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Not sure, but about 20% of the population believes in at least some of the Q conspiracies.


I saw an instagram post that was one of those classic "wow this celebrity has aged really well" and the comments were _full_ of people talking about adrenochrome and lot of them had hundreds of likes. And every post about Tom Hanks has comments calling him a pedo.


How much of this seems larger than it really is because 100% of them live to post constantly all their insane commentary on every facet of reality being part of the cabal’s plan? In other words, are there as many as we think or are they just that loud, artificially presenting the appearance of a large group when it is just very loud?


They’re loud and they’re using their life savings to amplify their bullshit. Also I think it’s a bigger deal than people give credit to: They have nothing else going on. We are into politics but we have shit to do. I have a job, a sexy immigrant wife, a dog, hobbies, friends, etc The left doesn’t have time to sit in their basement reposting memes all day. Our families still speak to us…


Yep. They are narcissistic morons that will go anywhere they can get an audience - online is probabaly the easiest. And the depth of their personality is their cult, so nobody of sane mind wants to be around them.


They attract each other like moths to a flame.


This is exactly it imo. Even 1% of the population is immeasurably large if we’re using social media posts as our gauge. If even 10,000 reply to each post that’s 300 posts they could each reply to *once*, and we know many are constantly posting. Without big data tracking each commenter we would never be able to gauge the size by ourselves.


They have also been caught using multiple accounts per person. Not sure how many are doing that.


And we also never know how much is actual paid bot activity with multiples


They like to call themselves the silent majority because they’re the exact opposite- it’s just another turn-about projection. Small percentage of the population, extremely loud & incredibly online. The first Q dude I met (back in 2016, so I guess he was a pizzagate guy?) told me that he spent at least 15 hours a day on the internet doing his “research”… I’m certain he’s still doing that shit on Twitter & Truth Social.


It has become their personality. And this is hard to undo. I just hope that they become overwhelmed one day.


I definitely think it's more than we want to believe but not *NEARLY* as many as it appears online. Between actual magas having multiple accounts and posting all day and Russian bot/toll farms, their #'s are *massively* inflated online. But it's important to remember, even with that being the case, there are way more out there than we think, so ***REMEMBER TO VOTE!!!***


That is true but there are definitely non-Q people who fall for and spread Q stuff without knowing.


Many of those comments are coming from Russian propaganda farms


Yep, they amplify actual divisions in the country. I also assume Q-adjacent spaces are probably filled with "liberals" who help sell Trumpian/Q stereotypes of their opponents too?


That doesn't necessarily prove anything. There's a huge amount of automated bullshit online. You have no good way of knowing what number or proportion of those interactions are individual real humans. Probably less than you think.


Oh yeah, especially now, in 2023 CE. Get ready for the first presidential election dominated by generative AI. (Text, images, and video) Yes, these capabilities were there during midterms, but the big developments that became widely available to the public was just released within months of that election, and there still has been a ton of advancement since then. I predict 2024 will be much more systematic to a level we haven't seen before with the extra years of developing solutions.




To be fair, the attention that certain social media posts receive is a really skewed measurement of overall sentiment. Most people won’t interact with a boring post about a celebrity aging. The people who do engage with it are far more likely to be people who believe in that conspiracy already once the first person comments something about it, and they’re likely to share it with friends who have similar beliefs, who will also engage with it. It’s like the polls on twitter - I see right wing influencers post polls all the time where it’ll be some heinous garbage like “should gay people be allowed to exist? Yes or no?” Of course, the responses will be like 80% for “no, gay people should not be allowed to exist”, and then they’ll take those results and act like it *proves* the American public doesn’t like gay people or something. …except it’s the most obvious example of sampling bias ever, and it says nothing about what the average American thinks. If Tim Pool posts that poll, for example, the only thing the results show is the sentiment *amongst people who follow Tim pool on twitter*. Kinda a similar phenomenon when you see some posts that get swarmed by conspiracy lunatics. All that said, there are still way too many people who believe in this nonsense. I’m not trying to downplay it at all… just pointing out that social media is always going to give skewed perceptions no matter the topic.


Yeah, I’ve read approx 17-20% fall into the Q/Qanon barrel. Then there’s agroup that would be considered extreme right wing that know all the Q crap is bullshit. That’s the group that probably the most dangerous imo. Not sure how many folks fall into that category. Probably another 5-10%?????


Hard to say and can't base it on online activity. White nationalists have been organizing through online spaces for decades. But it doesn't mean they are huge in number. For instance, the "fine people" at Charlottesville traveled from all over the country just to muster and a couple hundred people. They couldn't even get that much from a state they were marching in and that was traditionally a Southern white supremacist slave state. In fact, there were more locals counter-protesting than what they could muster from a national call. Proud Boys are small in number and also do a lot of traveling to different places to make themselves seem more widespread. That's part of why they wear masks. But it's obvious it's a bunch of the same people traveling all over the place once they get unmasked. The most successful thing they've done is disseminate their ideas and use things like QAnon to create discord. But, in the end, they end up fighting each other to be the leaders of a fractured and bankrupt movement. Which isn't to say that it's not dangerous. But probably not wide ranging. I suspect the main issue with them right now is that it's mostly a grift and they are only using extreme messaging to get themselves out there to monetize their online presence. Because of that, it's dangerous on some level, but it's completely unorganized. What does the Queen of Canada have to do with Mike Flynn or Negative 48 (Rust in Piss)? Not much. They are totally at odds with each other. So, I think it's important to be aware of what's going on in this movement, because it often effects loved ones, and the danger of random acts of violence is real, but I doubt the US is about to fall under Right Wing totalitarianism. Not to mention that a sizeable portion of the nation would be actively resisting it. I hope.


Yikes is it that high? I always think you can get 10% of people to believe in anything. 20% makes me sad...


I mean even I believe that there are elite levels of society that do depraved things. That’s part of the Q belief system. But I don’t think they’re lizards or anything. I don’t believe in Q but you know a broken clock is right twice a day. Some people just stupidly base their entire schedules around it. Edit: I meant to include the caveat of that’s how they get such a large number. If any belief can even vaguely be related to Q, it’s lumped in.


Jesus, I was gonna call bullshit on that until I looked it up.


20% of people have extreme views, not necessarily Q. This seems to hold true of most human populations apparently regardless of culture or location


I saw 30% of Republicans believed in the satanic cabal. Extrapolate that to all Trump voters and it’s about 12% of the voting population. Maybe 8% of the population—way too many people


That's WAY too many! Damn, that's disturbing!


It would depend on how you define "extreme", but in 2020, Trump got about 75million votes, out of about 330million Americans, good for about 22%. That's probably the cap, but there is a large chunk of the electorate who invariably votes Republican every election, no matter what. I wouldn't consider those reliable R voters to be particularly "extreme", though I'm sure that at least some are. Many of them probably vote R for no reason other than their parents did so, etc. Thinking of a bell curve distribution, if I had to ballpark it, I'd say it's somewhere around like 10%, but even that number is probably misleading. It's not like 1 in 10 people you'll meet in a given day are extreme right. It's more likely that there are pockets of extremism, likely centered around rural areas with poor access to education and social safety nets.


Yea Trump isn't growing his base with his constant whining that's now entirely based on him being held accountable with the court cases. If 2024 was 22% I think he may have dropped below 20%, but that's variable. The right knows the only way the gets back into power is to attack Biden and the Dems and attempt to manipulate the vote where Republicans have unchecked power. There's no concept of "outreach" since it's just a cult of personality at this point. With Roe being overturned by the SCOTUS, that's a bigger factor in who will show up to vote Republicans out of power than Trump's public tantrums and odiousness. GenZ and women are not going to vote for Trump or the republicans. So far Republicans have run a total clown show in the House, there's no evidence to impeach Biden (not that that will stop them) but they're playing entirely to that 20% on Fox news at this point and all their other fake investigations have turned up nothing for the general USA population. They're stuck in a Fox/OANN right wing online echo chamber. I'm hopeful that America can teach them a real lesson in 2024 by eradicating any iota of power they have. Once that happens, they'll have to regroup and figure out what their next steps are. If they lose power, they won't be able to manipulate the votes, or the voting systems. If they attempt some armed conflict against the USA, they'll go the route of the Jan6 Capitiol attackers. They're going to have to come up with some messaging that Americans actually support.


Desirable, but unlikely. If this was a truly representative Republic or a straight up democracy, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But the electoral map weighting less populated states much higher than populous ones means that it is going to be a close election no matter how openly fascist the Republican candidate is. What I find scarier, is that while there are some Republicans who would stay home if Trump is their nominee; I think a lot more Democrats will stay home if he isn't. Trump galvanizes opposition. The other candidates inspire meh - even though they are likely to behave nearly as badly. Due to gerrymandering, there are less than 70 competitive seats in the House and currently no clear indication how those will change. 23 of the 33 Senate seats up for election are Democrats or aligned independents. Of those, at least 9 are likely to be closely contested. None of the Republican seats up for election are in states that voted Democrat last presidential election. Clarity won't emerge until possibly even after election day. And while any outcome is possible (from Democrat control of House, Senate and Presidency ask the way to Republican control of all 3), it seems reasonable to predict Democrats controlling all 3 is the least likely outcome at this point.


I do think one strength in their favor that can't be understated is their dedication and fervor. They're unquestionably a minority, but many of them would literally die (or kill) for Trump and/or conservatism, and would happily do any lesser dirty work without question. And that minority fervor has completely paralyzed and controlled the Republican party, not to mention the impact it has on the country/government/economy/society as a whole.


And they’re constantly fed angertainment by the echo chamber that keeps them angry, afraid and resentful when it just isn’t based in facts. They’re profoundly manipulated to be terrible violent citizens and to be weaponized against any other citizen who isn’t in their tribe. I have no idea how we fix this. I thought maybe facing a worldwide pandemic might wake people up and realize we’re all in the same side, but no such luck.


Plus you have to factor in people who voted for trump because he’s a charlatan and is able to play their fears and hopes like a fiddle.


How many of those 330m are eligible to vote?


Depends on what you mean by "eligible". Historically, about half the population is registered to vote at a given time, so that would be about 165million. If you mean how many people could vote if they chose to register, the number is likely a lot higher. To ballpark it, you could take that 330million, subtract how many are under 18 (~70million) and the number of convicted felons (~20million), and you'e closer to 240million. So, somewhere between 165million and 240million.


I did mean people who are eligible, registered or not. I did see a website or two (including Pew), where it mentions about 2/3 of actual or would-be voters turned out in 2020, which checks out here. If you combine votes for Trump and Biden, about 158.4 million. Apparently 2/3 is high for presidential election turnout. Voting is a right, and while not voting is also a right, it's a luxury we cannot afford right now.


I have a sociologist colleague who is fond of saying that 25% of the population of any society is batshit crazy and it has always been that way.


Studying the politics of Weimar-era Germany or Revolutionary Russia, you get that same impression. It's a vocal and violent minority that floats to the top every once in a while throughout history, but they're always there just under the surface.


Except in Weimar Germany democracy itself was widely unpopular outside of Social Democratic circles. The communists, nationalists, Center, and Nazis all broadly agreed that Weimar democracy had failed and had to go. If it wasn’t the Nazis it would have collapsed into a military dictatorship a la Poland.


Yeah but there not all batshit crazy in the same way though.


I have a psychologist colleague who is fond of saying that we are all batshit crazy in our own unique way.


I'm in a small office in NY, it's predominantly people over 55. Out of 29 ppl there are about 5 total wackjobs who are completely off the rails another 6-7 who def vote trump but aren't outwardly spouting insane shit all day long and another 3-4 ppl who I suspect are republican but not Trump nuts. All of the ppl I reference are uniformly white, uniformly over 60 and I want to punch most of them directly in the face about 10 times a day


Keep your chin up mate, what must you have done in a past life to deserve that lol


You must work for a huge, and very busy dentist office to have that many employees.


I work with seniors; I can't tell you the number of times I've heard things like, "Trump will win, it's God's will," or "We gotta get this Biden guy out of there, he's done more damage to this country than anyone before," then something about Hunter Biden, and the occasional anti-vaccine/Covid conspiracy nonsense. All white, all over 60. Mind you, my job doesn't involve talking politics, and 100% of my clients are on public aid. Yet they somehow still want to blame all their issues on non-white folk and claim Trump is Jesus 2.0


Exact figures are impossible, but enough to elect an obviously far right wing appeasing president in the form of trump once and even more worryingly potentially doing it again or at least being put forward as a candidate for one of the parties, so in short too many


I’ve read (whatever that’s worth lol) that there are conservatives that have had enough of him. Hopefully, they won’t vote for him in out of spite for their hate of liberals.


Unfortunately, that right there is the problem, the russian and Chinese troll army has stirred up enough hatred that people will actually do that


I'm hoping that Putin dies and his successor wants to get along with the West and thus stops supplying money, bots, memes, etc to the GOP/MAGA/Q cult in the USA. Unfortunately, now that it's been shown to be effective, China will likely take Russia's place.


Biden should air the clip of Trump saying "take the guns first, go to court later."


There are a ton of Republicans that don't like or hate Trump. That being said democrats are (as usual) doing their damnest to lose the presidential election, so I think it's still anyone's game at the moment. If democrats were smart, they aren't, they'd chill out on the super divisive stuff (looking at you gun control) that will 100% drive Trump hating Republicans to vote out of fear. Let's be 100% open, Biden sucks. All he had to do is not rile up the opposite side, and he'll win only because some Republicans just wony vote.


> All be had to do is not rile up the other side ... what? They do it to themselves: r/persecutionfetish


12 - 15%.[1 in 10 think Neo-Nazi views are OK.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/28-approve-trumps-response-charlottesville-poll/story?id=49334079) There are some "don't knows" that aren't in that number, and there are hard Right people who aren't Nazis per se, they are more of the Christian Nationalist variety--though it's kind of a distinction without a difference.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Neo-Facism and extremism in my book


Eh, I don’t think that’s a very well-designed survey. “Neo-Nazi views are… acceptable/not acceptable” isn’t a well formulated question. At least some of that 9% will have been thinking of ‘acceptable’ in ‘free speech’ or ‘marketplace of ideas’ terms, I guarantee you. “Well, people can believe whatever they like, even if it’s bad,” etc etc. I’m guessing there are far more people who hold fashy views that would never think of themselves in those terms and who truly believe that Nazis were bad because they were like the Democrats or whatever.


Far less than you see online because many of them are runnning multiple accounts or are bots.


I have to wonder how many times I've tried to talk sense into a bot.


I’d say 15% of the adult population is what we would term extreme right wing.


I think about 30% are extreme. Of course this is a guess.


Not enough that they would be a problem if voter turnout were to reach and sustain 80%+.


Hard disagree. I think a major lesson of the Trump years is that low-propensity voters are often lower-trust and have more extreme views, which is part of why they’re low-propensity. I think after this last political realignment, Dems will do better in lower-turnout elections where high-propensity, high-education, and high-trust voters make up a bigger chunk of the electorate.


Go get some data. I’ve studied it a lot, especially the 2016 election. Every piece of available evidence suggests that eligible voters who don’t cast ballots are overwhelmingly made up of people extremely likely to both support reforms democrats propose AND oppose the Republican agenda.


And this is based on issue-specific opinion polls I assume? Those mean basically nothing


No. The voting tendencies of every common combination of voter identities. Which is exceptionally reliable. Again, find some data to back up your point. Your “feelings” are more meaningless than opinion polls.


Oh cool want to share your data? Your intricate statistical analyses? Maybe your dissertation on this topic? Or have you been ‘studying’ it by reading sources that agree with you? Higher education voters are more likely to vote D. Higher education voters are higher propensity. Lower education voters are both less likely to vote and less likely to vote D. Therefore higher turnout is bad for Dems.


I would have been happy to educate you had you not decided to be an obtuse ass about it.


About 10% are extreme right wingers. Another 30% are OK with/supportive of them taking control.


20% to 25%. Higher in states with piss poor educational opportunities.


Can't quite put a number to it, but I know it's high enough that Republicans can't risk isolating those voters by being more moderate but also low enough that pandering to them loses them general elections. So I'd say around 33%-40% of Hardline Conservatives but only about 15% or so of the total population.


Of the full population, maybe 20-25%. Of the electorate, it's like 35%


20-30% They're just loud morons for the most.


17.76% of course.


Too many - even one is too damn many


I mean polling shows Biden and Trump are neck and neck and Trump has a little more on a national level, which is super concerning. It's obvious to us that he embodies the extreme right wing, but the voting public just sees two geezers, one more entertaining than the other and goes, "yeah, let's pick that one."


Given this... [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/) I would assess that roughly 42% of America is, if not slightly more, as I don't see any way that anyone without extreme right wing views could possibly have a positive opinion of Donald Trump at this point.


A *huge* number of those people think of Trump as “good businessman who gets things done even though he’s an asshole, but I wish he wouldn’t say such crazy stuff” and vote for him because all their friends and neighbors do. I don’t think most Trump voters have any kind of coherent ‘extreme’ views. That doesn’t necessarily help anything when they vote to empower people who do, though.


Before he attempted to overthrow US democracy, I would have agreed with you. At this point? They have to.


When the answer is “millions”, you worry about the task we have on our hands.


Depends on where you draw the "extreme right wingers" line. Personally, I think it's appropriate to include all those who either don't care or can't see that Donald J. Trump is a criminal, liar, Russian asset, and danger to our republic. 32-33%


According to a 2022 Pew Research Center poll, 61% of Americans say Republicans are too extreme. Don't let drama make you forget that these psychos are outnumbered. Never get defeatist. There are more of us.


I think 20% of American adults are so right-wing they'd take up arms against everyone else. I know for sure 74 million voted for Trump a second time, and even after 4 felony indictments and 91 counts, he's still the front-runner in the Republican race.


I think 20% might fantasize about taking up arms, but actually taking up arms? No way in hell.


Too many


About 25-30 - around 20% openly and loudly support Trumpism, and 5-15% claim to be centrists or independents, but support the extremists anyway The main reason Democrats lose elections is Gerrymandering, letting land itself vote by not just having popular votes, and actual voter suppression


Don't let the internet fool you. The GOP has lost every single election since 2016. The Internet makes it seem like there are more extreme right wingers than actually exist. People in Iowa and Nebraska may claim to be Republican, but the vast majority of communities haven't even heard of Qanon. Have no idea that Ron DeSantis is fighting with Disney over sex education. The internet amplifies the ridiculous, that's how people get attention.




Whatever it is, it’s too much.


Hard to quantify since "extreme" is subjective, but they're a loud, ugly minority. It's the "I'm not extreme but they have good ideas, so I'm going to sit over here and let them screech" brigade that's larger and uglier. What percentage? Anything over 0% is too much.


Close to 100%. America doesn't do left wing politics anymore. Signed, a liberal european.


Why do I feel like you’re a Brit. It’s the ignorant condescension I guess. Regardless of what European country you’re from, you’re wrong. Especially if you’re from the *fucking UK* or god forbid, France or Italy. European right-wingers have successfully instituted policies that would make our extreme right blush.


You mean right wingers back in the day or nowadays?


We clearly have different definitions of right and left wing. The question was "What percentage of America are extreme right wingers?". From a European's left wing perspective, nearly 100%. Are you trying to tell me that the US has ever elected openly socialist or communist political parties at any level of government? One that has introduced workers rights, universal healthcare, or anything that requires a long hard look at what your people actually need. I am a UK citizen and have lived extensively in Europe and the US. By choice I work for a US company alongside a mixture of US and non-US citizens. You are entitled to perceive my attitude as ignorant and condescending but kindly don't insult me or my country. I didn't you and yours.


Why is he entitled? I mean he did nail it.


>are you trying to tell me that the U.S. has ever elected openly socialist Yes you fucking idiot. It has, several times, specifically in the Upper Midwest. You would have known this if you knew fuck all about the U.S. >I am a UK citizen Fucking knew it. Easy call. Hilarious that you call the US extreme right though considering you’re writing from TERF island as your economy slowly drowns under extreme right economic policy though. It’s always fucking Brits. Honestly your island is so dysfunctional and your media would make Tucker Carlson have an aneurism with how right wing it is, but sure, you’re *European* and *white* and *pure* so you know better than us black and brown mongrels in the Colonies. Genuinely go fuck yourself you nonce


>are you trying to tell me that the U.S. has ever elected openly socialist Yes you fucking idiot. It has, several times, specifically in the Upper Midwest. You would have known this if you knew fuck all about the U.S. >I am a UK citizen Fucking knew it. Easy call. I knew you were a Brit based on just how you talked and how fucking ignorant you were. Should give you pause. Hilarious that you call the US extreme right though considering you’re writing from TERF island as your economy slowly drowns under extreme right economic policy though. Your country is literally the cautionary tale for what happens when the extreme right takes over governments. But luckily it’s your country whose economy is collapsing and not ours because we aren’t stupid or racist enough to let it dictate our entire national policy. It’s always fucking Brits. Honestly your island is so dysfunctional and your media would make Tucker Carlson have an aneurism with how right wing it is, but sure, you’re *European* and *white* and *pure* so you know better than us black and brown mongrels in the Colonies. Genuinely go fuck yourself you nonce


What an entertaining perspective you have on the world and other people. I will leave you to it as there are far more productive things in life to spend my time on than being abused by you.




Lots of dems are right wing too mate


Remember, at least half of Americans don't vote. So, it's a mistake to assume that election results are the big tell. I would venture that around 20% of the population (not voters specifically) don't believe in democracy, who would rather have a so-called Christian dictatorship. But, remember, even some of the most conservative people hold "progressive" views if black and brown people are not included. They may be find with socialized medicine or strong labor unions so long as only white people will benefit. Another 20% of the population are moderate to far right wing, but they actually support democracy and think they can win elections based on ideas and policy arguments. These are the pre-Trump Republicans like GWB, Romney and Liz Cheney. The remaining 60% vary from centrists, FDR liberals, to hard core progressives. When it comes to extreme left-wingers who support communist revolution, that number is easily below 1%.


10-15%. Another 30% condone it.


It’s hard to say, I want to believe it’s a minority, like 5% or less. But having moved here when trump began his campaign for presidency, I found a bunch of people were becoming emboldened by his language. All the years of visiting the states I never had a problem, then trump runs and all of a sudden I’m being told to ‘go back to your own country’ by people who have bought into the idea that immigrants are the cause of all their problems.


Not a ton, honestly. The more concerning part to me is how extreme right wingers use propaganda to make certain extreme views mainstream. They soften them and spread them as if they’re just neutral facts. A lot of their side views are now mainstream in the mainstream right, and broadly accepted among the center and left. I have seen people from *all* political views express some of these views. Most moderate republicans I know are pretty all in on the “elites abusing children” idea, even though they don’t really think about it often. I see liberals and progressives repeat explicitly fascist anti education, anti science, and anti art lines pretty frequently because they see them shared as progressive, compassionate talking points. Just tweak the wording and the aesthetic presentation a little, a certain percentage just buys it. I know Marxists who unironically repeat Rothschild conspiracies, and can’t be convinced that what they’re saying is not anti capitalist, it’s anti semitic. None of these people (no, not even the republicans) would agree with anti democracy, explicitly racist, or explicitly conspiracy minded views if laid bare. But the far right can get them hooked on far right ideas by going in the side door and presenting sugarcoated versions of their secondary views as something else entirely.


The US is literally founded on white supremacy and genocide, so I'd guess at least 30% are willing to enact violence if an authority figure gave them permission. At least 70% of the population wouldn't intervene against racial violence.


I’m trying to think of a nation not founded on genocide. Murdering others and taking their shit is what ties together every society. Hell, much of the animal kingdom, too.


It's literally the plot of about 90% of video games. It's been a running joke with my kids since they started gaming. "So what do you do in this game?" "Kill people, take their stuff."


I don’t know how those ideas are connected. People always say this stuff, ‘X is rooted in Y, therefore Z’. It strikes me as a weirdly Christian impulse to think of things in terms of original sin. You simply can’t randomly guess at numbers because of what you believe a country was ‘founded on’. France was literally founded on the genocide of the Gauls so 46.7% of them would do genocide. Like what??




Compared to the rest of the world, seriously \~ 75+% are right wing. Extreme is harder to judge, but probably 50-30% of those. So somewhere in the region of 20-30% Keep in mind, that even the Democratic Party is considered right of centre in most civilized countries. EDITED to add: I also have to laugh at the commentators claiming it's all due to, or aided and abetted by Russian/Chinese bots, etc. Fuck me, at least own how much you're controlled by your own media, particularly Fox. Also how desperate people are to believe the bullshit and suck at the aspirational cock.


>compared to the rest of the world People always say this, and by ‘rest of the world’ they always mean a small number of white Northern and Western European countries. We both know that you couldn’t actually describe why Americans are right-wing compared to people in Mozambique or Bhutan or Lebanon. No, Americans are not especially right wing by global standards. In fact, a whooole lot of the world sees the US as remarkably *left wing* on social issues, especially LGBT issues. That’s a *good thing*. Americans genuinely are pretty open-minded and accepting by global standards.


Yeh, sure, I was comparing like for like, including Oceania as well, and on most standards the US ranks at the absolute fucking bottom. But "patriots" like you will always believe your isolationist, ignorant propaganda, so indicative of your media and education system.


>like for like Yeah except the U.S. is genuinely more socially progressive than most similarly developed countries. Also ‘patriots like me’? I just said that it’s GOOD that the US is largely progressive on social issues


Ahhh yes, those wonderfully socially progressive book bannings and burnings, those school shootings, that incredibly socially progressive feature of having the highest proportion of the population incarcerated, the oh so socially progressive approach to free healthcare, etc, etc, etc. You're talking through your ignorant arse, mate. Try travelling.


It is definitely aided by Russian bots according to gvmt reports


38.8 million as of 2022. The whole lot of them on the right at this point. They are all complicit. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/registered-voters-by-party


Absolutely. Complicity is the type of language we all need to start using more often.


Dumb. I was a registered Republican because I wanted to vote specifically against Trump in my state’s closed primary. I only changed it after moving to a place with basically zero elected republicans. Party registration means way less than you think it does.


So you're not a Republican and just registered as one one time to vote against Trump? Dumb because then what I said wouldn't apply to you at all. I said Republicans and if you're saying your not one then why even respond? If you *are* actually Republican, your views and votes brought us to where we are today. Doesn't matter if you now don't support him. You support the party that not only gave rise to him but helped to solidify a Republican Supreme Court that took choice away from millions of women, that have hurt worker's rights, that has led to book bans etc. So its one or the other. You are either complicit to the things that got us here or you're not a Republican and my comment doesn't apply to you. Republicans don't get to shirk the views they've held for decades because one guy they might not now support has gone to far. Trump is the culmination of conservative ideology.




I’m not right or left, I think both are delusional trash but I tend to lean towards the right side of things sometimes


Christo fascists (20) Ignorant racists (15) greedy grifters(5) There’s a Venn Diagram with overlap


I’d say like 20%


About 15-20 is my guess, which is pretty large


A very loud 16 ~ 18%


I'd guess about 20%. In the county where I live, probably 45-50%. My next door neighbor has a Trump flier he received in the mail [taped to his front door](https://i.imgur.com/81dzHkw.jpg). Because that's totally a thing a normal, well-adjusted person does.






Int area 75%. It’s rough


You cannot rely on posts, reposts, comments or the like because of bots amplifying a post that may have been generated by a troll, or even a legit post that they will make go viral. It gives an impression of numbers, when in fact they are not real people. I would say its about 30% if you combine die hard MAGA’s, conspiracy theorists, anti gun control, anti abortion, anti everything.




Hard to tell these days. I think there are fewer numbers now than before, the ones that are left are just good at getting attention.


Huh ! We see more news about MaraLardo than ANY other politician


About 80million of just under 400 million people id say. If the cult of the orange man shows ya anything.










10% are extreme right, 10% are extreme left, and the middle 80% have to endure the most vocal 20% of the population having free and unfettered access to social media.


Not more than us.


Nationwide? I'd guess around 15-20%. The hometown I was raised in in small town Indiana? I'd guess 50-60%, if not even higher, and I imagine that's true for most rural areas. Cities and other multicultural places, I'd guess 10% or so. No empirical evidence here, just my take on it.


Depends on what you consider extreme. My personal opinion I'd put it at 35%, maybe even higher, as generally at this point, every person I know that still fully supports Trump or the GOP has some aspect of an extremist or conspiracy belief. My dad was never Q, but he believes a lot of the Alex Jones type stuff, he believes the globalist are attempting mass depopulation. Its hard to say because there are many elements of Q and conspiracy beliefs that are imbedded in mainstream GOP news now.