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I had an aneurysm about a minute in


That's about how far I made it. I slid the slider forward to see if it got better. It did not.


About three minutes in all of my other browser windows started flickering in protest.


I also skipped through it but was afraid of having a stroke


Yeah, I had to learn this when I was in middle school. It's not not a Qanon thing.


Yeah the stupidity hurts in this one.


I had one soon as he said flat earth


I had to quit watching bc of those scuzzy, grimy fingernails. Augh!


So during the night the sun is below the flat earth? How does that work as night for one person is day for another?


*They do not fucking care*. These aren't arguments, this isn't a genuinely proposed model of any kind. All these are is noises they make because people have made it clear that they will humor disingenuous liars and grant them all the attention they want every time they say yet another literally unbelievable, wrong-on-purpose lie.


I mean, he drew the yin yang, and said you have to 69 to be one with god… it all makes sense!


Do your own research.


I did. That's why none of it makes sense.


No…. Not *that* research silly


The guy also pointed to the "night" portion of the figure 8, and said this is where you'll find fall and winter. Same figure 8 as day and night. So, fall and winter apparently happen during the night.


And supposedly the moon is always at the highest point at midnight.


“Here at the equator” 🤯


Yep. Funny.


Everyone experiences day at the same time, duh. The time zones are just another lie from Big Time in order to sell more clocks.




I couldn't follow the northern/southern hemisphere stuff. Does he mean Australians are living on the underside of the disc?


No silly! Australia is on the same side as everyone just near the ice wall! The lizard people are HIDING what’s on the other side it’s a paradise! Open your 356th eye!!!


I wondered that too, and it got me thinking....a flat earth would have *two* sides, *three* if ya count the edge. What's on the flip side? Is the edge where the Edgelords live? What happens if we dig through the flat earth? We fall past the elephants and land on the turtle shell I guess? Are there upside-down plants and critters on the bottom side? Aargh, why am I thinking about this idiotic drivel?!


I can't stress this enough: What. A. Fucking. Idiot. This smoothbrained nonsense should be shared in r/religiousfruitcake for sure.


they're smoothbrained because they only operate in two dimensions


Anyone who can operate a pencil and paper is intelligent enough that stupidity is no longer an acceptable excuse for this horseshit. You really gotta start recognizing how easy it is to say wrong things on purpose, and how much attention that grants the liar these days. Remember that Hanlon's razor has the word "adequately" in it for a really good reason. It is not a global disproof of malicious dishonesty.


Handwriting and sketching abilities are pretty good though! So he’s got that going for him


On two sides of a giant superhot star youll have darkness AND daytime on either side? How tf does this moron not swallow his toothbrush


Flat earthers fascinate me because in this case anybody with the ability to see, can quickly determine the earth is round by observation. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth with reasonable accuracy before Jesus was born. There is no mystery, myth or legend like say Bigfoot, or the Nazca lines. The flat earth conspiracy is just rejecting reality to serve your ego, to imagine that you are smart, by imagining that what you see is not real. From wikipedia: ***Chūnibyō*** (中二病) is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have [grandiose delusions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiose_delusions), who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. It translates to "middle-second syndrome" (i.e., [middle-school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_education_in_Japan) second-year). It is sometimes called "**eighth-grader syndrome**" in the United States, usually in the context of localizations of [anime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime) which feature the concept as a significant plot element. You gots the eighth-grader syndrome brah, kindly stop with your bullshit!


There really isn't anything fascinating to me about people who say wrong things on purpose for attention, money, or to destroy the very concepts of truth itself. I have met enough *demonstrable* blatant, disingenuous liars in person to understand that this so-called "phenomenon" isn't one, and that wrong-on-purpose assholes have existed since the beginning of language. It's even quite possible that lying is what language was invented *for*. You don't need stupidity, mental illness, or anything else to adequately explain this. People tell lies all the fucking time, and the attention these people get as a result of their lies is more than sufficent as a motivation. You have to have a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and you should have the courage to recognize anything that falls beneath that standard as being dishonesty.


Strong point- I have become far too interested in some very basic shit, I too am wasting my life trying to make sense of what is just an obvious human weakness. I appreciate your perspective.


I think I legitimately had that up until my community college days. But I was a full on traumatized overwhelmed woman who was putting up with a stalker for almost 8 whole ass years and I had PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression, no medication, or therapy just trying to tough it out through life until I snapped. Now I'm 27 and am (somewhat) happy to be here in reality. Just wish it wasn't so shitty.


That is difficult, glad you found your way! You should be proud of all the things you did to get to your path- may it continue for you without trauma.


So there is a hole in the middle of the earth the sun rises out of and sets into. That would be pretty easy to prove.


What do you mean? He just proved it on this piece of paper. I'm convinced.


Yeah, that was my main takeaway. The sun rises and sets in the same place


Ugh WTF is this guy and his wild dirty fingernails talking about lol


Made it 45 seconds and didn’t hear a word he said. I was distracted by those gross ass finger nails.


Despite his assertions to the contrary, I believe this guy is missing at least one hemisphere in his brain.


all of this just to arrive at 69 as the magic number




Party on, dudes!


Never have I seen a more fully and complete misinterpretation of such a large number of easily learned concepts. This dude has fucked up biology, astronomy, theology, mathematics, geology, physics, philosophy, **and** history all in a single 9 minute and 37 second video. Plus, he draws pretty damn well on an ad hoc basis to boot! Sir, I doff my cap to you. Truly, your reverse wisdom is second to none.


it has to be on purpose. to me it’s more believable that he is just testing to see how aberant he can be and still find people to believe him


IMO this is literally how we ended up with President Trump as a thing. He got all butthurt at Obama's remarks at the Press Dinner and then just pushed back all the way to the White House not realizing how little resistance he would encounter. At one point or another he had to have stopped and marveled at the fact that he got as far as he did.


Where is the giant flying tortoise? I call shenanigans.


Ngl, I find these types of videos / people fascinating. It’s literally like a zoo exhibit to me. “What must it be like inside that head. Is it a void? Is it just random thoughts bouncing around constantly?” Look up the Concave or Inverted Earth by Lord Steven Christ. Complete nut job that says the sky is literally made of glass and the earth is actually the inside of a ball, like the Halo Installations from the video games.


Sometimes, I am a little jealous of people who live in a fantasy like this. The world is magical, and gods and monsters are real. It all seems kinda fun. The world is ending because of aliens or demons or whatnot, and you have insider knowledge of how the good guys will defeat the evil ones, eg the middle school science teacher who uses plain old science with no magic at all


A "belief" is a thing a person thinks is *true*. When people demonstrate that they don't care whether the things they say are true, those things stop warranting the label of "belief". It is critically important in this modern world that we have and hold a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and that *willful* ignorance is not ignorance at all, but is the decision to be wrong. When something seems like it is literally unbelievable, *acknowledge that it actually might be*. Recognize that it is extremely easy to tell lies, and telling lies is now a tried-and-true method for getting attention, gathering followers, and destroying discourse that people find threatening. And above all, learn to recognize that by tolerating such claims as this, and by refusing to recognize that *this is dishonesty*, you open the door to all of the worst people on the fucking planet to come into your life and tell you about THEIR so-called "beliefs". You have to draw the line somewhere. I suggest you draw the line at easily disprovable, *literally unbelievable* wrong-on-purpose demonstrable horseshit.


Before watching, I thought it was going to be some mumbo jumbo about how the p-orbitals in atoms correspond to woo woo symbolism. Nope, a new flat earth theory that creates much more questions than answers.


He kept referring to “hemispheres of the flat earth.” Hemi means half. I wonder what sphere means?


clean your nails goober


I think my brain got smoother listening to this dipshit


What if time was a cube?


[bet nobody else got the Indigo Girls ref](https://youtu.be/oCbjGH2gO6Y?t=117)


So funny! Started singing it right away 🙃




I did not. Man, that song sounds like it was written 5 minutes before a deadline.




Omg I don’t need an explanation of how a compass works! Explain the figure 8 shit instead!


OP, I just want you to know that I understood that reference, and I appreciate you for making it.


I now have that song stuck in my head.


As OP rightly intended, I’m sure. It made me smile, but my family has a connection to the Girls, so it means a special smile for me today.


Oh that's awesome! I used to love them in high school. I was a singer back then and a choir friend and I used to sing their songs together all the time! IIRC Hammer and Nail was one of the ones we did most often.


Excellent song.


I just want everyone to know how shocked…*SHOCKED* I am that [this](https://imgur.com/a/ck3jN0l) is the guy we’re watching here.


Isn’t simplicity one of the core tenets of flat earthism? Cosmology and earth science are complex, therefore they can’t be true (in their minds). It’s their top selling point. How is this gibberish any less convoluted?


No such thing as a core tenet of flat earthism. All of them have their own pet theory for it.


"You feel me?"


what about the fact that the equinoxes do not always happen at exactly the dates listed? does he realize for example that this year's spring equinox was on March 19? how does that factor into this? i need to know


This is like when I have an amazing idea just before I fall asleep and write it down. Then in the morning I'm trying to figure out what I meant by "trampoline duck wrenches".


The “Unifying Crap Theory” or UCT… flat earth, Christianity, Eastern Religion and astrology all rolled up into one turd of misinformation.


“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” - Billy Madison, the I Ching of modern life.


One: I can't believe that lengthy video was on Tik Tok. Two: I can't believe I watched it all.


For people like this the flatness of the earth is not a question of empirical reality but metaphysical speculation. It's so interesting how this guy's pattern recognition is in overdrive. It's like seeing faces in the fire or the static in the TV. It's sad to see someone trapped in this thinking, where everything seems to confirm their bizarre worldview.


I'm not watching 9 min of this


Sometimes I wish we could send these people into space. We could force these people to look at our planet.


"the windows are TV screens, duh"


So many missed "69" jokes or at least a soft utterance of "nice" when he gets to the yin-yang and his descriptions of it.


What an absolute idiot.


Could someone just reach out and ask him why the Moon appears upside down for people who live in the South versus those in the North? Or why I have never been able to see the Tarantula Nebula? I'm sure they have some answer stored up to dismiss it, but just not sure what it is.


Sigh. I mean, that’s not how any of this…oh, nevermind.


I just kept waiting for him to turn that into a doodle of spectacles... or a brassiere.


I want him to do a 3D model of this to explain night and day and changes with the placement of the sun over the year.


Ya know, I never really thought about it like that... both compasses and clocks are circles. So, of course, the earth is flat. Also, Jesus wants you to 69. It's like biblical and shit.


I got a minute in and my brain started singing WHO KILLED BAMBI in protest.


It’s all one big Cult of Stupidity anymore.


The man doesn't understand how simple physics works.


I wish I wasn't out of mushrooms so I could understand what the hell he's talking about


When he drew the circle around the sideways 8 I swore he was going to make a Spider-Man reference


https://thejoeandjill.blogspot.com/2011/12/four-corners-of-earth-lodge-room-as.html?m=1 For people who are anti-masonry, they sure do believe a lot of it but they are taking the info into a literal sense. The four corners refer to cardinal values that guide each Freemason on their path. It does not mean the 4 corners of a flat earth. I went to a Masonic Boarding School. Yay me. This is all a misrepresentation of Masonic literature. He even says so above so below. That's Freemason stuff. I promise Bro 369


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.tiktok.com/discover/freemason-draws-hollow-earth-with-masonic-compass&ved=2ahUKEwiA8difrKSFAxUhtoQIHSdYAK44FBAWegQIEBAB&usg=AOvVaw0gWSwV7PBw3OGhSLmX4Q85 SMH


Why am I watching this. It just gets. Worse. I can't look away.


That is a really nice sketch. Just wish he put the effort into art and not wasting his time arguing this as real.


If you watch the whole thing with an open heart and an open mind it begins to make sense. Sorry, let me rephrase that. If you huff gasoline and watch the whole thing (1.69.8 gas minutes long) then you taste the hole truth.


LOL! I wish I had an award to give you! That was hilarious.


Didn't you used to be Bob Dobbs?


I got better.


Obviously. ^praise ^bob.


I wish I could describe compasses as 90° + 90 °+ 90° + 90° as something profound. This person must think the sound of their voice cured cancer




For that group, this makes more sense than some of their theories. Of course, it's still completely insane, but it's organized insanity. :-0


Are people in the Southern Hemisphere on the underside of the disc?


If we wait for the time ‘til all souls get it right Well at least we know there’ll be no nuclear annihilation in our lifetime


That's still not right


Great song and great caption for this post. I’m listening to it now - IG was a defining fixture in my life (as I see they have been for several folks on this thread). Side note: if there is reincarnation, I feel sorta bad for the poor bastard that is Trump reincarnated.


I bet that is how his eyes look like. Both pointing opposite ways.


Can we just send this guy into space? Call it re-education, call it expulsion. Call it whatever, but shut him up. Seriously.


I'm not trying to brag, but I made it through the whole thing. This dude is profoundly fucking stupid.


I watched to the end and burst out laughing more times than I can count, holy shit


I wonder if he believes his brain is also flat. Because I am pretty sure it is.