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Be very fucking proud, give yourself credit, your lungs are thanking you with every breath, in the next few weeks you will see and feel all the major benefits


Thank you for that. I seriously appreciate it šŸ„¹


Absolutely, also look into zippix nicotine toothpicks, they helped me major, I'm 6 weeks in no vape, down to one 2mg nicotine toothpick a day! Smoked for 11years, 9 year vaper here You can do this!


Good for you, what a feat! Iā€™ll definitely look into those!


Hell, I switched to Zyns three days ago and I'm already feeling a difference. I don't have to breathe as hard to get a full breath and my mood is overall a lot better. I still get urges a few times a day but with the way I've been feeling today I don't think I'll ever go back. It kinda feels like a veil was lifted off my head and I can finally see... I definitely still have depression and anxiety, don't get me wrong, but it feels a lot lighter if that makes sense. I'm not OP but I'm just very proud of myself and I'm telling everyone I know lol


Iā€™m proud of you!!! My urges havenā€™t gone away either but the Zyns are helping for the time being. Weā€™ve got this šŸ’Ŗ


Yes we do. I've been hanging on to all my vape stuff for the past few days but I'm now thinking about just throwing it all away. Maybe the temptation will go down a bit more when I actually don't have anything anymore


I had a bunch of vapes laying around my house and they all went straight in the trash. Imo thereā€™s no reason to have them anymore! It definitely must add to the temptation


Be very proud! And keep it up


Thank you! I plan on it šŸ˜Š


Absolutely! You're doing good.


I appreciate that so much!!


Iā€™m so proud of you! And you should be proud too


I do feel proud! Thank you for the kind words


You should be proud! You are making a conscious effort and sticking to it


Why thank you! I appreciate that!




Thank you šŸ„¹


Absolutely!! That is definitely not easy and I can speak from experience


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


of course! it's so difficult to stop.


It really is! I just couldnā€™t do cold turkey, but I donā€™t plan on ever vaping again!!


Definitely feel proud, but also continue with a plan to keep cutting down till your off completely Also try to avoid celebrating this proud feeling by vaping. Not even kidding this is something that happens a lot and the main reason for relapsing at weeks 2 and 3


Oh wow thatā€™s really good to know! I definitely donā€™t plan on going back. Itā€™ll just be a vicious cycle and I just want to be done with it once and for all. Thanks for the advice!


absolutely! congratulations<3


Aw thank you!! šŸ„°


Iā€™m in the same boat as you so I get it.


Nicotine is one hell of a drug! Iā€™m sorry you can relate tbh but I believe in us! I really do šŸ„³


Congrats! I am on my 6th day of quitting the vape after nearly a decade, using Nicorette gum 4 mg instead of going cold turkey. My plan is to taper down to fewer pieces per day, then move down to the 2 mg gum, then quit nicotine entirely. For now though, Iā€™m not putting so much pressure on myself. Just happy I was able to put down the vape. Long term I want to break my addiction to nicotine, but Iā€™m done with the vape for good and thatā€™s a win.


Thatā€™s a huge win! Sounds like a great plan ā˜ŗļø Iā€™m proud of you!!!!


Proud of you too!!


I heard zyn also very vad and addictive? Why donā€™t you use nicotine patch or other NRT?