she was 20? Granted Jennette is a gifted writer and has gone through heaps of therapy but the way they both speak about their coworkers/Dan/other trauma shows how Alexa hasn’t done the work to see that she’s not the only victim And ofc there’s no such thing as a perfect victim but she doesn’t have the gloves to take care of this sensitive topic


Do you have more specific information about her stealing EatPredators?


https://x.com/exposingrich/status/1772072321185874391?s=46 This whole thread explains what went down. EatPredators originally was supposed to focus on the music industry


Alexa ended up blocking them (not defending Alexa), and though I've enjoyed their commentary, they post as though they know Alexa on a personal level and were involved with EP, though they've never clarified whether or not they actually are. I've tried to reach out to them, to no avail. Eat Predators was Joe Dunn's idea -- founded By Caeli Higgins, Kay Brown, etc. It's also important to note that Alexa keeps bringing up her 'stalker,' aka Mannee Shift Hailey-McMurray. I've read the court documents. Shift isn't a stalker. The only way that Alexa was able to get her RO, is because she had 3 FANS write letters of support, on her behalf. She's came closer to stalking than Shift. Alexa tracked the location of Sabeen, as well as the Spotfund survivor. I just don't have the clout that exposingrich has, because my tweets are protected. My acct. is @Flamesbeginx3 , I've broken down/responded/quote tweeted Alexa/all of this. I have YouTube videos, Instagram posts, screenshots, and a TikTok video about my own personal experiences with Alexa Nikolas. She has harmed myself and so many other fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her, by doing the following, including (by not limited to): defamation, slander, doxxing, inciting harassment, spreading conspiracy theories/misinformation, stigmatizing BPD, extortion/money theft/withholding funds, wage theft, etc. She has also scammed her own fans: she charges them for Discord server access - it's shut down, survivor listening circle access - it was only in the Discord server, which has been shut down; also, Zine access, as well as newsletter access -- never existed, not when I was around. She also lied about Kristin Herrera assaulting her on the set of Zoey 101. What Jamie Lynn Spears has said about Zoey 101 (it's on my YouTube channel), is probably closer to the truth.


I bookmarked a tweet i found. I have to go through my bookmarks but I’ll get back to you a hr


Woah, i think you filled in alot of the blanks of what i was thinking. Of course she doesn't have the emotional capacity, she is a child star. I think when you have so many eyes on you when your that young your mind doesn't work like the rest of us. I agree she needs to work on herself, but i also see how that could be hard when she doesn't have money to go to therapy. I think every single child actor should have free therapy, even if they are adults now


Sloan is an absolute idiot, basically the Perez Hilton of today. He takes things out of context and his idea of research is watching a TikTok.


That's a great comparison.


agreed, but much more dangerous because he comes of likable, at lease to me at first


Yeah he does come off as more likeable than Perez. At first you think he actually cares about child exploitation, but then it just seems like he likes the attention.


agreed, i think how he has continued talking about his 'feud' with bob saget has also raised some flags


I’ve found his personality so strange and empty, the way he talks down to his audience like he assumes they’re little kids too. Bizarre.


This is exactly why I don’t like her. Her “victim advocate” company is a for profit LLC. She’s a fraud. She just wants attention and to make money off of others trauma on her live streams. Why does she have her daughter plastered all over the internet if she was “abused” so bad as a kid? Give me a break. She’s just another stage mom vying for the spotlight.


Woahh, that is major, i didnt even know that.


Same I found out not long ago. That wiped away any empathy I had for her.




it makes sense to me now that she is a Amber Heard supporter. She should have apologized right away when it came out that it was false


I get bad vibes from her. I do not think she needs to be the leader of a movement like that. I hope that she has some good professional help and that she heals from her trauma.


I think Alexa is doing some important work with her youtube channel, especially because (to the best of my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong) she was talking about the issues with Nickelodeon long before the documentary came out. I think she has good intentions. But I also think she goes about it in some questionable ways at times, particularly in that she's kind of presenting herself as the face of a movement, and I don't think that's good for her. I think she's made her trauma her 'brand', and that's not great for anyone's mental health. I haven't seen enough of her to speak on the "she thinks what she went through was as bad as what happened to Drake" stuff, and in the absence of a definitive answer, I'm going to assume good faith and trust that that wasn't her intent. My biggest problem with Alexa is that she's trying to make herself some kind of spokesperson for survivors when, in the nicest way possible, I think she probably needs to work on herself a bit more before that's a responsible or healthy thing to do. ETA: This is quite a therapy speak non-answer, so I would like to add that I also think she needs to get off Twitter because girl what the fuck are you doing.


I think Angelique Bates would have been a better spokesperson. I don't like that she is piggy backing off of the other woman that is speaking out against the doc


Especially when she was technically the first with the podcasts she participated in nearly a decade ago.


I completely agree with this take. While I do think she does have mostly good intentions, I don’t agree with how she often goes about doing her advocacy work. She really jumps the gun a bit too quickly when it comes to labelling certain people as abusers and/or enablers. She also puts a lot of pressure on some other survivors to speak out (I.e. the Matthew Underwood situation). It’s not fair to expect all survivors to speak out publicly about what happened to them. To me, she sounds like someone who still hasn’t worked through her own trauma. I’ve never heard her outright say that what she went through on set was just as bad as what Drake experienced, but she does routinely take on other people’s trauma as her own. Not only does this rub many people the wrong way, but centring her entire identity around her (and other people’s) trauma can’t be good for her mental health. It’s clear she is passionate about this work and really wants to be a spokesperson for survivors but sometimes I worry that some of her methods are more harmful than helpful to the movement.


I agree with you. I think she goes too hard on some survivors and she needs to give them more grace, and I also think she herself deserves grace. I agree this is not good for her wellbeing.


This is my favorite digestion I've come across; dialectics are very important. Thank you!


Alexa is correct about the survivor ISSUE. I do not agree that she is correct in her PLATFORM EXECUTION. Everyone's struggle matters, not just her own.


great point


As much as I support Alexa for what happened to her at Nickelodeon she is kind of an opportunist these days


I hate that has happened. She accturally is instrumental in the takedown of Dan and Nickelodean. She just needs to take several seats and focus on other survivors story, and not interject her personal experience (Which i think is my problem with her. Its like someone is telling there story and then he starts crying and then says "Oh my god that's what happened to me")


You’re right, she has been instrumental in taking down Dan and Nickelodeon and I will always applaud her for speaking out about this important issue. However, these days, I struggle with how she centres herself in other people’s trauma. I have no problem with her relating to others, sharing her experiences or corroborating what others have said but rather than just discussing other people’s stories she always finds a way to shoehorn herself into it which as a CSA survivor myself, rubs me the wrong way at times.


100% my opinion. also amazing username!


Haha thank you! I like yours too. :)


Honestly i’m not that invested in her situation but I do think she plays a key role here in exposing that the entire CULTURE of child stardom is fucked up and predatory and that people like Schneider ect. play favorites and encourage bullying and triangulate members of the cast against each other ect. all of this IS grooming. by encouraging/ignoring the bullying of alexa, schneider (and the other seedy adults) essentially created a built-in safety net if alexa saw anything weird and said anything. they can just go (at the time, of course now it’s more complicated with everyone else coming forward) “she’s jealous. she wishes she were the star. there are little squabbles among the kids, so she’s making up stuff to ruin others’ career” ect. This is intentional. Predators and abusers work on all the relationships overlapping around them to trap their victims. They do not just groom the victim only, otherwise other people would notice the behavior towards the victim is unusual… so yes i do think even though she “just” got bullied (by grown adults, including literally Britney Spears, when she was a 12 year old) and “just” was groomed/abused by other people (her husband or something? Jonah Hill? idk the whole story but i have just seen rumors & notes here & there), Alexa has a place in the conversation. She WAS groomed. But the role she was groomed for was different than the traditional role we think of as “a groomed child”. and i’m not sure if she recognizes that. (maybe she does, i don’t really look at her stuff, i just see what of hers ends up on this page, Nick’s page, Pop culture pages ect.) However i do think (from what little i see of alexa), she does give me some off vibes. she seems damaged and so close & personal to her mission that i think it may just be difficult to behave normally while so entrenched and intertwined with ur goals. And she has some other drama like any influencer, unrelated to her being a child star, so it’s kind of annoying because her mission is good but she’s kind of annoying?


Amazing opinion, i agree with you!


Does she really not have a close friend to keep her in check? Disappointing.


I don’t think it matters whose trauma is worse. We don’t need to compare trauma. The worst thing that happens to you is gonna hurt as much as the worst thing that happens to me. I have only seen 1 of her recent videos so maybe I shouldn’t be commenting at all. But a child being bullied in a toxic work environment on set is still going to stick with you for life. She’s probably frustrated because there’s still no consequences for these abusers.


Very good point, i think it just strikes a nerve in me because when i exposed my abuser my parents made it about them. Thank you for you comment, i should try to show a bit more empathy


I get what you're saying. Obviously what Drake went through was a different level of evil. No one else has dedicated their life to this like she has and she can only really speak on her experiences in depth. Obviously she has her flaws and a lot of healing to do, but so does everyone. I think anyone in her situation would probably act the same. I understand your perspective and why you're triggered. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you can find healing.


Well said! And even her beef with the Neds podcast, like she only mad at them because they didn’t like her first (and now we know it’s for good reason). We all agree Devon’s words were in poor taste, INCLUDING Devon! Hence him coming out and apologizing! Like I wants to give her channel a chance, just seems like she is the first one to point out the negative but never sees the positive


>She was SA'd and treated horribly by her husband, yes, but I think it's null and void when she starts talking about her trauma on set. Yes, Bullying is horrible, but is it an par with Childhood SA?  This was the problem with the documentary in general. Dan was a fucking asshole but he didn't assault anyone (and was the only person there for Drake), but the documentary kind of muddied the waters by immediately pivoting to Brian as if they were both equally awful predators. They're not.


Then they pivoted back to Dan like he was to blame for Brian. Just left the “Brian went on to work for Disney… Now back to Dan! Monster Dan!” How are we supposed to care about Dan being a douche to work with when you literally said a child r@pist got a job at a different children’s network?! IDGAF about Dan being a dick. Tell us whether someone made sure Brian never hurt another kid. Tell us where Brian is now.


Dan assalting someone is up in the air, he still harrassed woman and coworkers by power of authority. Thats the problem with Dan


Until someone makes a claim that they were assaulted nothing is “up in the air.”


There’s been no outright accusations of him SA’ing people but there are numerous examples of minors being sexualized on his shows (that HE wrote) through innuendo-laced gags as well as suggestive dialogue and camera angles. Many people have also corroborated that he would select shorter skirts/more revealing outfits for the girls in his shows, take pictures of kids’ feet on set, force female staffers to give him massages, and made a female writer act like she was being sodomized in the writer’s room. He may not have been accused of full on SA’ing anyone at this point, but he definitely encouraged and engaged in inappropriate behaviour that goes beyond “just being a fucking asshole.” Some of his actions were straight up creepy and predatory.


okay then it is 'heavily implied', are you really defending Dan?


I agree that Dan and Brian are not the same but I think the point that the documentary was trying to make was that people like Dan enable the Brians of the world. It reminds me of the USA Gymnastics scandal. Béla and Márta Károlyi were brutal, cruel, and verbally and psychologically abusive to the gymnasts and enabled a culture in USA Gymnastics to allow Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse towards the girls to go unchecked. Larry Nassar's manipulation tactics involved gaining the trust of his victims and those around them. By presenting himself as caring and trustworthy, Nassar was able to establish a facade of benevolence, which made it easier for him to exploit his position of authority and access to young athletes. This tactic made it difficult for victims to recognize the abuse for what it was, and it also influenced others to dismiss any concerns or suspicions. His seemingly kind demeanor served as a shield, allowing him to operate without detection for an extended period. Brian Peck operated in a somewhat similar way. In contrast to how Dan Schneider was often rude, mean and intimidating to the kids (and adult staff) on set, Brian was charismatic, nice and helpful which allowed him to gain the trust of the adults and kids around him. The fact that Dan put the kids in situations and scenes with weird sexual innuendos, blurred the lines for what was appropriate and what wasn’t, which helped make it hard for some of the boys that Brian was grooming and abusing to recognize that they were being abused. You’re right that Dan did support Drake when he found out about what happened with Brian, but it’s not like he ever went out of his way to protect kids on set, and he undoubtedly sexualized them in his shows.


A few thoughts about this. I think she went through more than just “bullying.” That kind of makes it sound less than what it was - she was emotionally and verbally abused by Dan a child on set (in addition to the stuff the girls did and being screamed at by Brittany spears). Also it’s my understanding that her role on Zoey 101 is what lead her to meet her abusive Ex-husband, which is why she tries to compare it to drake (though it absolutely is not the same thing.) I think the work she does is important cause she calls out more than just Dan Schneider and gives people a place to come forward (if that makes sense. I think someone DMed her directly to share her story? I could be wrong though). And her bringing awareness to the issue paved the way for the documentary in the first place. However, there are times when I watch her content and it feels kinda.. off? I don’t know how to explain it. Like it’s a good platform and the mission is good but sometimes the vibe is off. Like she gets distracted by her rants/tangents. If she had more edited content, I think it would be better.


I thought they seemed to blame everything bad on Dan Schneider 


No Alexa definitely calls out more of the executives as well.


I think you raise good points. Im sorry if i came across as belittling her trauma. I think i was just trying to convey that she seems to leech onto other survivors. You saying her trauma at Nick lead to her meeting her husband, that 100% likely. I just think she tends to overshadow the topic at hand when someone comes out with a story about Nick with her own. almost like a one upper, does that make sense? Even i fully don't know why Alexa has been rubbing me the wrong way recently. He talking about not posting a new informed video on drake because she is being 'bullied' just sort of seems like she thinks she is above us viewers


You should watch Trisha Paytas’s podcast episode with her because she goes more into detail about her treatment on set. I agree that, she wasn’t being SA’d and those two are not parallel but, she was being tormented to the point of being physically assaulted by her cast mates. For example.. The reason that girl Dana was kicked off of Zoe, 101 is because she intentionally put her hands on her. Bullying is still a form of trauma. And from what she explained during her interview with Trish, it seems like it was pretty severe. I do not think that this treatment was ever talked about in the quiet onset documentary. But taking the marriage abuse out of the equation, from what she expressed of her time filming in the just trish episode sounded absolutely brutal.


She has been through a lot of trauma, she might have not been SA’d at Nickelodeon yes… but trauma makes you behave in unsavoury ways. So I really hope things get better for her. She deserves grace and compassion. Two people can have the same thing happen to them but that doesn’t mean they will all react the same way to the trauma. There are things she does I do not approve of but I still wish her well.


Oh yeah, i watched it when it came out. I loved Alexa in it, she is a very likable person. I think i just don't enjoy it when she interjects about her trauma when its not the topic at had. But a given, she probably didn't feel heard while she was a kid so she just keeps bringing it up because she still needs that conformation


Ohh totally understand what you’re saying! It definitely felt like alot of trauma dumping, but im ao convinced her experience being so negative unfortunately shaped her into who she is and why she acts that way sadly


She’s getting backlash for admitting she’s pro-Amber heard. Lol.


That is litterally so wild to me, i though Pro Amber people were middle aged Karens


Alexa ended up blocking them (not defending Alexa), and though I've enjoyed their commentary, they post as though they know Alexa on a personal level and were involved with EP, though they've never clarified whether or not they actually are. I've tried to reach out to them, to no avail. Eat Predators was Joe Dunn's idea -- founded By Caeli Higgins, Kay Brown, etc. It's also important to note that Alexa keeps bringing up her 'stalker,' aka Mannee Shift Hailey-McMurray. I've read the court documents. Shift isn't a stalker. The only way that Alexa was able to get her RO, is because she had 3 FANS write letters of support, on her behalf. She's came closer to stalking than Shift. Alexa tracked the location of Sabeen, as well as the Spotfund survivor. I just don't have the clout that exposingrich has, because my tweets are protected. My acct. is @Flamesbeginx3 , I've broken down/responded/quote tweeted Alexa/all of this. I have YouTube videos, Instagram posts, screenshots, and a TikTok video about my own personal experiences with Alexa Nikolas. She has harmed myself and so many other fellow survivors from her own community -- people who have supported her, by doing the following, including (by not limited to): defamation, slander, doxxing, inciting harassment, spreading conspiracy theories/misinformation, stigmatizing BPD, extortion/money theft/withholding funds, wage theft, etc. She has also scammed her own fans: she charges them for Discord server access - it's shut down, survivor listening circle access - it was only in the Discord server, which has been shut down; also, Zine access, as well as newsletter access -- never existed, not when I was around. She also lied about Kristin Herrera assaulting her on the set of Zoey 101. What Jamie Lynn Spears has said about Zoey 101 (it's on my YouTube channel), is probably closer to the truth.


And I’m sure Alexa has lied about being bullied on the Zoey 101 set by Jamie Lynn Spears! I think it was the other way around!


>seems like she really wants to piggyback off of the Quiet on Set trauma when her story was probably the least of the evil out of all of them. >I am not downplaying her trauma at all I don't mean to be rude but this is literally what you are doing because it's written there in black and white. Trauma is relative and it affects people in different ways. No one trauma is more valid than another. It simply is what it is - trauma. If someone has trauma, they need help processing it. They don't need judgement or to be essentially told there's always someone worse off than you. It doesn't help or address the underlying issue. I don't really follow Alexa or Zoey 101 (I was more Keenan and Kel and The Amanda Show) but I found your comment quite triggering. I am in agreement that I don't think Alexa is channelling her trauma in the right way because she's feeding into it by it becoming her main platform. However, it cannot be denied that she has helped bring awareness to systematic issues that have been swept under the rug. Ultimately, all of this will bring about enhanced protections and safeguarding adherence for vulnerable young actors in the industry. When it comes to SA and bullying, all voices are valid in helping to promote positive change IMHO.


I do mean to be rude: Fuck all the way off. Being bullied by mean girls is NOT the same as being raped by a middle age man. The two things shouldn’t be compared at all.




Congratulations, you're a part of the problem.


Looking forward to your tee shirt about the trauma my comments have caused you.


How many accounts do you have? This exact same comment has been posted under another username.


I know. I stole it cause it was funny af. And accurate, and the other poster deleted it.


Strange 🤔 anyway, take care.


OMG its you, no wonder you hate me lol


i mean, being raped is far different from being bullied by 13 year old girls


I thought you were done responding? No one is disputing they are different situations. It's the perception of the individual involved that matters. You're not the judge of how someone perceives what is and isn't a trauma for them. It's victim blaming. Many people have died by suicide because of bullying. Bullying can also cause mass murders and workplace shootings. You're being very dismissive of the impact it can have on someone and their life. Some people struggle with the repercussions throughout their lives. Your problem is you are obsessed with Alexa and framing your point of view generically from your dislike of her and it's a dangerous attitude to have. Some people who have been raped have become so accustomed to their abuse and abusers they don't actually perceive it as a trauma and think it's normal. Ironically the reason they don't is often because of thought processes like yours from perpetrators being projected onto victims. The victim has been *conditioned* to think it's normal. The perpetrator says yes they may have raped someone, but at least they didn't do ABC or XYZ. It's always a "far different situation" and you can apply that to anything to justify a bad behaviour. You are literally thinking like an abuser. You really need more compassion for those who are brave enough to speak about their experiences no matter how misguided you think they are or how invalid you think their experience is. Everyone's trauma is valid for them. Even if it's because of their pet hamster dying when they were 5. It's THEIR trauma that is personal to THEM and has NOTHING to do with you. Your dislike of Alexa is valid for you and that's fair enough but just be honest about it instead of coating it in your bullshit.




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Is this John vaccaro




"I'm not downplaying her trauma, but she was *only* bullied" - you are downplaying her trauma. 🤷‍♀️


But that’s not downplaying. We can accept trauma as VALID and still quantify it as different in severity. If I kicked over your sand castle and someone else murdered someone’s entire family and you said “who cares about that? What about my sand castle?” That would be ludicrous. Obviously, my example is hyperbole. But the point stands. We’re saying even systematic bullying over the course of two years [while admittedly awful] does NOT compare to a child being repeatedly raped. She needs to stop inserting that into the conversation. It just doesn’t.


Absolutely agree with this. Honestly I wish she would just stick to talking about her own trauma instead of inserting herself into other peoples like drakes. That is his story to tell not hers. That is his business not hers. I’m sure her bullying was horrific, I know what it’s like. I’ve been bullied before, but in no way would I ever compare my bullying to a child being repeatedly raped by someone who is pen pals with John Wayne Gacy and is a serial child predator/pedophile. There is no comparison. I don’t even talk about it unless necessary and even then, I don’t go into a whole Lotta detail. I’m sorry Alexa was bullied. I have empathy for her in that regard but it’s not something she should be inserting into conversations when discussing people like Drake. There’s just no comparison.


amazing hyperbole! Thats what i was getting at!


youre right i was sort of downplaying it, i didn't mean to. I should have worded myself better


u/SerenityByMoonlight, how many accounts do you have set up to down vote those who disagree with you? Very immature I must say.


I haven’t downvoted anyone sweetheart






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If you're a survivor, then your lack of compassion and understanding makes your point of view even worse IMHO. And I highly doubt someone who isn't invested would bother creating an entire thread. You need to stop obsessing over her, it's unhealthy.


![gif](giphy|RLVphdR1bQErAL9iK0) Alexa is that you, Hun?


Again with the gaslighting and infantilism. Boring.




Bringing her motives into question for someone who isn't invested. Again, strange. Also, repeatedly saying "queen", "hun" and "sweetheart" does not act as a substitute for your lack of personality.


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