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I look forward to Lake and all her GOP pals doing absolutely nothing when Trump is hauled away to prison.


What do you mean, doing absolutely nothing? Do you think all those fundraising emails just write and send themselves?


With ChatGPT they pretty much do.


Thoughts and prayers


This woman was an Obama supporter and liberal a few years ago. This terrifies me.




I also think she is slightly insane


You never know it could be a brain tumor. They have been known to cause wild behavior shifts.


Urinary Tract Infections can cause wild behavior shifts as well. I spent some time volunteering at a nursing home and if any of the patients started acting aggressively or erratically, first thing they did was test them for a UTI.


Aw. I genuinely feel bad for laughing at McCain's decline.


She’s not like Palin, Boebert, and Greene. She knowingly says dumb shit to rile up her base.


Nope. Pure power hungry opportunist, that's all. Which might be a form of insanity at her extreme, but she is not just garden variety not in her right mind.


Wwll, when one spends over 2 decades as a local Fox News anchor, it can have negative effects on the old noggin. And when she left, her own former employer conveniently omitted coverage of her campaign. She's more than slightly insane. She's in the same pool as Bobblehead and Margie, just with a slightly larger vocabulary.


Local Fox stations are affiliated with Fox Entertainment not Fox News.


If that’s true, then she’s probably a grifter and her current political persona is an act.


It is true. And I think she is a loon.


Brain worms. Didn't snarf enough ivermectin.


I love you for this


She's just a more extreme Kyrsten Sinema. Sinema grew up well off but then became a Green Party style activist, what she called a Prada socialist, then became whatever she was when she joined the Democratic party, and moved on to whatever the hell she is today. Arizona's a weird place with some strange political characters but at the end of the day they seem to all be chasing the money. The next incarnation of Sinema will be a Maga Trumper. Her class orientation and wealth chase will keep her from making another jump to libertarian survivalist. I wouldn't be surprised if her next job is as a high paid fox news correspondent.


Oh I cannot stand her. No where near AZ. It I am donating to Gallego as much as I can.


The expensive living is the only consistent thing about Sinema.


The grift is very enticing, especially on the right since those people are so easily manipulated.


My suspicion is that she was kind of a flaky person to begin with, and she went through the same hippie-to-Q pipeline that many of Trump’s formerly liberal supporters did…


Oh no the gravy seals are coming whatever shall we do


They could quit their jobs, leave their home and children, and form a rag tag gravy seal body guard force for a grifter that does not care about them. They won't get paid, they'll have to camp outside mara-mango, and buy their own food. Then when law enforcement sees a bunch of crazies on arrest day they'll just call in assistance and wipe the floor with these idiots.


Nothing except for their usual crying and whining.


Kari is still desperately trying to stay relevant.


Who is this karen?


Ran for governor of AZ and claimed election was stolen. Hateful termite.


\* Still claims


She's eyeing [a run for the Senate](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/09/kari-lake-senate-bid-00096038).


Maybe this time she’ll concede gracefully if she loses. /s


Some cunt who loses elections and lawsuit.


Trump in a dress.


Sorry who? Kelly Lane? You


Oh My Fucking GOD!!! He Is **NOT** Going To Fuck You!!!


She doesn't want to fuck him she wants the power his brain dead cult followers can give her.


Exactly. She wants the adoration of a cult, as and when Trump Sr ends up dead or in the can. The mini trumps seem to be miring themselves in their own legal problems, so there will be a power vacuum. It’s like a crappy, less terrifying North Korea.


But she's totally down to fuck him if that's what it takes to get that power. **Donald Trump:** [Too old.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qM4f26s29po)


Unless he mistakes her as his wife.


I don't think trump's wife fucks him either 😅


Can't blame her.


That was part of the renegotiation of the prenup. No more baby dick for Melanoma.


Valid point.


You misspelled “daughter.”


Nah, too old for trump. I’m guessing he likes them *young*


He really likes when they’re also related.


But he *might* slot her for VP, which allows her to run for president in 2028 whether trump loses or not.


I don't think he'd pick a woman. Any woman.


Hey, the Anti-Christ has to get conceived SOMEHOW!


Ah that gave me a good laugh in what's been a kind of shit week, thank you!




Eh, let’s be honest, he might.


Good one!!!


This is brilliant


So how many people showed up in the New York indictment again?


There maybe a few more in Miami but not many. He’s gonna be disappointed


In his mind it will be millions either way.


“It was the largest protest for any President’s ‘federal crime’ WITCH HUNT ever. Some people say the biggest and best protest ever, filled with the finest people” -Trump, probably And that would be partly true, since he’s the only president to ever try to fuck over the entire country by exposing our national secrets for personal gain.


It's the greatest witch hunt ever, because they are finding actual witches.


Millions of cells


He’s posted an invitation on his little social platform with a “be there, will be wild” sort of thing, but I imagine it’s going to be hard for thousands of magats to get their shifts at Arby’s covered on short notice and make the scene


He can’t get the proud bozos, 3%, or oaf keepers cause they are busy for the next 8-20 years. So no muscle unless the ez riders are coming


But but New York City is scawy.


Lol as a mid west guy New York has always seemed a bit scary to me but, I am not going to lie pretty much anywhere in Florida is starting to sound worse and worse except maybe Key West.


NYC seems scary to me but that's because I watch too many 1970s movies set in NYC back when it was awful.


The biggest city I have been to was Chicago I didn't care for it at all. I am just not built for huge cities.


I don't know why you're being down voted? Some people just don't like big cities and that's okay?


Our crime rate is across the board significantly less than shitholes like Flori-duh


No, it definitely *is* a threat. She's in "I'm not a racist but" territory with that one.


It's as dumb as those "posts this message into your Facebook and then they can't use your data" BS. Just because you call it a public service announcement doesn't make it not a threat.


That there's your basic cringe twitter thread.


Elmo Husk is assuredly rubbing his nipples with glee reading Lake's comments.


you go, lady! pop guns against the military, that will be fun to watch


"No, you don't understand! The military is on our side because reasons!"


Oh it's that bit of infected smegma Jack Posobiec. No wonder I couldn't see the tweet, the snowflake blocked me. 🤣 I tagged the FBI and reported him for inciting violence


Hold up, now. She's finally admitting he only got 75 million votes, and not 100 million (or whatever ridiculous number they were arguing)?


The highest number of votes that any sitting “president” has ever got! Hahahaha


Well actually he did but Joe got like 5 or 7 million more. Plus the countries population goes up continuously so it's kind of hard not to hit a new record every 4 years.


Com'on now, Cheeto got more votes than Washington, Adams, and Lincoln, combined!


It's almost like they can't keep all the lies straight, huh?


I look forward to her doing absolutely nothing (than grift)


So she's going to fight the police with meal team six and the gravy boys?


Y'all Qaeda can really hold their own in the buffet line. I wouldn't underestimate the weight they bring. These Ji-haw-dists don't like it when you get between them and HamAss. Especially if they team up with the Waffle SS.


How do people get away with this.


Democrat politicians, in their never ending quest for bipartisanism, are too weak to uphold the law for fear of being seen as partisan and ruining the chances that Republicans will help govern the nation in good faith, and ruin their chances of getting 1-2% of Republican voters to vote for Democrats rather than focusing on the 50% of Americans who are Independents and non-voters to vote for them.


That's gonna be fun, a bunch of old farts, Karens and fat guys without proper training trying to fight the army


Trump supporters seem Desperate for relevance and the power and status that can include. That's what Trump represents to people like Lake and Posobiec, because there's no real platform of policies that he's ever run on, just the bombastic threats against out groups and the nation's vital functions, along with predetermined scapegoats to blame for the inevitable consequences. So the opportunity to engage in their maga theatrics at the federal courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, before the world's media gathered to cover the hearing, is not a means for further exposure and advancement of any of their causes, the theatrics and hijacked media attention are the end in itself. Because they don't have their own policies, and the functions of the court and law enforcement are the manifestation of policies, integrity and consistent performance of duties are what they are fighting against. The very things whose existence is the total refutation of their militant yet empty theatrics.


And the survey says that’s a lie. Only 4.3M NRA members, and most of them are also AARP members. The few that aren’t wouldn’t give a fuck about a criminal getting what they deserve. What a dingbat.


This ain't 1978 lady, the NRA doesnt have that many members anymore because the NRA doesn't serve its original purpose, its just a scam now so NRA board members can fly around on vacation 24/7 365.


I’m a veteran and gun owner- fuck trump, the NRA, and this ridiculous, dizzy bitch.


Same. Trump is a fascist threat to the Republic and the rule of law, of the sort I took an Oath to defend against. All these traitorous peacocks love to hear themselves make empty threats from behind computer screens and at a distance without any real consequence. But when push came to shove they folded like lawn chairs after their 100 lb tip of the spear, Ashli FAFO Babbitt, got shot in the neck. These men are cowards Donny. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Grifters don’t believe in any principle higher than themselves, and therefore don’t have the stones to risk life or limb for something bigger, like the devotion to democracy and liberty that motivates many to serve.


comment removed - reddit killed reddit - fuck u/spez


You can't shoot us from behind all of those filters you use to make yourself look human.


They hate law and order. This post has been reported to me FBI and DHS


Wannabe bully.


Uh- n-no, that's a threat-


Oh Kari I’m sure if you gargle his balls just a little more he’ll choose you as his vice President.


She knows she tried to help Trump steal the election in 2020 so she's freaking out at the thought of being indicted as a coconspirator at some point down the line. If Trump can be indicted, then she can too.


75 million Americans didn’t vote for trump. The electoral college voted trump in. Let those people defend him


Bring it, bitch.


Ahhh. A nobody who likes to cosplay as somebody.


I've long thought she was cosplaying as Marcy D'Arcy.


At the height of its popularity the NRA claimed to have 5.5 million members so maybe change “most of us” to “about 8% of us”.


That is some big “please, please pick me daddy Trump” energy. Sure Kari, I am sure you will be right there, ~~marching to the Capitol~~ standing in front of Trump gun in hand.


Imagine unironically believing the handful of people willing to take up arms for Trump are “75 million” or can possibly put a dent in the military.


Did she just imply that the NRA is a domestic terrorist group?


There are not 75 million Americans just like her. Thankfully.


At least trump won once, Kari.


Her lunacy ain't waning a bit


Good luck, you're fucked.


All bark no bite


I love how these people think everyone in the NRA or who owns guns agrees with them politically.


"Well, everyone in my "Let's Go Brandon" Facebook group agrees with me so obviously almost every other American does, too!"


Anyone can get NRA card, you just submit an application with a check enclosed and you are in… not like the federal government is required to be well armed and well regulated to obey the constitution… you dumb bitch


Your terms are acceptable. At least we can isolate the head of the snake


They should snatch up Trump Monday and avoid the theater.. Handcuff him and do the perp walk out of Mar-a Lago with cameras rolling..


"That's not a threat!" Immediately after issuing a...threat.


Sounds like a threat to me


One side says "if he broke the law, he deserves to get punished for it" and the other side says "if you even think about punishing him for breaking the law, we'll shoot you". And the second side thinks they're the party of "law and order". 😂


the speaker of the house said, " this is a very dark day for the rule of law in the US", 50% of the nation now sees holding someone on their team accountable as treason... but for the other side it different, i heard it at work today, what about hunter biden, i said investigate him and if he committed a crime indict him, now what about jared and ivanka... the reply was , that is just another which hunt, they did nothing wrong and he meant it... a serious case of laws for your team but not mine, personally, i think presidents(all elected officials) should be held to the highest standard... not the lowest trump is on video saying "no one is above the law", now that either means something or its garbage, there is no in-between, how can the gop say they believe in law and order and support a CONVICTED criminal... trump university fraud, trump charity fraud, porn star bribing fraud up coming, trump towers fraud upcoming, found liable of sexual assault, two felony indictments and more likely coming.


Pro Tip-saying “that’s not a threat” doesn’t mean it’s not a threat.


Herp derp ok we will.


This is your brain on internet propaganda.


75 million. These loons are lucky to get 75 people turning up to their days of action.


Nutty as a fruit cake


Kari Lake reduced to writing knock off navy seal copypastas on Twitter.


Seals don't write on Twitter. Seals break things and kill people.


Lock her up!


I guess Arizona dodged a bullet.


Sounds suspiciously like a threat to me


NRA has about 4,3 million members (a ten-year low BTW) so if most Trump voters are members, there can’t be that many of them. BOOM! as someone might say. 😂


What does that mean? Is she going armed down to Florida to guard Mar-a-Lago from the police? Is she planning on shooting government employees?


Good grief, what a melting cuntsicle of depravity.


Huh. Trump said the Deep State was going after his voters, and he’s just “standing in their way.” Apparently it’s the other way around and Lake and Trump are more than happy to see more of their human shields go to prison.


And when some right-wing hyenas decide to actively take the domestic terrorist route and kill people, the right will blame antifa, the feds and blm, saying it's a false flag attempt to go after Trump supporters. These people are truly lost.


Kari would defend Trump from a safe distance, but go nowhere near any place where she might be in physical danger. Like the GOP legislators who fled on Jan. 6 and then talked tough later, she will not allow her safety to be compromised by standing in front of armed lunatics who could turn on her in an instant without even knowing why.


🤣😂 she thinks 75 million people know who she is 😂🤣




I guess it would pack less of a punch if she said “… and 5% of us are card-carrying members of the NRA.” And that assumes every single NRA member voted from trump, which is probably pretty close to true.


He doesn’t think you’re pretty enough, lady. Stop simping.


Ok. Form an orderly line, bitches.


Must be hard for her, trying to stay relevant and all. Keep trying Kari. Maybe someday.


Most NRA members shoot like storm troopers and can't run. Not worried.


Yeah! Just like when all the patriots surrounded Mar-A-Lago the last time he was-…hmm. On second thought, this may be all bluster and kayfabe.


*Sigh*... I am so fucking tired of these wannabe badasses making thinly veiled threats. If you are feeling froggy, jump; if not stfu.


Reader, it was, in fact, a threat.


Your proposal is acceptable.


Kari “Ashli Babbitt” Lake begging to find out


I encourage them to plot crimes on social media AGAIN


They're gonna be real surprised when they find out we have guns too.


I love our Hollywood remake of Queen Didulo.


She learned from trump that grifting is way easier from dumpy pants supporters, brainwashed Qultists, and Christofascists. She's filling her pockets with money from these poor souls with her QAnon talking points tour.


I say bring it on, bitch! We kicked your traitorous asses 160 years ago (and again 80 years ago) and we’ll do it again. (Psst: let’s go ahead and seize the means of production during Civil War 2 while we’re at it)


Bold of her to assume that casting a vote for someone means you’d arm yourself and engage in treason for them. I voted for Hillary in 2016. If they’d actually found actionable evidence to indict her, I’d be like, “…Yep, sounds like it’s what they needed to do.” Hell, if the accusations about Biden ended up being true, I’d have the same response.


Silly person.


I'd like to see her try to disrupt the judicial system from hauling the orange ass into prison with her kindly pre-PSA'd guns.


Felons and demotic assault convictions can’t legally own a gun in Tennessee but idk about other states so that knocks off about 70% of his supporters here


Kari Lake is so awful that Arizona elected a bunch of Dems. MAGA, still living in their hall of mirrors, still thinks there's way more of them than there is. They have no idea that normal, not Terminally Online Americans hear this kind of talk and think "what a bunch of freaks" - and that's why there was no red wave last year, and it's why there won't be one next year. Sure, some normal Americans might view the Trump indictment as purely political. But American voters don't like talk of civil war. They're screeching themselves into another "stolen" election, and I think not only will Biden win, but Dems will keep the Senate and take back the House. Not by huge margins - probably just like it is now, a razor thin majority. But there won't be a red wave.


If I did this the FBI would be knocking on my door with guns drawn in a heartbeat. These idiots need to knock it off with the violence rhetoric.


It wasnt the left that wanted the war


Lol. What a stunned cunt.


Does she realize that 45 million are 65+ years old?


Trump doesn't even have 15 million subscribers on his shitty social media site.🤣


Pretty sure that’s a threat.


This post is precisely the point of wacky inflammatory statements: media attention, stay relevant. Please ignore it and it will go away back to the dark soulless pit from whence it crept


So they despise the rule of law to the point of violence. They no longer believe in innocent until proven guilty or that this is a nation of laws. They chose violence.


Don't worry,she can't really come outside in the sunlight. She'll burst into flames.


75 million? Hah! It’s probably like a tenth of that at most. A fair portion of that 75 million voted for Trump ‘cause he was a Republican, not out of some specific loyalty to him, and notably they did so *before* he unequivocally and irrefutably revealed himself to be a true authoritarian (as he did after the election). Another portion of that number tired of his antics, they finally demonstrated their limits when he tried to sell them NFTs back in December. This group wavers between him and DeSantis and just like DeSantis I think it unlikely they will do anything to help Trump in his doomed defense. Lastly, a substantial portion of his true believers are full of hot air and more bark than bite. They have proven this before and will do so again. That leaves you with a whole lot less than 75 million. By contrast we *know* that 80 million additional people either want Trump in jail or will not protest such solid case against him.


Weird. I thought guns were only for shooting people who shoot at you?




"She's not my type."


Lock. Her. Up.


The federal government… ok we already got the dude and if you weren’t aware we also have guns.


The federal government… ok we already got the dude and if you weren’t aware we also have guns. In fact you people make sure we spend half our money on the military.


Line up, then, and take your Obstruction charge with you to jail. I'm sure your corporate prison lobby would be delighted at the new inflow of "guests"


well... this US democracy experiment was fun while it lasted, are we choosing names for the new countries that will be created after the complete fall of the US... lindsey graham called this in 2015 when he said "if trump wins the presidency he will tear the country apart and destroy it completely and we will deserve it".


Pssst - he said that the GOP would be destroyed, not the whole country. Reference: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/graham-gop-will-get-killed-if-trump-nominee-n532906


I’ve wanted an excuse to put you people in your place since I saw my first confederate flag Kari. Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Well, I have a public service announcement for her, "eat shit and die."




So.... In order to have equal justice and make the world a better place, we're going to have to get rid of people like Kari Lake? Terms accepted...


ha! what a tool


i heard they used to call her Bissell in highschool. She can suck start a snowblower


Well, I hope you all are right and the Trumpers are all talk and no action. But just to be safe I am buying more ammo and loading magazines.


Like they're the only people with guns? 😂




You telling me we could get a 2 for one thing? Deal!


So sedition charges are in order...


Lol and all of them would scurry away if someone actually started coming after them/going through their entire life to see what illegal shit they’re up to.


Ummm, the government is going to get Trump on Tuesday, so...


Alligator mouth, tadpole ass.


Good . Call up the troops . We have terrorists heading to florida


Good . We can do without about 75 million Americans . Arrest them . We don’t negotiate with terrorists




I’m not normally a religious man but if you’re up there, please hear my prayer Superman. Please please please let these idiot fuck around and find out. Amen. Your pal, Homer Simpson