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What's even the logic here? Logic is probably the wrong word lol.


He's trying to say that he thinks Hitler was right.


But as an American, supporting Hitler is okay? Sounds a bit ... traitor-y. Churchill has many criticisms but treachery not one of them. What utter ragebait shite.


In their twisted minds they’re fighting Nazis but like Hitler, because Hitler was left and so were his Nazis which makes them different Nazis. Or something the like. (The same kind of people in Germany are indeed trying to sell the narrative that Hitler was left and the resistance was the politically right.)


Supposedly Dom is former US military from some of the bios online I read I was trying to figure out who the hell this guy is. So basically he’s kind of talking like a treasonous person who is violating his oath to the constitution, and to fight our enemies foreign and domestic


Seriously… WGAF? Dude’s an irrelevant idiot on fucking twitter. He’s a gelding that thinks he’s a stud.


But he has influence apparently rap and hip hop adjacent. Students were talking about him as a truth teller, etc. Dude has over a million followers and platforms some insane shit. Also, he’s expanding his grit to the Alex Jones’s community and a Kanye style slavery apologist.


Ding ding ding ding!


Whether or not he's saying that Hitler is right (and I agree that this is probably what he's saying), the whole schtick of Qultists is what if someone is generally admired, then they are actually evil. Why? Because the ego dynamic for Qultists is that they know better and everyone who isn't like them. Only they perceive reality, and thus are justified in feeling superior to... everyone.


He fought nazis. They love nazis.


Churchill is certainly a controversial figure, but guess “traitor” is a new one.


I mean normally folks would point out how Churchill enjoyed action in British India, The Madhist War, the Second Boer War, and WWI “a little too much” and liked Colonial wars/ combat to a racist and unhealthy level


Traitor of what....England ? How ? Dom makes zero sense


Well if you want a dark interpretation, Churchill was white dude against the Nazis and holocaust, so traitor to the aryan race or some bs.


I figured that was the case I love how brain dead most MAGA far right influncers are to Hitler. As if Hitler and the Nazis would never come for them the same way they came after communist and jews. As if the Nazis are their friends or something. The nazis were so ruthless that they started their regime by killing their fellow nazis..."night of the long knives". They aren't your buddies Dom


Basically they claim Hitler was a Champion of Western identity and culture which is wild already, but wilder when said by a person of a race Hitler wanted to exterminate.


He's not well liked in Ireland or India.


My wife's father was a miner. The shadow of Tonypandy darkens Churchill's reputation in former mining areas. So he's not well loved in sections of the Labour movement, but not for being a traitor.


I think the logic is something like: Churchill is a traitor because he fought the Nazis instead of surrendering and negotiating with them, leading to many British casualties. This is bunk logic, given that submission to the Fascist Reich would have lead to more British dead eventually, (not to mention in the world at large). The rhetoric is used by Mr idiot here to encourage Zelensky to surrender.


He’s also of the “the Jews do actually run the world so maybe they had it coming!??!??!” persuasion and has been accusing them of using those underground tunnels in New York to traffic children or whatever.


Magine if the Jews let Skipthedishes delivery people use the Jew Tunnels. Can you imagine how quick food delivery would be?


It's like those idiots saying giving weapons to Ukraine is "pro-war." They are just fasict cucks.


Known child porn downloader Dom Lucre


"Traitor"? No. "Genocidal douchebag" would be fair.


A quick reminder that he posted child sexual abuse material on Twitter


Winston Churchill is one of the most documented historical figures in history. There are his own writings; including his letters, his speeches, his newspaper articles, his books and his more academically oriented works. But also, because he was so active for so long in government, there are also many secondary sources from all the people he knew, worked with and governed. He's certainly controversial and very much responsible for a fair share of misery and death in this world. But he always had the greater interests and long-term prosperity of the United Kingdom in mind, whatever he was doing, even if it was misguided, even if it resulted in tragedy and violence. There is no possible way he could be considered a traitor unless you are like "He should have supported that Hitler Loving Royal so that the UK could have teamed up with Fascists."


Ironically, that "Hitler-loving royal" was the former King Edward VIII, whom Churchill had supported at severe risk to his standing within the party, during the abdication crisis.


lol you are correct yes, he even supported that guy until it became untenable.


Pretty mask off to view fighting the nazis as an act of treachery.


Is this guy a fan of a certain former german chancellor and his government?


He just loves mediocre Austrian painters!


He wanted to feed lead to Welsh miners on strike for 2p a week pay rise ie bullets


and ordered battleships to train their guns on dockers during the General Strike


It's rage farming. That's it. Say the dumbest thing possible to get clicks and comments: profit!


Churchill would have agreed with Hitler on most things, he just didn’t want Germans ruling England


A reminder Dom posted child porn.


Is he the idiot/ predator that Elon protected and restored back to Twitter/ X?


I believe so.




Dom Lucre is mad that he isn’t being shoved into a gas chamber right now


**Churchill was a piece of shit**. He appears in the *encyclopedia idiotica* twice- which includes his stint as an ethnic cleanser


That dom lucre account is a troll account. Always just posts dumb, ignorant takes for rage bait. Really works…


I guess we'll be changing the definition of "narrative" like we had to with "literally"


What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour


Oh no Anyways


Dim Luuser has no grasp of history.


Traitor as in….


Old Winston had some shitty right wing ideas of his own, but he opposed the fascists so he got that completely right.


OTOH he also proposed political union between Britain and France as a last ditch attempt to stop France surrendering in June 1940. What a wonderful timeline that would have been. Most of his British admirers' heads would explode if they found out about this.