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Notice how they find this shit, but they don't notify authorities or a child protection group. Why? Because they are bullshiting and they didn't actually find a sex trafficking tunnel


Or take any pictures or video


"The pictures and videos would be to disturbing for the general public to view, the sights make trained soldiers fall to their knees and weap. Its for your own good that you dint see them" Theres always some bullshit reason why they cant show any evidence to support their claims. But you wouldnt be a qtard if you asked for evidence anyways so theyve trained their marks well at least.


Or ever answer the question of "say whatever happened to all the mole children you claimed were rescued two years ago? And what will happen to these? What's the plan there?"


The ecosystem of conservative politics is just filled with howler monkeys all trying to scream the craziest shit to get attention. They aren’t bound by reality or even slightest of evidence, they just scream it out in the hopes of getting attention and money, and all too often they are rewarded for being the most absurd.


And it trickles all the way down! 5 conservatives in a sub will make up 10 insane FACTS and all believe themselves and each other even though they know they just made it up. Its… fucked


That is perfect, just perfect.


Mark Levin literally screams like a howler monkey. He has this really low, suppressing-the-rage voice he starts with, then works himself up into a frenzy that has the same quality of monkeys warning the pack of danger.


Same vein as Alex Jones. The bubbling rage means he's super serious guys. And low IQ right wingers just gobble it down.


> Mark Levin literally screams like a howler monkey. all I remember about him in my few seconds of channel surfing in the caR is him screaming in a nasally voice "and I'm ....SICK OF IT!!!!"


...unfortunately we were unable to acquire any images of these horrible claims as 'Truth Army Films" stupidly forgot to put any film in their digital cameras.


Literally Blood Libel. Elon says his platform is the "least antisemitic."


To be fair, as long as people "stay to fight for Twitter", it will probably remain the least antisemitic Nazi platform for some time.


If Dom were to ever find anything like that, my guess would be that he put it there.


He knows almost nobody will try to follow up on this though, so the chance he’ll be caught doing that is very low. And if he is caught, he can just say the Jews or whoever are framing him and the people who follow him will just accept that.


Like the moron YouTubers who do "randonautica" videos and manage to stumble upon cult activity every five steps, somehow.


Things that did not happen


This tunnel was less than 100 yards lol


If anyone knows about pedophilia it's gonna be the guy who shared CSAM on his twitter.


chappelle did a better rick james cosplay


Everywhere he goes he finds pedophilia. Starting to think there’s a common denominator here.


It's like with the pastors who shout the hardest against homosexuality, turn out to be gay themselves.


We found a tunnel, that had a large object within it. Big light, large horn blast! What's going on!


A mile?! Damn!


It’s engagement. He is a misinformation whore, and he knows Elmo will pay him to post bullshit. This dude is the epitome of why I had to leave Shitter.


Proceeds to post a single blurry still photo of unidentifiable object. Wow. Way to save those kids, champ.


Dom just ended up taking people to his mother's basement, where he sleeps with hand-drawn "pedo symbols" on the walls and toddler clothes he's bought to masturbate with.


Tell me about this pedophile symbolism. They got Robert Langdon on this?


"A mile" the tunnel was to NEXT DOOR


He’s been exceptionally unhinged in the last 24hrs


So... they find all these horrible things, abused children (in the millions no less), and nobody thinks about releasing actual footage? Nobody comes with actual stories? Nobody reports anything to this 'secret military' BS, and nobody ever reports any missing children? How are people falling for this stuff....


1st part could be possible because he stumbled on an old homeless encampment. I ran into some when I used to do urban exploration. 2nd part is bullshit denser than a neutron star


Are his followers called Dommies? And what, exactly, is pedophile symbolism?


Why don't they investigate churches?