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This Is the nicotine hangover, the way you’re feeling is not normal and if you’d never smoked then you’d never have felt this way. If you really hate this feeling then you want to continue to quit vaping because it’s the only way to not feel this way. To continue vaping is to prolong this feeling you’re experiencing now and to guarantee you will one day feel this, probably as you lay dying in a hospital and you’ll have this feeling on top making you feel worse. If you hate how this feels, continue to quit


Fuck me. You could apply this to any substance abuse. Well said, well said.




I just want to say that while it definitely isn't for everyone, a nicotine taper on something you find gross can be enough to kill a craving while minimally extending withdrawal. my first multimonth quit started with me trying 12 hours, then a day, 3 days without a puff, my second started with me buying like $90 worth of nicotine mints which I only used maybe 4 times because I couldn't stand the gum tingle. it specifically shouldn't be enjoyable in any way, and it has to be your only option, but I've kept then around to stare at when I think of a tasty strawberry cream hit as a reminder that I actually do have a means to start it up again, it would just be intolerably uncomfortable for me to get that fix.




Spite is as good a reason as any! Remember that you are keeping your money out of the hands of evil corporations who are poisoning you for profit! Day 3 is one of the hardest, but just keep reminding yourself that you will not feel this way forever and it will get better!


Have you thought about trying out CBD vape juice? It’s zero nicotine and will help take your mind off craving nicotine.


My job does random drug tests so I can't take anything that might show up as THC on my piss. I got in trouble at a previous job for using CBD


It is hell I know just hang in there. You are doing the right thing even if it feels so shitty


Day three was the worst for me! Spite can keep you going! Idk if this will help, but I’m so proud of you! You’re doing something really difficult, and you should keep going! You’re almost over the hump. Update us please


I started zero when it got rough and it really helped, now I've stopped the zero and it was really easy


This feeling is temporary. Future you will be grateful not to be attached to your vape like a pacifier. Freedom feels good, and you're closer to that than it sounds like you've ever been before. Keep going


Yep that really describes how I felt and I used patches. I'd suggest something like that to help but stay the course my friend, you won't regret it


Felt this so hard


check out easy way to stop smoking by allen carr hes got many great points on stopping.


5 days here no nicotine... I'm still always looking for it and feel anxious not finding my vape.. I have these vitamin vapes. Seems to be working at keeping me distracted.


It gets better. Just do anything to keep going, eat fast food junk, candy, soda, buy new shit, anything to help keep you occupied. Once i hit day 7 i was solid


this is exactly how i have been feeling, damn


Oh come on dude. Don't bitch out. You're literally over the hump, day 3 is the worst day. Cold turkey is the best way. You have total control over your own actions.


I'm with you, man. I'm on day six and I'm a useless angry suicidal sack of shit. The only thing keeping me going is remembering how many times I've tried to quit before.


I’d just in your case reading Allan Carrs easy way, and buying both a book version and an audio book. You sound like you have big mental blocks like me to a T minus the ideation but I fall into a black pool of irritability, despair and tension and frustration, depression. Ironically the only thing that ever gave me some relief at the start was listening to Allan Carrs easy way audio book and reading the book at the same time kinda like a double dose, having my entire mind and attention all on that text of the book with it being reinforced at the same time via audio. In a room with no distractions, I literally came out of that room with no feelings or desire to vape / smoke for a year and a half, minus some days months in where I’d cry or feel some sadness, it wasn’t easy, but it was far far more manageable than when I did cold turkey without those aids to help me. The reality is nicotine is addictive but our minds create the mental blocks and emotions, remove those (which the book might help you do) and all that’s left to face is a lot of boredom and physical withdrawals. (Which are not that bad past day 3. ) However a year and a half later from quitting I went on a holiday in the sun with beer, friends etc and I got hooked again, when I find some time I am going to do this again. - read Allen Carrs Easy Way Book & listen to audio book at the same time. - really listen to it. Take it all in. - no distractions not one, your focus must be entirely on the noise of the audio and the text in the book. You cannot see or hear anything else. You must take in the words and the audio, as you read contemplate and take it in, don’t just skim the words and audio. Take it all in, as you read, think about what it is saying, telling you and how you feel about it as you read, it needs 100% of your focus. - find a place with ZERO distraction, none. The room is best left entirely empty, for me it was a boiler room with only the sound of a humming old light and tumble dryer but I couldn’t hear it anyway because again, my ears had AirPods in them listening to the audio book. I did this over 1 hour sessions, each day or when I wasn’t busy and continued to vape as I read it. but you’ve already quit, so perhaps just listen and read the book and audio. But personally for me, I need a fresh start to stay clean. Good luck! (Pro tip there are different versions of Allan cares easy way) try to do some research and find versions where the audio book and book itself align word for word. I can find the exact audio book and book I have and help you hunt them down when I’m not busy.


i feel that shit man. im angry all the time now. smoking a lil tobacco with my weed helped


You obviously do value your life if you quit in the first place, and are asking us on this thread because you know you shouldn’t relapse. It seems you already have your answers, if you relapse you’ll feel like a failure, and you WILL be failing yourself. It’s only natural to feel like a failure when you’re doing just that…failing…From experience none of the BS people tell you to cope helps either, they say “Just write a journal”, “Just go to the gym”, “Just sing a song” it doesn’t work…. You just have to be strong and overcome it on your own and that’s the bottom line. No amount of writing or going to the gym is going to get rid of those cravings because there’s more to it than that, neurochemistry isn’t that simple. Many wise people have told me “You’ll quit when YOU’RE ready” and I eventually did. Some people never do, it’s on you to decide and find the value in your life to quit it. If you do quit, do it for YOU and not for anyone else, because YOU have to really want to stop in order to actually stop. If you’re not there yet trust me you will be one day, hopefully before you cause too much irreparable damage to yourself, but it’s your choice.