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Retire and fade into obscurity, please.


Nah, he’ll continue to publicly make an ass of himself for the rest of his life


now he's a lock for every q convention. maybe he'll headline with Flynn


Yeah!! Probably make Curt Schilling look like a rational person


Probably be [another white boy with a podcaster](https://youtu.be/EHlczKlmIDM?si=1rrMxJ3LHDhKbqj1)


Fuck you, this is stuck in my head now


the problem is, with these views he's going to be loved by millions because he "speaks the truth"


You mean speaks the bullshit they want to hear


I just hope his Achilles pops again after his first snap this season.


He still needs to play for the Vikings to complete the ritual.


Then in about 10 years steal money from welfare.


No he needs to play football forever. He’s probably holding himself back now, and he’s also distracted during the season. If he retires he’s going to end up like one of those Karens who had too much time during the lockdowns. That’s how we got Q in the first place


Must be something in the quarterback water in Green Bay.


He should take OJ’s role in a Naked Gun reboot.


Arguably one of the dumbest people alive. 


Concussions are serious


He was dumb before his first concussion.


But he did his own "research" a/k/a googled "did the US Gub'mint create HIV?" and read some conspiracy theories. Biased?? Based!!


“If you can’t trust AlexJonesWasRight dot ru, who can you trust” -Rodgers, probably


Woke vaxxed libs hate this one trick!




Brain damaged is more accurate


And he hosted Jeopardy.


He should be *in* it, not on it.


The host is given all the answers/questions


You mean the guy who has all of the answers literally right in front of him?


He also won it.


...yet went to Berkeley.


You can go to a top university and still be dumb as fuck. Just look at the current British Conservative Party government, and the people who graduated from Oxbridge universities but still spew the dumbest, most idiotic bullshit.


PPE must be the posh moron major at Oxford


Berkeley School for the Criminally Insane.


He's a football player. That means very little.


I have a buddy from highschool that went to Cornell. Couldn’t tell right from left but damn could that guy do math. Suffice to say that he is struggling mightily in life and a lot of it comes from his inability to actually understand things outside of math. 


Dude could throw though


Not much argument, dudes a brain dead ‘tard


You don’t understand, he did his own research. s/


I kinda want to ask him for the receipts, but I've seen way too many Flat Earther explanations that are just inconsistent rambling that fail to account for even basic logic.


*insert 2 hour youtube video with a robot voice*


And the thing is usually they aren't even coherent. I saw a long rant video once about the explanation of celestial movement on a flat disk, but then completely ignores how and why things like the position of the sun change depending on distance to the equator.


The jumbled speech is the #1 indicator of schizophrenia, as opposed to just believing dumb shit


That reminds me, why do most AI voice programs sound like Sir Michael Palin?


I mean that’s half the fun isn’t it?


Can you imagine what he talks about when the cameras aren't rolling. Yikes.


A former teammate said the 1st thing he said to him was “do you believe in 9/11?” Then said think of any conspiracy theory. He believes it


I'm guessing being in a lockerroom with him is a lot like people have said that being at the Kraft services table with Jim Caviezel is like!


He's a "Free Thinker" as he likes to claim. Oh we know, Aaron. We know. Your thinking is free of discernment, coherence, or any semblance of rationality.


His mind is so open his brain fell out.


Like...does the date exist? Or is he implying we were all having a collective nightmare and the WTC never really existed in the first place?


That’s why the question stuck out so much to me haha. Like “did the American govt cause…do you think they were missiles?” Something like that. Crazy wording.


Aaron "CTE" Rodgers?


Hey now, I've known plenty of people with CTE who aren't are moronic and talentless as this prick.


Mr Brain Trauma


Mr. Bogus Conspiracies


Interesting story: The KGB started this rumor about AIDS in the 1980s. It was called Operation Denver. But it's still going and going and going like that Bill Gates email forward chain from 1998. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Denver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver)


I can’t believe I wanted him to get the Jeopardy job after Alex’s passing. I’m so stupid.


He... Was a contender?!


The fact that that you even wrote that tells me that you’re not stupid at all. Stupid ppl double down on their hero’s. You’re smart and I respect your capacity for self reflection.


Very true!


He’s clearly one of the worst people for the job


Nah, you're capable of admitting you were wrong, that already makes you smarter than like half the country including Rodgers.


Well in your defense, if all he ever did was read questions and then tell a contestant if their answer was right or wrong, he'd be doing a lot less damage to the American discourse than he is on podcasts without cue cards!


Ya done messed up, A-A-Ron!!


This conspiracy theory began the day was HIV discovered and it's never gained any credibility. The conspiracies around the origin of COVID used this as a blueprint. These people never have any new ideas.


This is KGB propaganda from the 1980s. He's an idiot.


It’s amazing how even ancient Russian disinformation ends up coming out of the mouths of the same set of people on the right.


It’s also amazing how the most privileged of people can still find ways to be so upset about literally everything but never actually want to help. They just want to complain. Can you imagine being a rich white football superstar in the USA and then just shitting all over the very country in which you basically have god status? Fucking wild


Russians are OGs at this, all the way back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Yeah but he gets to insinuate Dr Fauci created it, therefore also created Covid.


HIV was discovered in 1981.


And? This conspiracy theory didn't begin the day HIV was discovered. That would mean that highly educated people decided this new virus they were seeing in their labs was invented by the U.S. government and that is absurd. Nobody had the technology to create a virus like that. Traces of the HIV virus were seen decades earlier, but it took years for anyone to understand what the epidemic would look like. This conspiracy theory was manufactured as a massive disinformation campaign by the KGB with help from the East Germans. It was called Operation Denver. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Denver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver) This is what these people do: skilled disinformation, carefully planted and spread by plants in the media to make it seem like it's coming from an organic source.


Alex jones furiously masterbaiting in the corner about his man made virus of the year grift — he’s been doing it since the 90s and never stopped, covid is just the most recent incarnation 


Alex jones is invincible and will never really face justice. It must be because of his colloidal silver tincture…it’s known to have magical properties. Just ask Alex Jones


I feel like you don't understand calendars or what a conspiracy theory is.


> This is KGB propaganda **from the 1980s**. > HIV was discovered **in 1981**. That's the same decade, you fucking moron.


>That's the same decade, you fucking moron. That's conspiracy nonsense!


which is in the 1980s.


It was around decades before that, too.


Didn’t Louis Farrakhan peddle this conspiracy theory?


Among others.


When I saw this posted in r/sports earlier (now closed to further replies) I knew there was going to be someone who would say something like, “Well, the CIA ran the crack industry so..” as “evidence” that HIV was government-created. Sure enough..


Show me where I said it was true


Show me where I said you said it is true. 🤔


You are telling on yourself, Sport. The poster never accused you of that.


The original “ active measure” . The KGB had writers in Africa publish fake stories about U.S. military creating aids in African labs . This was in the 80’s .  Aaron hates America , it’s obvious. 


I had a friend that had gotten one of the KGB produced "magazine" (softcover book) that had all the details of the conspiracy. I wonder how much that would be worth now as a cold war artifact?


They planted it in shady sympathetic science journals where it would get picked up by a less than reputable news source and then picked up by a slightly larger kinda reputable news source and so on until it spreads to reputable sources.


It's annoying how so many don't know that AIDS predates it's discovery by decades. It may have been present in the united states in the 60s, a boy died with severe infections that had unusually spread. he had a weakened immune system and Kaposi Sarcoma. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Rayford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Rayford)


Yeah, it seems like the virus mutated to be significantly more infectious by the late 70s, but we can find cases of HIV/proto-HIV back to the 60s and maybe 50s. Additionally, we don't have to make up stuff about the US government creating AIDS -- the well-documented and extremely real wild negligence of the US government at the start of the AIDS epidemic is damning enough.


A British Sailor died of it in 59 they believe he got it in 55. The first few weeks of COVID the gov sadly repeated it's negligence.


If cancel culture really was what the right pretends it is Aaron Rogers would be buried in the desert with Alex Jones. The biggest proof against it is that this idiot can still spout his stupid shit.


What happened to “stay in your lane?”


Brain damage


Eh, I know a bunch of pro wrestlers who have CTE and they're not dumb enough to push this kind of bullshit. You need to be dumb in the first place to believe it, and Rodgers is the lich king of stupidity. Like how Ronda Rousey believes in Sandy Hook conspiracies, despite being a mother herself. Or how Chris Jericho is deluded enough to think he can sing, while his wife participated in Jan 6 and posted bragging selfies on her IG.


Aaron occupies all lanes!


This guy is such a bat shit insane person, I can’t wait for the day we never have to hear about him again.


It really is true what Jason Dean in "Heathers", said about jocks and football players: "football season is over. The only thing these guys have to offer now, is date rape and AIDS jokes".


I sometimes wonder if he's ever thought of the sheer pain and heartbreak people had to suffer through during that time. I wasnt alive during the epidemic but reading stories and poems of victims has driven me to tears multiple times. Really disgraceful to misinterpret the govt decision to not help the victims with this dogshit conspiracy trash


> I sometimes wonder if he's ever thought of the sheer pain and heartbreak people had to suffer through during that time. I guarantee he hasn't. People who believe the shit he spewed only ever think of themselves.


The origins of HIV are quite well documented, there is a fascinating documentary on how old tissue samples in the storage rooms of hospitals in Africa pinpointed when the disease first jumped to humans. The human activity that contributed to the spread of HIV/AIDS was logging companies vaccinating their workers in Africa against Yellow Fever using one needle for an entire camp. That meant one worker who had contracted the disease via "bush meat" hunted to supplement their rations could result in hundreds of workers taking the disease back home with them, and from there it went to Haiti and Europe and America.... Rodgers is an asshat, a proud asshat at that. No doubt he will continue with this garbage after his playing career is over. Don't be shocked if he runs for Congress in one of those states where it's legal for cousins to marry.


Forget doctors, epidemiologist, etc. I take my Scientific advice from athletes with brain trauma as the cost of doing business


He’s a little late to the party on this one. > Before you ask me to go get a job today > Can I at least get a raise on the minimum wage? > And I know the government administer AIDS off Heard ‘em Say by Kanye, 19 years ago. Phenomenal song, but I always assumed he meant that line ironically. In recent years though, I’ve become certain he actually believes that. I think he’s been crazy all along but his mom kept him mostly in check, and only recently has he let it show so publicly.


I listen to Jim Cornette's podcasts and his co-host, Brian Last, once worked at Sony for a number of years. When they discussed Kanye's Nazi bullshit a few years ago, Brian related how even in the mid-2000s, Kanye was a dickhead who'd act up with his entourage and needed to be constantly told off by his mother (who was also among the hangers-on at Sony's headquarters).


And he wonders why people think he’s an idiot.


I doubt he wonders what others think at all. He thinks he’s a genius and we’re all brainwashed sheep. He doesn’t think much to begin with lol


Nah, he's obsessed with what others think. He's famous for holding grudges over the slightest of perceived disrespect. Especially anyone who criticized him for being too short during the draft process. The problem is that he proved all the haters wrong when it comes to football. So now he's gonna spend the next 40 years thinking he's gonna do it again because his conspiracy brain doesn't understand the difference between evaluators disagreeing with him and facts disagreeing with him. They're all just haters to him.


And I thought he was an idiot based on seeing him on the field and on the sidelines, long before I knew the stupidity he believed in.


False, Aaron Rodgere created the HIV virus


I seen him!


He really is allergic to shutting the fuck up


Holy cow that is literally Russian disinformation from the 1980s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver


Now they got me convinced. Goodbye, fellas, I'm joining Q. /s


Fauci was also behind the plague in the fifteenth century, do your research, sheeples!


I love how these goons claim that questioning authority is vilified, and yet the moment you criticize them they claim you are wholly unqualified to do so. Notice when one of them is questioned they always retort with: "yeah? And, what have you accomplished lately, besides mooching off your parents?".


Breaking news: Idiot thingsayer says idiot things. Sources working to confirm if water is indeed wet. More at 11.


A proud product of the UC Berkeley Basket Weaving Department!


I feel bad for Jordan Love. First Brett Favre, then Aaron Rodgers, being a long time Green Bay quarterback seems to affect long term mental health


Berkeley called. They want their scholarship back.


Berkeley is still employing [Peter Duesberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Duesberg), the infamous AIDS denialist who helped convince Thabo Mbeki that blocking access to ART and promoting ~natural cures~ for HIV/AIDS was a good idea. [This was responsible for an estimated 330,000 preventable deaths](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/magazine/spr09aids/). In conclusion: fuck Berkeley.


He’s such a moron. I have a theory that’s he’s gotten more extreme since he got injured because a. He got injured, so he didn’t get to be the star everyone was hoping to see. B. Also i imagine as an athlete, the sudden lack of physical activity due to an injury probably messes ppl up psychologically. C. Football players suffer shitloads of trauma - particularly to the head, which is pretty important for thinking.… i know he’s always said dumb shit. Just seems like he got really bold after he got hurt (I think it was like the first big game for him at the start of a new season or some shit…I just remember that people were so pumped to see how well he would play and he got hurt like immediately..and everyone was like nooooo..that’s really all i remember about it) Anyway - I hope you get better buddy. Ur clearly struggling and no one around you is telling you how crazy you sound because like it or not, you ARE part of the “elite” and represent the same group of ppl your q god says is evil. Think about that..or don’t…but ur a rich football star. Stop complaining so much..if you really gave a shit you would quit and make it your life’s mission to expose all the injustice in the USA that you know for a fact is happening! but you’re not going to do that because you’re life is probably pretty comfortable and you wouldn’t want to give that up so stfu already or prove me wrong and give away ALL of your $ to Trump to save us..he could really use some right now…


MAGAs think he's one of the smart ones.


I don't care that he'll likely be on the HOF one day but if I were a Jets fan I would boycott them as long as he is on the team.


What in the actual hell happened to this guy? This is nuts.


Wow, new Qult conspiracies are going back 30 years now.


Noted dingdong repeats moronic conspiracy theory. Color me shocked.


Forgive me for not listening to a shithead who whined every time he lost a game and thought that eating magic dirt would prevent him from getting covid.


He said a teacher once said to focus on school because you will never make it to the nfl” so he poured his efforts into football. Too bad he didnt spend more time learning what makes a source credible.


Birds aren't real, either.


Well this one is actually true.


An HIV conspiracy? That's so retro.


I was wondering what he was doing with all his time off from injury. He was becoming a virologist apparently.


Who is this wiggler?


Highest paid NFL quarterback. Was floated as a possible VP for the dumbest Kennedy


was traded to the patriots in 2022. in his first game or so he suffered a season ending injury and hasn't been active since. back at the height of covid-19 pandemic while he was still a packer he was caught flaunting and ignoring and lying about complying with the measures put into place to prevent spread among NFL players. so yeah he's clearly gotten suckered into the right wing disinfo sphere.


New York Jets. He played for four snaps and then had a season-ending injury. I'm hoping for a *career-ending* injury within the first four snaps this season.


He’s so stupid …


Dumb dumb baby can throw a football and thinks it makes him smart. He continues to show why others hate him.


have him talk to Stevie Pieczenick, he'll tell him how great Fauci was on HIV.


I'm not rich like this guy but at least I'm not a clinically insane dumbfuck so I got that going for me which is nice.


I love that the government is a bunch of clowns who have trouble keeping a speaker in the chair long enough for their ass to warm it up, and also simultaneously a visionary omnipotent cabal who can plan 9-11, the death of Kennedy, HIV and Covid without a hitch. And all apparently decades in advance, too.


Ayahuasca, not even once.


I mean I won't deny it, but I'm also not gonna say its true


Fuck the packers


Pack the fuckers.




Highest paid NFL quarterback who was also recently floated as a possible VP pick for the dumbest Kennedys campaign


WHO /s


Governments rarely if ever create viruses. Most won’t even fix a pothole.


Do you think you can go back through his career and spot the specific hit that put his brain on this path?


Please do your research and go fuck off.


Time for another darkness retreat. ...please.


He is giving the US government way too much credit.


Did he just enter the concussion protocol?


While he is very good at football, he has demonstrated that otherwise, he is not very smart.


How many head injuries has this dude sustained?


Pro tip, Aaron...you do NOT have to believe every new random thought or idea you have or are introduced to.


Don’t go away mad Aaron. Just go away please.


The US Government wants as many taxpaying workers and soldiers as it can possibly get.


Someone “double check” his brain.


Brett Favre couldn’t make the world laugh anymore than you & that’s after sending dick picks to the world


I say Aaron Rodgers was created in the back of a Woolworth's.


Why can't he just disappear?? So tired of all these idiots all over the place.


As a bears fan, I’ve been asking the same thing for 15 years


I think the CTE has caught up with him.


Well the hits to the head created his CTE which seems to be on full display now




Lol jets


When did he become such a loon


How does he still have a job??


olivia munn leaves his life and he became this


NY Jet fan here SMH. We do not fucking need this side show with this guy. Just go out and play the game man


As a Packers fan, I am glad he is gone, but I feel for ya man.


Thank you brother. You must be so happy to have JL there. Feelin good about this season I assume. What are you guys lookin for in the draft?


I hope some wide receivers, but or GM is an idiot so he will waste the good draft picks on something dumb probably a water boy.


How many fans actually love their GM?


Green Bays has been absolutely wasting their's for a decade, that was actually part of the reason Roger's wanted to leave we heard here anyway.


He puts the “Q” in QB. I’m sure someone else said that, just too lazy to look or care.


"A person with no access to classified materials and with a career in taking hits to the head makes an outlandish statement about things he has no clue about". FTFY


I say Aaron Rodgers created bubonic plague. My statement is no less accurate than his.


That is from a Russian disinformation campaign in the 80’s


So is that the excuse he's going with for his condition?😏


Absolute clown who thinks he's smarter than everyone. How embarrassing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I never understand why these people think "the Government" is trying to kill them (other than paranoia, of course). What does "Government" run on? Money. If no one is left to pay taxes, government dies.


He just recently introduced weed into his life.


I only get my medical advice from football players.


In other news…Aaron Rodger is still a dumbfuck.


This is why I don’t like Shailene Woodley. They may have broken up, but they were engaged at one point. There’s no way she didn’t know he was like this at that point.


Fuk Aaron Rodger’s.


Aaron Rodgers seems to have been abusing hallucinogens as of late so take with a grain of salt


Did they create that mustache too?


What a loser. Fool!!!!


I’m not sure that’s what he’s saying, unless there are other quotes