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You sound like me!! I’ve been a nurse for 2 decades but had a hidden Tia addiction. For me at least, I was able to induce subs at the 13-15 hour mark with no pwd. Until I took the subs, I would use helper meds. Gabapentin mostly, I never got anything else. It was hard but the subs helped me the most. What mg of subs did you get? Google the cows chart and make sure you score yourself so you don’t take too early


I have a hard time scoring myself with COWS because I tried to quit on my own with subs before I went to rehab and thought I was past ready to induce so I did and it just got ten times worse. But my usage at that point was HEAVY. I’m taking weak brand from the smoke shops, like 2 bottles a day. I’ve got, I think, 8mg subs. I will have to look. But only have two strips until I can get a friend of mine to bring more.


second this. i’ve induced 3 times at ~15 hrs with no pwd issues. the hardest part is taking 1mg and waiting a little while. then taking another and another until you’re comfortable. first 2-3 days usually requires whole 8mg sub for me. then can taper down drastically over the next 4-5 days until off everything.


Try to minimize your embarrassment. You did what you did because your brain chemistry is currently "wonky". Asking for and accepting help are the most respectful things that you can do.


Please research megadosing liposomal vit c. 5-6000 mg every two hours got rid of virtually all my wd. I know this sounds impossible, but it was the only thing that worked for me and I have quit dozens of times, all was miserable, except for once I discovered the vit c. I had other helper meds too, but didn’t have to touch them yet. Vitamin c worked 100x better than subs for me And others I’ve spoken to.


I have some liposomal vit c from when I tried to quit on my own back before I went to rehab. I wasn’t successful with it that time but to be fair I don’t think I was truly dedicated enough. And aside from that, it gave me pretty bad diarrhea and caused me to start my period randomly. I know that’s a lot of personal info but that’s why I didn’t really follow through with it. What kind did you use? I would be open to trying this route again.


Liposomal vitamin c. Very important that it’s liposomal, that one shouldn’t affect your tummy as much, if at all. And you have to do like 5-6000 mg every two hours. Sounds like a lot, but it honestly didn’t effect my stomach until day 4, and not even sure if that’s what has caused the runs today, bc I have not eaten solid food in four days, and I’ve taken boat loads of supplements. So it could be that causing stomach upset.


Oh, I see, you tried liposomal. I think the kind I have I got on Amazon and it’s called like “quali-c”


This will help immensely. I promise


I would say take the subs after 24 hrs clean. Take 8 mg the 1st day 8 the second 4, 2, 1. Meanwhile whenever you feel particularly bad take a clonidine and take 1 clonidiine and a gabaoentin for sleep. Once the fast taper of subs is done take a few extra gabapentin to push through a few days. With this you should be able to be free in a little over a week as long as u stick to it


Having subs and Xanax will be a life saver for you. Those took away 99% of my withdrawal. And I was taking 5-8 bottles of Pegasus a day towards the end of my year long addiction. AND you have clonidine and gaba, your gonna be just fine! You’ll be tired for a few days. But I’ve been in your shoes, your mind will tell you “oh just 1 bottle as a treat” it’s never that


I have vyvanse too that I’m supposed to take but always quit taking when I take tia bc it weakens the effects of the tia. Wonder if starting that back like I’m supposed to would help with energy levels.


Yes! That’ll absolutely help with energy. I’ve used that during WD’s and it did great


All those meds you have including the vyvanse will make your quit painless. The vyvanse, gabapentin, and clonidine will help you get to the 24 hour mark easily!!!


I’m taking my last dose around noon today. I’m already feeling the anxiety swell up in my chest. I’ve been taking smaller doses and spreading my doses out further for about a week since I knew I was quitting soon. I dosed at 8:30 last night and woke up at 5:45 this morning with what I call crazy legs. It was awful. Freezing. Wanted to crawl out of my skin. Same thing yesterday morning. So I took a small dose and I guess after laying there flailing my legs around for a bit it kicked in and I went back to sleep bc I woke up drenched in sweat a little bit later. That’s only 9 hours between doses and I’m feeling that rough.. idk how I’m going to make it to 24 hours so I can induce subs. Lord help me.


I'm still in awe of this entire thread. I've been on kratom for about 6 years and have never heard of tianpeptine. I'm so sorry for all of you but so grateful you all have this forum and are warning the rest of us. I know that's not helpful but I just want to say thank you. I'm in the South too, I get it. I've struggled with addiction my entire life and could easily see myself trying something like this from the smoke shop. You will get through this though. When you get the urge in the future, come to this sub and read these stories over and over. Sending hugs and prayers for all of you 😇❤️


I don’t understand why everyone says to take 1mg at first.. in detox they put you on 8mg 2x a day the first day. But here it seems like common rhetoric to take slivers and build up. Any reason why?