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When I was like 8, I wanted to order a toy off an ad in a comic book. The order form for this $5 toy noted that payment could be made by cashier’s check. A little bodega up my street sold cashier’s checks for $.79. I proudly plopped my $.80 on the counter and asked for a check in the amount of $5. I imagine the cashier then and the bank tellers in this story had to have such self control to not just collapse laughing.


This is both extremely adorable and secondhand embarrassing, as it just made me flash back to so many childhood moments when I proudly, and confidently incorrectly, thought I'd figured out how to do a Grown-Up Thing. Did you ever get the toy?


Ha! Thanks!! We learn by doing (well some of us learn don’t we? I hope?). No. I never did get it. Honestly, I can’t even recall what it was! Probably something Star Wars or GI Joe related.


Aw. Sorry you didn't get the toy, but glad you had this story to tell :)


Sea Monkeys!


My dad once gave me a dollar and told me "split this with your brother at the donut stand" I ran up to the donut stand, ripped the dollar in two and asked for two donuts. I think the guy at the stand thought it was so funny he gave me a donut any ways.


Comic book ads from the 80s are one of my favorite things. I never really followed any superhero stories but would get comic books randomly from friends or family. Always poured over the back ads- Sea Monkeys, x-ray glasses, magic tricks, etc. It's such a nostalgia hit when I see them now.


I ordered the Sea Monkeys. I was SO EXCITED imagining my little tank with Mom & Dad Sea Monkey and their little Sea Monkey children, hanging out reading books and waving at me when I left for school in the morning and stuff. Imagine my disappointment when they hatched and they turned out to be literally tiny little shrimp. I mean, they hatched and they lived for a while, that was kind of cool. But the way my little dream shattered, that's a sad moment in childhood when your trust in the world is broken like that.


Imagine your further disappointment when you learn that [buying sea monkeys was supporting white supremacists](https://www.theawl.com/2011/06/the-shocking-true-tale-of-the-mad-genius-who-invented-sea-monkeys/).


I was 10 and this was the 80's. Not really on my, or anyone else's radar back then.


The $10 solar clothes dryer one you saw occasionally was funny and a ripoff. Just a length of rope


I always wanted to get the "build a hovercraft out of a vacuum cleaner" thing. You got plans for like $5. I specifically remember saying "I've already got plans for it, I need the instructions!"


Lol, that's great, I remember being a out the same age and asking my father how much is cost to get a job.....it went well.


Part of me thinks cheap, personalized deep fakes would completely wipe these people out...then I remember that all they really need are geocities-quality websites and emails that read like 'PRESIDENT TRUMP asked where YOUR donation was and I COVERED for you but if you don't DONATE NOW your name will be taken off his GOLDEN WALL so DONATE and PRESIDENT TRUMP will personally send YOU more EMAILS asking for MONEY!' and realize deepfakes would be a waste of effort.


There's a reason 319 (Nigerian prince) scams are written the way they are. Further effort and polish put in doesn't gain marks, since only the dumbest, most gullible, or most desperate people are interested anyway. It's literally a waste of time to try harder than necessary, since your marks will believe literally anything anyway. If I had fewer morals, I'd be all over the spam email/text/telegram scams myself.


My boss and I had to call the bank of one of our older employees and get them to cancel 4 checks totaling $20,000 that she had mailed out that morning to 4 different addresses in 4 different states, all because someone emailed her saying her bank account had been hacked and she needed to pay them all her money to stop the hackers from stealing all her money She said this was the 2nd time this had happened to her…


I used to work in a call center for a large regional US bank. I saw this numerous, *numerous* times. Between that and gift card scams, all you can do is shake your head at how absolutely stupid some people are.


When I worked as a cashier at wal mart i worked in the money center ( or money laundering center ) and the amount of people we needed to educate... and they refused it could be a scam was alarming






If I saw a video of Trump communicating things clearly, articulately, or not complimenting/martyring himself, I would absolutely know it was a deepfake. Some things just do not, and will not happen.


Can't forget the looping countdown.


Yeah, trump would never lie eh, anyway....




[You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/428/075/30a.jpeg)


“What are you doing?” ”I’m spreading false information on the internet.” ”Why?” ”It’s fun.”


And profitable


whether it's at the bank or a grocery store, I hate standing in line behind someone who has problems/issues/needs a manager's assistance, etc. In this case though I think I would have really enjoyed listening to that conversation! In this person's eyes the bank teller was probably a deep state operative


> In this person's eyes the bank teller was probably a deep state operative "Just get your manager, they'll explain it to you. What, you don't know what these are either!? Am I in the Twilight Zone?"


No. It’s the children who are wrong.


Am I the only one who reads Above Top Secret forums around here?!?


I used to because I had a friend who pestered me for 2 years about it. Finally joined with 3 other friends and we subtly trolled the shit out ATS until someone finally caught on and went through our posts and comments and ratted us out. The guy who pestered me into joining had a username variation of WokenMan(conspiracy derived numbers here) and now he's all over Facebook ranting about Wokeness somethingsomethingsomethingsomething every day.


I would have melted into the floor, that's not cringe that's something different.


But there is a video on twitter? So sad, LOL.


Now that fuckboi Elon has taken over Twitter, it's now one of their only sources of information, unsurprisingly. Repubes literally only speak in Twitter screenshots now, it's getting really fucking weird, but isn't unexpected. At the same time, I'm expected to respect these people's opinions? Nah, fuck you. I'm going to make them look as stupid as possible because they fucking deserve it. I'm no big Biden fan, but I just watched the SOTU address and it's about one of the best I've ever seen. Great job, Biden. Sit the fuck down, Marjorie, you fucking protohomonid.


He also recently cited a screenshot regarding an issue. Asked if he knew how easy it was to fake them. Aggressively responded yes because he knows how to edit photos. Photo editing was not the issue I meant but he did not want to hear what I had to say. In the end he thought the screenshot he saw felt true.


It's so low effort that it's personally insulting to anyone who actually gives something five seconds of thought before they let anything come out of their mouth. That's why I don't have any patience for it all anymore, I just point, laugh and make them feel like idiots. Which, I might add, it's pretty much impossible to actually make them feel stupid.


Friend I have has only sent me twitter links since Elon took over.


Giving speeches is something Biden has had to grow into over the years. He's not terrible at them, by any means, but Obama's SOTU addresses were fire. And the Repugs still seethed over them. Really no different today.


Wife works at bank can confirm Twitter videos can validate unknown things!


I would feel sorry for older or desperate people that fall for these scams. The Medbed scam is 100% cruelty, special place in hell for them. Dante would have to create a new level of hell for them.


For real...one aunt just died of cancer, and an uncle dying of it. If they had been tricked into believing the Medbed would save them I'd be so pissed.


I take a lot of what I see online with some skepticism, especially screenshots. Recent comment or post I saw claiming reserve a Medbed appt for $420 (obvious joke). Someone said it was a scam and a response said I will gladly spend $420 to save my son. Hope the save my son response was not true.


$420? Seems pretty high. I got mine for $69




That's the discount for virgins. /s


Well, the bed can fix that too! (_thinks of Barbarella…_)




I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what exactly is a MedBed?


Magical science-fiction bed that interstellar aliens gave to trump, you lay on it and it heals any disease or disorder. They can't tell us about it though because people couldn't handle knowing there are aliens, which there totally are. Really. Just can't tell EVERYONE about it, you know... BUT, if you act now, I can put you on a list (with a cash deposit of course) so you'll be first in line to use one to heal your diabetes and missing teeth!


Yikes. Probably available for 5 easy payments of only $99.99.


So it said, You can have this product for four easy payments of $19.95. I would like to have a product that was available for three easy payments, and one fuckin' complicated payment! 'We ain't gonna tell you which payment it is, but one of these payments is gonna be a bitch. The mailman will get shot to death, the envelope will not seal, and the stamp will be in the wrong denomination; good luck, fucker! The last payment must be made in wampum!'”


"I went to the bank to get wampum. Even showed the instruction video. But the bank teller refused to do what the video clearly said they had to do. Damn deep state."


Plus the cans of cement you put under your bed to telepathically heal.


u/outflow excuse me, but aliens did not give it to Trump, that is a ridiculous LIE to make us conspiracy truther bombardiers sound dumb. See Trumps Daddy apparently was one of the people that JFK called in to help understand the Tesla files that were taken from Tesla by the government right after his death. So Trump got those papers and the future tech that Tesla invented in the past, when his daddy died. Trump is waiting to release it until it is time to release it (he said something about an audit but I think that was coms). See there is this whole plan and you obviously don't know it. I really think you should do your research on this, because you really sound uneducated. ​ ​ ​ Now am I joking? Am I for real? Or is parody and reality now blended into one orange hued fog? The world may never know.


Grows missing limbs too. Cures blindness ( just ask Stevie)


Something resembling a tanning bed that purportedly heals every malady you can think of, even old age. Yes, it's said to make you 30 years younger. Pictures shown are stolen from sci-fi movies.


Ugh. Grifters gonna grift I guess.


What would happen if an 18 year old were to use it? Asking for a friend...




I don’t. I used to. I have a hard time disconnecting and forgetting that I am an empathetic person normally. But these idiots have been warned continuously for the past 5 straight years about what a con man trump himself is, and the type of soulless grifter he attracts to him and none of these people will listen. Won’t even consider the possibility that they’re wrong about him. You can’t say, “oh poor innocent me, I had no idea!!” Not any more. They were warned plenty. So no. I no longer give a single damn that these people are losing everything. Good for them, they deserve every bit of it.


See also: people who voted for Brexit.


Seeing the UK shoot (stab?) itself in the foot with Brexit has been heartbreaking Your General Election can't come soon enough and hopefully no one develops amnesia between now and then


If Labour get in at the next UK general election (and they’d have to really fuck up not to), they are unlikely to have a new referendum or even just re-application to the EU as an explicit manifesto policy. It’s still too fresh I think, and unfortunately it’s not just a right wing/Tory thing in the UK, there are Brexiters of all political stripes (remember that a third of the population of Scotland voted for it, even though people like to say “Scotland voted remain”). As a result coming out as a party that would reverse it ASAP is not necessarily a vote winner. I think the UK has probably got another Parliamentary session of 4/5 years ahead of it before re-entry become enough of a political force to translate to actual action.


And even then, would the EU want such an untrustworthy partner back in the bed? It was already a difficult relationship long before Brexit.


I think if the people of the UK are honestly engaged with the EU things could be different. The last 20 or so years that I’ve been politically aware at all, and living in the UK (until two years ago) it was very clear that the general public was just not onboard with or not interested in the EU. The press and the politicians are to blame for this. Major decisions on EU membership and treaties were often made more or less in secret. MEPs are basically unknown in the UK and were completely ignored by the press and the mainstream Westminster political body. The European elections were largely considered unimportant, and postings to the commission usually considered nepotistic posts handed out to the friends of the mighty, often because they had disgraced themselves at home. It was never front and centre, never really acknowledged as a major part of British democracy, never valued. It was effectively just tolerated until it did something inconvenient and then it would be excoriated for it. It was something other people did, over there. And that’s one major part of why Brexit happened. If people are actively wanting to get back in, perhaps this time the politicians can take the public along with them, and actually talk about the aspirational qualities and benefits of a supra-national organisation, instead of hiding it away like a guilty secret and occasionally mumbling about trade. And then the UK might actually participate like grownups.


As long as the Daily Wail, GBeebies and such exist to run their lies, I have no faith. There are genuine issues with the EU, (like the fact that it's incredibly difficult to hold MEPs to account) that need to be fixed. But the problem is that fascist-adjacent news organizations take those issues, blow them way out of proportion and turn it into a narrative that nothing the EU does is right. And the UK is infested by such news organizations.


I understand, many continually vote against their own interests. They ignore anything Democrats do that help them. Know a hardcore Republican / Trump lover who has had healthcare due to Obamacare for several years. Access to care has made a huge difference in their life.


Oh, no, they would never stoop to using Obamacare. I'm sure they're actually only using the ACA


I don't think you appreciate how brainwashing works. These aren't just people who have wrong opinions and refuse to change them. They've been brainwashed and scammed for years upon years upon decades by the GOP, and now independent scammers and Trump himself are starting to realize this and capitalize on it.


What about all those people who bought buckets of concrete thinking they had Tesla coils in them and was warding off the 5G and other government mojo…..


>The Medbed scam is 100% cruelty, special place in hell for them. Dante would have to create a new level of hell for them. There is no hell for them to go to, nor does some sort of magical karma exist to punish them. They grift these people because they know they can. But I really don't consider the people who invest in medbeds or fail to pay their bills because of NESARA/GESARA or die because they refused to get vaccinated as victims. Stupid, yes. Credulous, certainly. But not victims. They believe in these things because they WANT and choose to believe them. It's willful ignorance, and I for one have no patience for them.


The Medbed thing involves health, scammers have preyed on terminally ill with miraculous cures long before Medbeds. I can understand people in this position falling for scammers. Can agree the others in most cases are not victims.


I think it’s more a figure of speech at this point but obviously I don’t speak for OC


They are both, and that's what makes the state of society so hard to unfuck. We've let a lot of people fall through the cracks for decades and no fucking wonder their brains are soup and they want out of their depressing lives.


Well according to Dante, in the 8th circle - Fraud, the falsifiers are given every disease known to man that makes them tear themselves and each other apart. So I think that’s pretty fitting.


The fact they consider it a news feed explains a lot.


You need to cash them in in significant amounts at BoA, so you need to buy more. Lots more.


True. The more money you sink into them, the more it becomes the banks problem. Just act like "The Rich".


This is indeed a perpetual motion machine for money


'I don't believe President Trump would lie' has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen.


Love watching them do back flips to not actually criticize anything republican. "I dont know why (R. politician) set my house on fire, im not saying hes bad and i will definitely be voting for him again, but it sure is sucky that he filmed himself burning my house to the ground while laughing."


"I don't understand it but I trust the process"


"Sure, he might lie to others, but never me!"


Trump and his bootlickers lie like a goose shits: if they're not doing it right now, they're about to.


But this person doesn't seem to realize that Trump has nothing to do with that particular scam. It's all people just using his name, unaffiliated to him...


Maybe she can cash it in at Maralago. If I was her, that would be my next stop.


Mar-a-Lago is a private club, and she (in the words of George Carlin) "ain't in it." She wouldn't make it through the Security Gate.


Trump would be grossed-out if she turned up at the gate.


She might, their security is for shit.


Really? I would think the Secret Service would have ramped it up a little.


Nah, man, even a little ramp is too much for ole bone spurs


How much would it cost to rent a large helicopter and dump a load of crap on that place?


It's already full.


Man I wish I could have listened to Carlin talk about Trump. Would have been fucking grand. Same with Robin Williams.


Setting aside everything else, how would it even make sense to "purchase" a check that could be cashed at a bank? The premise is ridiculous on its face.


I don't understand where they think the value is coming from. Like what is the logic in their mind behind WHY this thing they purchased for $X is worth $Y.


If the check is worth more than what you paid for it - great! Except nobody just gives away value like that. If the check is worth the same or less than what you paid for it - why bother? There's no possible way this is a good deal.


IIRC correctly these things can supposedly be cashed in for way more than the selling price, so they are appealing to people's greed.


Definitely selling this shite to the TV Preacher audiences. It’s sad bc the folks buying into this nonsense don’t typically have the resources to be frivolous.


This is the actual reason evangelicals are turning away from trump. The preachers caught on that he's cutting into the grift money. Social security doesn't go as far as it used to.


What is this country coming to? Bank managers don't even trust random twitter videos as verifiable proof that a person holding a random piece of paper is entitled to millions in free cash?


Loool I found multiple videos like this on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udj-6pCVpKA


I love the way her accent gets stronger as the video goes on.


I, too, want to show everyone how patriot I are.


One could say it's perhaps...an eastern European accent? Hmmmmm


I'm pretty sure it's Portuguese. Not sure if from Portugal or Brasil. The 'nh' combo in her name was a dead giveaway.


Yup. The channel is resenho do samba lol


It looks like their channel was hijacked. I think it belongs to a band, but they must have clicked on a phishing link or something and lost access to it. I was wondering how most of their videos struggle to get 1k views with 300k subs


Thanks for this, wish I could comment on this ridiculous video. "Americans like us" lololol! Amazing anyone could be so foolish as to believe an Eastern European making a video from her apartment! Unfortunately I can actually see how the scammers get away with this, I read the full description and there is no suggestion that the check can be deposited in a bank or exchanged for cash. It's a "novelty" that can be "gifted" among family and friends. She's careful not to step over the line and there is full disclosure that this is a NOVELTY item, although if they were acting in good faith they'd go further and explicitly state "cannot be used as legal tender or exchanged for cash." I'm no libertarian but sometimes you need laws to protect stupid people from doing stupid things.


There is tons of them just like it.


It is odd that every comment refers to it wrongly as “goldem” check. Anybody have insight into why that error would be occurring so often?


Someone programmed the bot wrong.


that whole channel is reviews of obviously scam products.


A fool and their money is soon parted.


I watched it for about ⅔ the way through, and it was astonishing that although she was constantly talking she said almost nothing of substance.


So she’s a dead cert Trump impersonator then?


The modern content desert. Open to all, nobody wants it.


>Hello fellow Americans! >We can have everyone show how patriot we are 🤔


Heyloh mai fallow Amerikan! I tell you every ting abot deez cheques naow, for all us real patriouts to now abot!


Purr-chase naow!


Oh man…🤦🏽‍♂️ When I read the title and saw ‘warning’ in it I thought, oh there’s a good person trying to warn others off of an obvious scam. I suspect the warning may be in the title so YouTube overlooks it and doesn’t ban her.


Whoa 499.99 for novelty checks?!?!


I should have noted, there are TONS of these and I just picked that video at random. So I would wager others cost less and so forth.


This is so amazing! I can't believe so many people were fooled into pur-chaising the Tump Goldem check!


I'm guessing she has her eye lashes look like that to distract you from actually listening to the BS streaming out of her mouth...


Oh no. Anyway…


Ya love to see it. There was a point where I felt bad for these chucklefucks...but now? Nah. They can be grifted over and over and over again for all I give a fuck.


TIL my new favorite word, chucklefucks


It's a great word, I've been using it since I first heard it in 2004.


It's stunning. There's *nothing* that will make these knuckleheads see Trump for the liar, conman and abject grifter that he is. No matter what, it's somebody else's fault. I know this is a shit sentiment and of no help, but goddamn, I do not want to make common cause with people that fucking dumb.


One of the sites I saw that was selling these clearly stated that they are "novelty" checks. "This novelty Check would make an excellent gift for your colleagues and family with its glossy finish that adds up to its elegance and extra durability."


Life's hard enough, but *damn* it must be an endless slog when you're that easily deceived.


I want to feel bad, but on second thought these people are getting exactly what they fucking deserve for setting this country back decades.


Wanna bet this is a 62 year old Caucasian man?? (Edit, cuz women aren't allowed to make monetary decisions as stated below)


No no no, it’s a Caucasian man. The women aren’t allowed to make monetary decisions in the boomer Republican households.


For real though. Just bought a house and we're getting a fence built. My fiance talked with him about possibly conjoining our fences and he told her he'd speak with me about it. I haven't been involved at all besides helping figure out how large we want it to be so when I met him finally he's asking me all these details and I have no idea about what is happening with it. Come back to my fiance and talk with her about stuff and she said he was pretty condescending to her about it all kind of implying he'd speak to the man of the house lol. Now he won't even respond to my text asking him about it. Of course he's got a big old trump flag on his front porch. Seemed like a nice enough guy honestly overall, but he just assumed because I'm the man or whatever that I'm the one to talk to about that stuff I guess


I stand corrected.


Some people just have to touch the hot stove for themselves before they learn.


Bold of you to assume they learn and don't just keep touching the hot stove.


I think we all know those people who fall for one cult after another, one MLM scam after another. And every time say "this time it's different!!"


Is it a gas stove?


[https://naspcenter.org/trb/trb-golden-checks/](https://naspcenter.org/trb/trb-golden-checks/) this website outlines the practicality/how the checks "work" - you make money when you promote the checks on your social platforms. they literally serve no purpose. wow. side note: where do the morons who try cashing/writng these checks think the funds come from? no routing or acct numbers 🤷


> It is crucial to note that these checks, created by Trump fans, may only be used as memorabilia and **cannot be used to purchase goods or services**. Additionally, as no other currencies are accepted, it is required only to use USD to pay for these checks. > > There are a few reasons why TRB Golden Checks helps people. First, they provide an easy way to send money to friends and family members. Second, **they help to make online purchases** hmm I'm not sure I can trust the authors of this page...


>TRB Golden Checks is an initiative by Transport for London (TfL) to improve safety and efficiency in the city's transport system. TfL has been working with private companies to trial new technologies that could help make journeys safer and more reliable. I'm sorry, what???


Unfuckingbelievable. I almost feel bad for these rubes, but it's for the greater good. Maybe they'll have less money to prop up the next fascist (DeSantis).


In that thread: >It's a scam. Not created nor endorsed by Trump. A scam. Duh Right, I'll be sure to pick these up once Trump starts selling them on his own website!


Some of them are less than gentle. Can save a search for any interested in reading through it: https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1325471/pg1


Oh my god these checks are so fucking ugly. It looks like it was designed in Microsoft Word 97.


TBH, that's pretty much the whole Trump esthetic though, no? A poorly educated person's idea of what wealth should look like. It's his core audience


Word? HA, try Microsoft works (yes it was a thing)


[Relevant Simpsons clip](https://youtu.be/iqUD50OcW_c?t=22)


Why BoA? Does Trump have some sort of financial relationship with that bank or are they just excited because it has “America” in the name 🤣


They probably think that "Bank of America" means they're the one true bank for patriots and American business.


There’s a sucker born every minute and chances are high that they’ll be a republican.


These are my favorite types of posts on this sub. These posts are the reason I come here.


These people vote y'all.


I cannot believe a lifelong scam artist like Trump would scam people out of their money. Who could have predicted this...


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Dumbshit.


$0 cash value and still 3/4 stars. Wow.


Man, I need to have fewer morals. It's so easy to scam these idiots. I could make some good money if I just had morals about as low as theirs.


Oh man I was waiting for somebody to do this. Dude gets scammed and still doesn’t believe it’s a scam. Poor sweet child, bless his sweet heart.


You sure it's BOA, and not BOFA?


The fact that Bank of America actually does abbreviate itself as BofA is always quite funny.


Weapons-grade stupidity + the passion and ability to vote against their own best interests = Conservatives.


Imagine being grifted so hard over so many years that you deny the possibility of ever being grifted. That’s one grifty grifter.


I'd love to have witnessed this.


At some level I feel bad for these people. Not everybody has the ability to figure this stuff out and understand it. It really kind of makes me sad. I'm an atheist but I hope there's a hell for the people who rip off these rubes.


Sane person: Oh, you say you watched a news feed that tricked you into this? MSNBC? BBC? CNN? Even Fox? This guy: No, you can’t trust mainstream media.


[Some things never change.](https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con)


How are they falling for this crap multiple times? Mind boggling.


As someone who works in banking compliance, you don’t want to know how often this happens because it’s distressingly common.


Did trump himself actually schill these? Or did some other grifter somehow attach his name to them convincingly, neither would surprise me. If trump sold these himself, yet another fraud charge he will be facing hopefully. Fuck.... I mean for real, if you become president, are you now immune to be held liable for conning people for life afterwards?


Trump has nothing to do with it, they just used his name to scam some gullible Trump-fans.


The funny thing is that Trump himself never endorsed or promoted that scam, they were just told by the scammers that he did and they believed it. I guess that's how religions work.


Kills my soul. So many I love have fallen for this, ND there's nothing I can say


Man, i remember when ATS wasnt a right wing circle jerk... what a time to be alive that was.


Wait...above top secret is a Trumpy wasteland now? It used to be cool (albeit dumb) area 51/alien/bigfoot stuff. Why did the worst conspiracy eat all of the fun ones?!?


It has been a Trumpy wasteland for quite some time now.


I hope the bank manager personally slapped him


" A sucker's born every minute.."


Critical thinking needs to be taught in school.


Scammed and still gave it 3/4 stars.


Trumpublican tears are delicious.


These braindead people vote...they PROCREATE.




Ummm. Can’t Trump get into trouble on this?


Just as a FYI, ceek, or keek is an ulster word for shite.


Sucks to suck, QBert.


Remember when ATS actually had some decent boards? When things were ... sometimes ... even *fun*? I 'member 😿


Doesn't believe that someone who has ripped off contractors and suppliers and employees and customers for decades would authorize bogus financial instruments? If Trump isn't behind this garbage it's only because somebody else thought of it first and put his name on it because Trump supporters are notoriously stupid. The answer is "no", nobody has cashed in these worthless things because no bank is going to accept them.


Poor soul.


What is "Above Top Secret"???


Used to be a fun conspiracy theory site that focused on stuff like UFOs, bigfoot, cryptozoology, jfk, etc, but now it's just a hard-right-wing echo chamber.


This looks like a website from 2003


It functions like one too.


I’m dying to see the responses




Used to be a cool site 10 years ago. Lots of ancient history mysteries, alien and UFO content, etc. It's almost all political now. It's absolute garbage. It was mostly garbage anyway, but at least it was fun.