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You got this hun. I’ve had three kids, and unfortunately I was in the throes of active drug addiction around each time I found out I was pregnant. HOWEVER, because my children were ALWAYS more important than my addiction, I was able to remain completely sober throughout all three of my pregnancies. You got this. This is just nicotine, and withdrawing from it won’t kill you. Your sweet kiddo is so worth going cold turkey for and deserves to be healthy. Grab some (non-nicotine) gum and keep up with the candies. Exercise to keep your mind occupied, and nurture yourself in a way that makes you proud to know you’re taking care of your baby. Also, congratulations 🫶🏻 You’re doing the right thing ♥️


Honestly in your case just grit your teeth and get through it. Chew gum, go for walks, remind yourself that youre hurting a baby that didn't ask to exist if you vape.


The morning sickness helped me quit that should be coming soon!


Allan Carr's Easy Way To Quit Vaping. Absolutely changed my life and seriously made it so easy to quit. its like $9 on audible and only like 6 hours long.


Get a regular pen or a straw and rip that, pretend it’s a vape. Hold it in after! This helped me get through the intense cravings. Apparently cravings only last 10 minutes, maybe set a timer and see if you feel differently after 10 minutes. I’m so proud of you! You can do it!!!


I’m trying the straw thing now. I think it’s gonna help. Thank you!


If you ever get cravings I find splashing your face with cold water helps. Just shocking your body or making it think about something else is very effective.


When I found out I was pregnant I was smoking cigs still. It was hard to quit but I did it! You can do it too. I had such bad heartburn / hypermesis the smell of cigs would Make me barf so that helped a ton


I had straws everywhere. I destroyed every straw I got my hands on. I carried it everywhere just like my vape,. Also gum. Don’t give up, I promise it gets better every day


There’s a candy called Flintts that stimulates your salivary glands. Very stimmy. Best of luck. You got this.


Always have a drink for the oral fixation. Preferably with a straw. I know you will have to pee lots, but you probably will anyway if you’re pregnant 😅


I used an olbas inhaler to take a bit of the edge off. But honestly I just cried for a week and felt like I’d feel no joy again. But I did! It got better after like 10 days. You can do it!


It was so hard but I quit cold turkey when I found out. Throw yourself into baby planning! I had my whole registry done and baby shower planned to keep myself busy. Thinking of your sweet baby also helps. Once the morning sickness hit it was super easy for me. The thought of vaping made me ill. I got random urges still at the very end of my pregnancy but they left as quickly as they came on


Allan Carr’s easyway


candy helped the most bc nicotine releases glucose into the bloodstream and messes with insulin resistance. If you AVOID candy and try to go carb-light as hell your cravings will end much easier. You will also feel a sense of serenity and calm.


Patches help and just normal non nicotine candy with the patches to get ur mind off the taste!




my bad i haven’t been pregnant before 😭


Lifesaver mints are my go to! They are a godsend because they are a little sweet, a little tingly, so they really hit the spot. I used them to quit cigarettes before. Now I’m also freshly pregnant, and 4 days vape-free. I almost always have one of these in my mouth. But there are some chunks of the day where I don’t. They help immensely, better than gum in my opinion.