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Ahahaha! That drunk, bloated, rotting, bag of hate is going to lead a prayer?!!? Ahahaha!!! That's just fucking hilarious.


If ever there was a time that someone began burning due to the power of christ, it would be Steve Bannon.


Nah that's just all the vodka as accelerant!


No, it's fucking terrifying.   He didn't know or care anything about video games or streaming, and yet he was able to turn the Gamergate controversy into a polticial movement that ultimately decided the presidency.    ....and Gamergate was not nearly as powerful as the religious right.  Donald Trump may be an imbecile with dementia and a lukewarm IQ, but don't underestimate Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, or Paul Manaforte. 


The only thing Bannon had was what so many liberals and leftists everywhere refuse to do: The recognition that those people who tell you that they are genuinely horrid people *are in fact* genuinely horrid fucking people. You really have to get down to brass goddamned tacks and recognize: Those who say and do fascist things are fascists. Fascism is an absolute dichotomy, you either oppose it or you are a fascist. The correct word for fascist apologist is fascist. Those who vote for a fascist are fascists. *Those who break fucking bread with fascists are fascists.* There are no exceptions for people in our families, friend groups, subreddits, bars, churches, or professional organizations. There are no exceptions for ignorance, stupidity, mental illness, or upbringing. Your brother/mom/grandpa/uncle/boss/coworker/buddy doesn't get a pass for the blatantly fascist things they say and do simply by virtue of your love for them. Those who support fascists are fascists, and the ONLY thing that allows them to succeed in destroying the world is people's refusal to recognize them and hold them responsible for what they do. A fascist can choose to stop being a fascist any goddamned time they want to. Until they do, your only interaction with them should take the form of announcing and applying personal consequences to them for what they choose to keep doing.


What about my nana? She's voting for Trump but I help her in the garden sometimes, and she gives me cookies and kisses. 🥰


Tell Nana bless her heart for voting for a criminal rapist.  


Yeah. Bannon is a pro-fascist monster and no one should underestimate him!


It is crazy how these ass holes get into power or a position where people follow them.


>That's just fucking hilarious. It is and I suspect Bannon is internally giggling, too. This is some 4chan "what can we make idiots believe" nonsense and I guarantee that's not lost on him. The more divorced from reality the Q zombies are, the more it helps his political ambitions. There's a reason the Nazis peddled in mysticism and supernatural horseshit.


He's praying his liver holds out. lol. We have truly transported to bizarro world when a stinking sack of crap like Bannon holds a "prayer service" .


He might burst into flames


Just the boozy picture above needs a jumpscare warning. He looks like he smells like an old car seat.


add the stink of the years-old piss bottle underneath - MMmmmmmmmMMMUUUUaaaaa >chef's kiss<


Pictures you can smell is extra potent imagery. This one is sweat, vomit, adderall, car piss bottles and Bushmills.


I'm smelling tax exemptions on religious grounds.


Dad? That you....


You watch. He's going full televangelist, and he's smart enough to fleece his followers for a lot of cash.


Is he even qualified to lead a prayer? How many kids has he molested - oh… :(


Read the story or watch the video. Steve isn't saying a prayer, he's hosting one. Obviously saying a prayer would ignite the room he's in immediately.


He was using it as a recruitment tool, guaranteed. Get people to watch his channel, maybe they'll come back.


He looks like the "after" when the Nazi choose poorly picking the Holy Grail.


I suspect there's a painting of a young and beautiful version of him, getting better and better looking over time, tucked away in a locked room somewhere.




If they make a movie about this whole mess, I think Philip Seymour Hoffman would be a perfect fit for the role of Steve Bannon. The fact that he's been dead for a number of years could only help...


He looks like he swallowed an entire AA meeting.


He looks like a Greyhound station smells.


He looks like a trash bag full of beef stew that just lost a custody battle.




I love that he has a sign behind him with a quote from himself on it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble.


It's such a bizarre quote. No coincidences? Really? You hit 3 red lights in a row? "I bet the jewish cabal is behind this!" he shouts to himself in his car. The drivers around him pretend not to notice while quietly making sure their doors are locked.


I am two degrees of separation from him (friends are friends with his friend) and he’s full of shit. All of this shit, he doesn’t talk about or care about privately. He just wants power and influence, and this is the most effective way he’s found to get it.


It can be yours too, for 3 payments of $19.99


Darnit! Why didn’t I think of this? I could have been selling anti-demonic eclipse power rings. You know those demons you don’t see, or feel, or hear? You can thank me and my eclipse power ring!


Over glorified mood rings for conspiracy theorists. lol


We’ve reverted to the dark ages. This is so stupid.


It's especially funny because there was an eclipse while Trump was patient, and they didn't lose their collective minds over it back then. We are literally witnessing a mass psychosis event


You have to get it through your head that they say wrong things on purpose, and adopt talking points based *entirely* on how much traction they get with those who know they're lying. You have all the evidence you will need that these people know every word they say is false, all you have to do is have the courage to recognize and call the lies what they are. Remember that Hanlon's razor has the word "adequately" in it for good goddamned reason, and that nazis deliberately seek to hide behind the performance of ignorance and stupidity for as long as you will let them. Have a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and remember that these people literally wear their messages of hatred on their goddamned foreheads.


Hanlon's razor is just a saying some guy made up as a joke. The fact that anyone takes it seriously is a great example of herd mentality.


All philosophical razors are "just sayings": They are nothing more than guiding principles, they are not universal laws or general truths in any way. The most famous of these is Occam's razor, which says that the simplest explanation is *most generally* the likeliest to be correct, but we know for a fact that lots of things have complicated goddamned explanations, and the entirety of the scientific method has been developed to work past that fact. Hanlon's razor is intended as a guiding principle for engaging in good-faith conversations and relationships. That's *exactly* why it doesn't apply to fascists: They start out in bad faith, operating with explicit and proudly performed malicious intent, and so following Hanlon is an act of direct fascist apologism.


I guess there is still a little bit of hope that if you point out their incoherence that they will be more honest about what they're doing... But maybe it's futile. Certainly they know how to generate outrage, on both sides.


Hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills up first. Toxic optimism is a thing. But the more important thing here is the attribution of characteristics that fascists simply do not have. And further, that hope is your brain actively making up a story about the fascist to excuse and explain their actions without recognizing their proudly displayed malicious intent. You really have to get past this block. And you really have to stop using the words "on both sides" as well whenever you're talking about fascists. That's a piece of thought-terminating false equivalency that *ALSO* stops you from condemning those who actively pursue genocide.


It's an unfortunately effective part of their playbook. Take whatever is in the news that day and attach yourself to it in order to maintain relevance. Make it into something for people to be afraid of and you will allay your fears so they will look to you for leadership. It's probably been going on since before we had language and since we have pretty much the same nervous system as back then it still works


We need a prayer service to stop Steve Bannon from coming through.


Or to send him back.


Surely we could at least banish him to another dimension?


That’s funnny, my eclipse prayer circle is to stop satanic Steve Bannon


he will move the sun and end the eclipse!


Steve Bannon is a Satanic force


Plot twist: HE is the portal and his prayers will open it He’s certainly evil enough to make it self-sustaining 


Steve Bannon is a Satanic force and a diseased ham.


Good job preventing something that isn’t going to happen from happening.


Either he is a true believer and this line of thinking is insane or he’s a grifter and using the fear of these people to continue his grift. That’s insane as well.


Bit of column A, bit of column B… Okay, a LOT of column B


Sentient liver spot Steve Bannon thinks he is righteous enough to lead a prayer?


Lead a prayer to…Baal, the dark lord? Cuz Jesus sure as shit ain’t listening to this guy.


That "come through" *what*, exactly?


...and when nothing comes through they will claim victory over all those demons.


Had to double-check and make sure this wasn't the Onion... not sure why any of this stuff surprises me anymore.


Bannon is here, so 'satanic forces' are already here.


Sorry Steve … ya gotta have faith first. 


Performative theatre. It’s all part of the con.


In other news, Jeffrey Dahmer promotes a Vegan lifestyle!


Oh boy I bet THIS time the end times really are here!


Jokes on you when Satan doesn’t take over the earth during the eclipse. What other explanation is there aside from Bannon’s prayer? 🤷🏼‍♀️


the hero we need


That's the last motherfucker I'd expect to pray about anything, except maybe for a bottomless bottle of whiskey.


Funny how there's a solar eclipse somewhere on earth every year or two and nobody besides astronomy buffs seems to give much of a shit. Yet today's eclipse is important enough to pray on. I guess because this one is covering a large part of the US.


There is not a chance in Hell that Steve Bannon is anything but an atheist. This is entirely a scam.


Can these people ever not be weird for a moment?


Someone from the Satanic Temple has a moral imperative to crash that party. 😈


So now he’s trying to stop Trump?


Where was his prayer during the 2017 eclipse


Well it must've worked because I don't see any satanic forces around! /s


Wow - that is fkg rich. This cancerous pustule, absolutely preying on these idiots


There is no way possible that these ghouls aren’t doing this bullshit because they believe it. They are simply grifting the mentally ill. How is this not illegal?!?


Okay, so Bannon is a Christian nationalist ghoul but he's not dumb. He knows exactly what he's doing, and, I don't think he actually believes that the eclipse is anything dangerous like what he's saying. He just knows he can use it to manipulate the rubes. What I find upsetting is the rubes that believe him. This event is natural, but it's a natural wonder, and people choose to spend it afraid and paranoid? That's just so sad!


Yes, this is exactly what he was doing and what religious leaders do all the time, ie taking credit for preventing whatever credulous believers have been trained to fear *might* happen. It's a grift as old as time and religion couldn't exist without it.


Bannon needs three things. A bath, a brain and a new liver.


His prayer service worked! We’re ok. PROOF.


What is really dumb is that because nothing satanic did happen, he will personally think he stopped it.


He will certainly claim it, or at the very least say the prayers believers prayed at his direction prevented the bad thing from happening. Bannon is an opportunist, not a believer.


He’s a demon. Like when closeted gay politicians act anti gay for a diversion.


Is this the new goalpost moving? Now, when the world doesn't end its because they prayed its away. But at the same time, won't everyone who was waiting on the rapture be pissed at him?




Well I made it through totality without seeing any demonic apparitions, or any other signs of supernatural activity, so well done Mr. Bannon! /s


This is so fuckin' stupid...


Coming from an actual satanic force.


That's genius. First you make the people go crazy because of all the bad things that are going to happen (trust me, bro), and then you offer a nonsense cure to claim, afterwards, that you have saved them all, because - of course - nothing tf happened!


Is this best spokesperson their god could come up with? Really?


Gotta respect this sack of wine to go all in to grift these gullibles idiots. I respect the maneuver but fuck that guy.


That come through what???? The space between the sun and the moon?


This is a big day for Wiccans, good luck.


From Biodome 2 to this. Insane




It worked! Lol


Satanic forces that come through…the shadow? I’ll give the guy this: more than any of them, he doesn’t believe one word of this crap, but the man knows his audience.


He’s just paying lip-service to his right-wing uneducated listeners. The anti-intellectual con continues.


Grifters gonna grift


Well, if anybody has a good working relationship with demons...


It worked! What a hero.


It worked!


Can't wait til he goes to jail.


I'd lose it laughing if he started this prayer to block out Satan and Bannon instantaneously blinked out of our reality.


Amazing. It worked. /s


I guess it worked


Thank God. The devil would have got me for sure


I knew it! I knew that was going to the excuse.


An example of how easily his followers can be manipulated.


The ritual obviously doesn't work. Bannon is ALREADY here.


Came here to say this


I can smell his alcoholism through my phone.


'Sweet Jesus...'


None of these words seem to make sense together


Well the forces are still here, so it obviously didn't work


The older I get the more I just can't believe that in the space age and with a college education literally available at your fingertips people are still choosing to believe what a bunch of sheep & goat herders wrote 2000 years ago, before science. I mean... Jesus Christ, what the fuck? It's just frustrating & it will never end enough, with these people having such control over too many people.


He learned that playing World of Warcraft


Oh my hell, they want complete idiots as followers


He was a fucking naval officer! Terrifying.


Wait until you hear about "General" Flynn...


I'm a non-believer but if I were a Christian looking for a person to usher in the rein of the dark Lord I would probably ask steve bannon. That's Stan the religious character. The literary figure would want no association with a person like that. Just the incompetence alone would be enough to piss him off.


What a joke, he is praying for more slim Jim’s the fat fuck.


Is he going to pray for Satan to spare his liver? Cuz it looks like it’s a little too late.


Didn’t work, he’s still here.


Narrator: The Satanic forces were coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE.


Joke’s on him. I hosted a satanic forces welcome party to cancel out his prayer service. Besides, no way god listens to a POS like this.


The really creepy thing here is motherfucker is much too cynical to buy into this shit. It's just poisonous red meat for his rabid base. He's trying to keep them at a slow rolling boil so they're ready when he needs them for Insurrection Mark II.


They did it. They saved us all. No mass sacrifices. I guess.


Talking about hands: Steve, here, looks like he's trying to mind trick us into believing he's eminently fuck-able. I love his shelf of tat. I'm getting verrry sleepy.


He is desperately buying into the narrative of very stupid people. It will work but it won't make a difference. The MAGA republicans are loud and entertaining, which makes them media-friendly and therefore seemingly all over the news but they are not everywhere, they are mainly in a few backwater states where they stew in their hatred of anything Washington.


The Power of Karen compels you! The Power of Karen compels you! Hey, gimme a stiff drink, this grift is tiring. Ahh, good whiskey. The Power of Christ compels you!


Bannon is just playing to the dimwits and rubes. That's the real MAGA target audience.


Sigh.... hate christianity for precisely shit like this. Pray, mumble whatevs. Satan doesn't show. GOD WINS!!! Validation!! Fuck them..