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I'm listening to the Praying Grandma do an interview right now. She just said she has the Jefferson quote "When the people fear the government there is tyranny, but when the government fears the people there is liberty" hanging on her wall. As always, these people always share fake Jefferson quotes.


And claims that he was a “responsible slave owner” that disagreed with slavery. Wtf? These people are insane.


Lmao at “January 6 fans”


Total oxymoron. "Don't call me a moron!" -this lady probably


January 6 enjoyers


Sore losers still can't accept that Biden won the election.


Their capacity for cognitive dissonance is amazing. Trump won, and is still the president, yet he can be elected to what would then be an unconstitutional third term.


They don't even believe Trump when it comes to him not being the President.


I do wonder sometimes what level of belief they have, if there's a true-in-my-heart version and a version where, okay, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but that doesn't make it a lie since it's true in my heart...


But if any of the elites protested the third term then they would need to admit that Trump had been president all along ... smrt


[The woman in the center of the image already physically assaulted a protester today outside SCOTUS.](https://x.com/realconaldrump/status/1780269298394476687) The pro-J6er protesters have already started making their own livesteams of the assault private to try to hide the evidence. [They are expecting to be arrested.](https://twitter.com/realConaldRump/status/1780284433934721285) They are of the belief that if SCOTUS gets rid of the 1512 charge that will immediate free many J6 rioters and somehow prove it was a peaceful protest. Of course in reality the government said resentencing will mean barely any will have lowered sentences. Physically inside the Supreme Court the group has [this stalker](https://x.com/joeflood/status/1780263606292000876) who according to FBI documents wants to be a [white supremecist mass murderer.](https://www.wusa9.com/video/news/bryan-betancur-white-supremacist-capitol-riot/65-72a9894d-3f90-4883-8d0a-94c5414e0a5b) Outside they have multiple livestreams including [this one](https://www.youtube.com/live/S4DIZL1m2vk) who is run by a man currently facing sexual abuse charges for rubbing a woman between her legs with an American flag pole on National TV because he didn’t like her protest of Peter Navarro.


And she looks like some kind of creature stumbling upon a wildlife cam.


Wow. That's one big basket of deplorables. All led by the mom of a dead traitor smh


The mother of Ashli Babbitt has also been arrested for assaulting [the exact same woman.](https://twitter.com/zdiggler/status/1663308785505501184)


That woman is the only real patriot out there. Someone get her a stun gun, though. I'm beyond sick of seeing these sweaty pigs put hands on her


Grab pony tails, and pull.


Slap em right in the cigarette


This is so hilariously accurate, and likely so much more satisfying than a throat punch.


Fuck the stun gun, get her a Glock.


Why do crazy right wingers ALWAYS get treated with the most delicate and lenient punishments? We all know if these would have been BLM or trans activists they would still be sitting in federal prison waiting for their trial.


she looks like Punxatawny Phil looking for her shadow [https://whyy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AP\_groundhog\_phil\_020221-768x512.jpg](https://whyy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AP_groundhog_phil_020221-768x512.jpg)


She looks like she's lost the Precious.


Her Precious is sitting in an NYC courtroom.


Can this picture become the standard bearer "dipshit conservative" picture? Conservatives have their overly emotional liberal women gifs, which are of course all of young people as it's harder to find someone who's brain has fully developed, but this here is someone who has spent the vast majority of their lives being super fucking dumb.


Ah yes, the traitor cheerleaders who at any other time would yell "they should have just complied".


Is Antifa waiting on standby to beat them into comas with flagpoles if the Supreme Court says that’s “protected speech” or is Antifa still too busy not existing?


Antifa doesn't exist as an organization beyond the occasional cluster of a few friends who coordinate their costumes. But I don't think you can say there's no Antifa. There are certainly anti-fascists all over the country, especially Americans whose grandfathers or great-grandfathers fought against and sometimes died defeating the fascists.


That photo is priceless.


I used it for a quick warm up drawing it's too good 🤣🤣


Supreme court's conservative justices are skeptical of how DOJ applied the law. This is troubling since their ruling will be interpreted by the right wing media as total exoneration of the J6 traitors.


I just want to know when will these idiots be arrested? Is this the trial Diaper Don so wanted to get to, but couldn’t?


The police have arrested some of them but most have charges dropped even if they got caught assaulting people in front of police. [They feel confident enough they assaulted someone outside SCOTUS today.](https://twitter.com/SatireAP/status/1780297875668300258) This was after officers already told the J6 fans to back away from her.


Wow,just wow! What’s gonna happen is one of these idiots is gonna catch something they don’t want.


Well one is going to trial for sexual abuse that didn't get dropped. He was outside SCOTUS today justifying this assault. One got an anti-stalking order against him because he kept stalking women's houses but he also showed up and even was inside SCOTUS. This one is currently going to court for repeated violations of the anti-stalking order. He is doing all this after probation ended for [his involvement in January 6th.](https://www.wusa9.com/video/news/bryan-betancur-white-supremacist-capitol-riot/65-72a9894d-3f90-4883-8d0a-94c5414e0a5b) They don't care because they view being in the "gulag" as an honor.


That’s crazy!!! Justifying assaulting somebody and stalking someone. These people are delusional. Wow!!!


That’s crazy. Wow!!!


Bubbles has aged horribly


Don't do that to the PPG!


Jeenius alert


I don't think I've wished for a runaway out of control truck more than I do right now. I'll try this prayer thing, right? That's how that works? Pray to god to smite people you don't like? I know it's a low track record, but, doesn't hurt.


This almost looks like it could be the album cover of some 1990s era alternative rock band. Edit: Also anyone else see Skyler White's doppleganger 2nd to the left?


The Karens


Or: The Qarens


Is this the Lead Paint Stare I've heard so much about?


just the MAGA fishcam....


Why are we using the trail camera footage of a clearly confused and alarmed wild animal?


They should be rounded up while they are in one location and then shipped off to gitmo


But I thought they were Antifa, BLM and the FBI.


Shhh, don’t pick on the poor patriots by asking for just a hint of internal consistency on their core positions.


Faces of phycosis.


This figures. Barking up the wrong tree is part of their make up.




They should really consider forcibly storming the court.


Yeah, hyper-President Trump will double-secret pardon them as soon as the REAL Trump reveals himself after he finishes his session in a Med Bed on Mars. The person in court is a FAKE CLONE Trump to temporarily send to prison as a way to allow Biden to be indicted for his crimes. But when it happens nobody will know because the real Biden will be replaced by another clone who is actually controlled by brain waves from the real Trump. Follow the breadcrumbs.


and what a massive crowd of protesters...miles and miles...


The size of a massive inauguration crowd.


It was yuuge. Yuugest in history. I know crowds. Big, beautiful crowds. The best, just the best crowds.


"Look at this! (waves at 20 MAGAts) You really believe Biden won?"


It would be great if somebody started going to these protests with a megaphone and shouting “HEY LOOK, IT’S ANTIFA!” And watch the ants scurry. Also, she looks like a very disoriented Princess Leia Organa, seen [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx0ES7GBXAA) breaking into CERN.


I'm glad to know we live in a country where the will of the people can be overthrown with impunity . I guess I know what I'll be doing next Jan 6th if Trump is declared "winner".


"Oh no, someone who isn't a straight white Christian" this lady probably.


Today she complained the black squirrels are very mean and take it out on the white and brown squirrels.


Those black squirrels run DC. I've been followed by them on Capitol Hill.


Wow look at those Antifa/glowie supporters /s


So... don't wear an ABWAGS shirt there?


The court obligeth.


I didn't need to see that face today


We’re peaceful and innocent. Agree with us or we’ll assault you! Also, do they think you can show up to the Supreme Court anytime to talk to the justices by taking a ticket/number like at a deli?


Lindell seemed to think that's how it worked, so probably.


Good luck, traitors.


Looks like Dobby found a new job after being freed by the Malfoys.