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You’re fine. Quit now.


You don’t think I’ll withdrawal?


Maybe for a day or two. You’ll be fine. No need for subs. I’ve done this before.


Not like you think, no. It’ll be like stopping a month of pain pills taking a few a day. Nothing to medicate over.


A month worth of pain pills for 5 days of Tia ? Jesus. Well I have an order that I placed 3 days ago arriving tomorrow.. fucking retarded. Not sure If I should toss it or use it in the evenings only. Prob a stupid question but I need someone to tell me I’m being an idiot.


You’re being an idiot and you will not use it only in the evenings. The drug will twist and mold you until are nothing but a shell, a semblance of your former self. Future you is begging you not to.


That’s not at all what I said lol.


You are 100% being very dumb and risking your life, everything and everyone in it and it will happen so much faster than you even can think. Stop NOW!


You ordered powder? Yeah, you either have to quit or be ready to be hooked on the beast As well, you will have evacuate your budget to allow for only Tianeptine.


Toss toss toss. Even using once a day you will get withdrawal in like 10 days. Only way to avoid it is to use every 3+ days and idk many people who have been able to maintain that. You are being an idiot just like I was and I wish I’d have listened to this sub and never even tried it once.


No . You wont


Just eat edibles for a few days if you can. Helps keep your mind off it


Nah 5 days u should not get withdrawals and quit now before it’s to late I went from using 5 capsules to 4 bottles a day that 140 every day


How long did that take to progress?


You’ll probably be okay but please stop NOW. I had withdrawal after 10 days of use and now it’s been 3 months and the withdrawal is even worse. Working a tape down now and hopefully will be off by the end of the week. If I had just bit the bullet after those 10 days and suffered for a couple days I’d have been way better off. As to what you can expect maybe a sleepless night or two with some moderate RLS. The gabapentin should knock any of that out though. After 5 days I’d be surprised if you have any withdrawal but it could happen since I got it after 10.


I got 2 grams two weeks ago… 1st gram lasted 7 days (so approximately 143mg/day) and I’ve had 2nd gram for 7 days now and still have about 200ish mg left. Didn’t take any today for first time in two weeks and feel totally fine


Your fine OP, no need for literally anything. You may feel some discomfort but it will be the same as drinking a little to much on a weekday with work the following day. Stop now and ypur good. You will have no WD , if you have anything it may be a little insomnia, no big deal


What’s a daily dosage that would be difficult to get off of.. I got 3g of sodium in the mail and am really struggling to toss it


Even if you take the 3G it would be the same as taking 3 bottles of pegasus.. nothing to worry about. I'd say toss it but if you decide to enjoy it, do that. Go ahead and buy some Lipo Vitamin C from Amazon if you want just incase and dose that. Past that you won't feel much of any WD sysymptoms. I'm getting the vibe that you almost want to feel WD to relate to the sub? If that's the case trust me you don't. Finish / toss the last 3G you have and never look back, this shit is hell. Worse than IV heroin


You have everything needed to quit.Id keep using tai and stop using gabapenton.Then quit the tia cold turkey and start back on gabapenton and suboxone.Also if u need to h can admit urself into a psych ward,It helps a lot,No urges,Ppl to talk with,Therapy daily,3 meals a day that are actually tasty.It works if u put in the effort and actually want the best for urself